Real prophesy or Not?

c7ityi_ said:
Christ will return when people understand what it means. He has already returned to some places. "The kingdom of heaven is within you"

:) Yes the kingdom of heaven is within us but at the present time it is a kingdom in waiting for its physical manifestation upon the arrival of our Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
duendy said:
i am not a biblicy person, but there are things i remember from it that seem really apt...for example where Jesus warns sumthin like 'what profith you gain the whole world but lose your soul'.......years back i used to translate that as the usual sense of lose soul to hell. but now i mean it--wheter it was meat or not--it to mean, lose FEELING, humanity, morality, love keep hearing of the 'new world order' both from Conspiracy Theory AND from te very mouths o certian very high rankin oppressors

basially the world is teir stage, and they can put on what fuck off show they like which is what they are doing. 9/11 was one huge 'blockbuster wannit..??? reality fukin tv or wat????
and i believe it inside job...and if they do THA in broad NYC daylight what the livin fuk do they do in the dark?!

what really blew my head right out was after 7/7 i began really lookin closely at what went on, and comparing the 'facade medea coverage etc' with 9/11, i was to find pages that showed me an occult symbolism surrounding 9/11 and 7/7.....Then i find that the 'insiders' follow a Luciferian philosophy which is antithesis to, dig, tey would JUSTIFY to temselves 'gaining the whole world'...!

so i am seeing tis horrendousting playing out. it's all over the net. it is Christians vs Illuminati. both belongng to same root stock--patriarchal belief system

And they have you shaking in fear, don't they duendy.

Not me duendy i know their plans, i know who they are working for, and i know they will fall. I have victory in The Messiah Jesus eternal victory. ;)

The prophesies will come true, each and every one of them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Its ok for you to know their plans Adstar, not ok when leaders with a religious agenda know them. I'm glad you said plans...confirms my instruction booklet bible prophesy analogy. I don't think anybody's afraid of (a) God but they are damn well afraid of their fellow man.
Adstar said:
And they have you shaking in fear, don't they duendy.

Not me duendy i know their plans, i know who they are working for, and i know they will fall. I have victory in The Messiah Jesus eternal victory. ;)

The prophesies will come true, each and every one of them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
haha...right. so you got me down as 'mr shaky' and you as 'mr fearless' huh....ahhh,, so that's why you do a runner in debate is it? ie., i tend to assume people who dont finish debates to be a bit timid. but that's what you do

I am exploring this. i am not 'shakin in my boots'. i am also exploring YOUR myth. the one you believe will save you. i am saying your myth is phony and is part of the SAME patriarchal root stock of your enemy. now i regard it guts to take up my challeng about this....lets wait and see hey?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Its ok for you to know their plans Adstar, not ok when leaders with a religious agenda know them. I'm glad you said plans...confirms my instruction booklet bible prophesy analogy. I don't think anybody's afraid of (a) God but they are damn well afraid of their fellow man.

What are they afraid of? Are they afraid of death?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
duendy said:
haha...right. so you got me down as 'mr shaky' and you as 'mr fearless' huh....ahhh,, so that's why you do a runner in debate is it? ie., i tend to assume people who dont finish debates to be a bit timid. but that's what you do

I am exploring this. i am not 'shakin in my boots'. i am also exploring YOUR myth. the one you believe will save you. i am saying your myth is phony and is part of the SAME patriarchal root stock of your enemy. now i regard it guts to take up my challeng about this....lets wait and see hey?

Correction i am not prepared to run around again and again in a discussion giving the same views over and over again. I give my views and clarification when needed. I am not prepared to join in a "yes it is", "no it isn't", "yes it is", "no it isn't", "yes it is", "no it isn't", "yes it is", "no it isn't", "yes it is", "no it isn't", screaming match. If i post more than 4 posts on an issue in a thread then i consider i am wasting my time. Most things can be said within two posts.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
What are they afraid of? Are they afraid of death?

They are afraid of what you and your cohorts are capable of and a death before they get old. My misguided friend, I do not fear death nor do I welcome it. I accept it as a condition of my being therefore I have the right to expect to live a normal life without having it prematurely shortened because religious zealots are acting out a fantasy of epic proportions.

There should be a law that gives atheists a chance to leave the target area before opposing religious forces attempt to destroy one another. But then everybody would leave. Would you stay Adstar? Your predisposed mind knows that your Messiah's return is at hand....would you pass the chance to get out of harm's way to attain heavenly status?

The atheists of this world have done nothing to deserve the same fate that Holy leaders around the globe have in store for their respective enemies. All we want is to be allowed to live without other people's mindless doctrines determining our fate. That's our peacefully remove this scourge from the Earth by way of debate so we are not subject to the pending violence. Unfortunately the only way to debate it is to attack the very literature that perpetrates the hate and violence. Reasoning and logic our only tools. No hard feelings. Peace.
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PsychoticEpisode said:
They are afraid of what you and your cohorts are capable of and a death before they get old.

Correction my "cohorts" do not engage in physical combat. My "cohorts" love their enemies and prefer to be killed then take part in killing. So my unbelieving friend you have nothing to worry about from me or my "cohorts". ;)

My misguided friend, I do not fear death nor do I welcome it. I accept it as a condition of my being therefore I have the right to expect to live a normal life without having it prematurely shortened because religious zealots are acting out a fantasy of epic proportions.

What "right" does anyone have in expecting to live a normal life time? there is no such right.

There should be a law that gives atheists a chance to leave the target area before opposing religious forces attempt to destroy one another. But then everybody would leave. Would you stay Adstar? Your predisposed mind knows that your Messiah's return is at hand....would you pass the chance to get out of harm's way to attain heavenly status?

Not sure what your trying to say hear. But let me say if it is a part of a religions doctrine to kill the infidels then they will chase you down and kill you. They don't want you to get out of the way they want you right there either to convert or die at their hands. As far as i am concerned prophesy tells me that during the times close to the return of my Messiah most of the followers of the Messiah will be killed many by being beheaded. So i accept what is coming if i come to be in harms way then so be it, It is a great honor to die for ones belief in Jesus. In the end running away is a delusion because there is no where to run on this planet that others cannot find.

The atheists of this world have done nothing to deserve the same fate that Holy leaders around the globe have in store for their respective enemies. All we want is to be allowed to live without other people's mindless doctrines determining our fate. That's our peacefully remove this scourge from the Earth by way of debate so we are not subject to the pending violence. Unfortunately the only way to debate it is to attack the very literature that perpetrates the hate and violence. Reasoning and logic our only tools. No hard feelings. Peace.

Your attacking the wrong thing. Can’t you see that true followers of Jesus are not about killing their enemies? Attack all the false religions all you want using the logic at your disposal but do not think that your logic is stronger than faith. What will come to pass will come to pass and it sure ain’t pretty. As i have said before their are religions who desire to kill all who refuse to bow to their doctrines they will never be swayed by the logic of a infidel.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
All I can say Adstar is no amount of reasoning, logic, argument, proof or disproof will ever sway you. If God ever showed up I would cower like a turtle but if He doesn't than for you there is no difference. I will never worry about about God showing up and likewise for you. I want the same as you, for people to get along, without the fireworks of the yarns of prophetic fantasy guiding the misguided towards useless and meaningless destruction.
PsychoticEpisode said:
If you must know, my father died 5 years ago.

my apology to you! :rolleyes:

sorry, i have a clue who you are and would like to apologise to them also.

''love can make me blind when i offer my soul''.


Speaking of prophesy does anyone know of an online source for George Washington's Angel Vision that he wrote about in a letter from 1777? I read about this in Browne's book Phrophesy which did not source the item.