Real ghost photos?

*snrk* Beautiful Russ... simply beautiful. A shame he won't understand the point behind what you are saying (that his reasoning is flawed)... still, great posts for the comic relief alone!
I think he understands just fine.

In any case, I have much better proof that I'm a ghost than any of the pictures MR has posted. Mine is much higher quality and I assure you it is not faked:

Did you die recently?
That picture is 10 years old, so as far as you know, I've been dead for at least a decade. As you've said before, a transparent humanoid can be nothing but a ghost. Here's what you said before, in case you forgot:
MR said:
Video of a nebulous transparent humanoid figure walking across a road IS evidence for a ghost.
Now, my photo is a still photo, so you wouldn't be able to tell the motion (though the double-edge on my figure would imply it), so transparent humanoid = ghost.

MR said:
...a transparent humanoid apparition walking across a road. That's what ghosts look like. No other mundane explanation fits.
If no other mundane explanation fits, then my photo is proof positive that I'm a ghost, right?
That picture is 10 years old, so as far as you know, I've been dead for at least a decade. As you've said before, a transparent humanoid can be nothing but a ghost. Here's what you said before, in case you forgot:

Now, my photo is a still photo, so you wouldn't be able to tell the motion (though the double-edge on my figure would imply it), so transparent humanoid = ghost.

If you're communicating with me right now and you died a decade ago, yes you'd be ghost. Duh...
The 2 orbs that are over the girls faces are some of the best pictures of orbs I have seen. Pretty darn spooky!
The 2 orbs that are over the girls faces are some of the best pictures of orbs I have seen. Pretty darn spooky!

Those are definitely the best ones. I think that there are about 40 other ones. I know exactly what happened just moments before the pictures was taken to cause all of the orbs to show up. It is funny that similar photos have been passed off as evidence of the paranormal.
Those are definitely the best ones. I think that there are about 40 other ones. I know exactly what happened just moments before the pictures was taken to cause all of the orbs to show up. It is funny that similar photos have been passed off as evidence of the paranormal.
Did somebody sneeze on the lens?