"Re-incarnation" makes alot of sense!

One right here. But I'm partial to Hinduism not Buddhism. I don't think we re all the same consciences. But reincarnation even though we begin with clean slate. We are able to meditate and find that previous life somewhere within out being if we meditate long and hard enough. I sense many previous lives.

Certainly must be that some are created fresh and some are older souls. :thankyou:
Perhaps we are all the same consciousness. Perhaps everything is. Any Eastern philosophers around?
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Cosmic, I don't mean any essence or soul of a specific identity being reborn.

I simply mean, your biological body dies and thus, your consciousness. New bodies are born, however, and new consciousnesses formed, so would "you" or "a person" become conscious "again"?

The use of "again" implies some that there is some shared identity between this consciousness and a previous one.
What possibilities are there for the nature that identity?
Re incarnation makes sense to me. When you die your identity may seize to exist, but perhaps if you believe in a life energy or essence then perhaps that energy becomes part of something or someone else. Like the Conservation of energy law.
Why not?

The use of "again" implies some that there is some shared identity between this consciousness and a previous one.
What possibilities are there for the nature that identity?

It's the only way I can convey my idea.

You are a conscious being, as your identity. When you die, your consciousness ceases to exist. However, because new consciousnesses are being created, "you" will always be conscious
The use of "again" implies some that there is some shared identity between this consciousness and a previous one.
What possibilities are there for the nature that identity?
Let's say that selves are a bit like magnetic fields and they tend to gather bodies around them.
As long as new consciousness is being created, then something will always be conscious, yes... but if is there is some link between these conscious things, then what might the nature of that link be? You seem to be suggesting a continuing identity at some level?

I like the idea personally, although it's likely that my own take on it differs from your own in important ways. The way I think of it really changes the very nature of personal identity (what am I[/i?)], and leads to interesting positive moral consequences.
As long as new consciousness is being created, then something will always be conscious, yes... but if is there is some link between these conscious things, then what might the nature of that link be? You seem to be suggesting a continuing identity at some level?

No, no continuing identity. Your brain creates your consciousness....and when it dies, your consciousness dies.

However, because something will always be conscious, consciousness always surivives. So wouldn't consciousness still exist after WE die?
Yes, it does... but you're suggesting a link between the old and new consciousnesses? Otherwise there's no reincarnation, nothing that becomes conscious "again", only independent entities that are both conscious, right?
I mean "again" only to suggest that after YOU die, SOMEONE ELSE is being born that consciousness is supported by

Thus, it is impossible for there to be "nothingness" when we die.

You say independent entities. Ok. So is it possible for us to die and then be an independent entity?
As long as new consciousness is being created, then something will always be conscious, yes... but if is there is some link between these conscious things, then what might the nature of that link be? You seem to be suggesting a continuing identity at some level?
It sure seems that way. It seems that it was me, before.
I mean "again" only to suggest that after YOU die, SOMEONE ELSE is being born that consciousness is supported by

Thus, it is impossible for there to be "nothingness" when we die.

You say independent entities. Ok. So is it possible for us to die and then be an independent entity?

I am split on this 50% some days i think there may be and some days i dont. What about animals. I am not the type to compare humans to animals but they are living creatures.

You cannot say there is nothingness either because it is very possible. Nature does not seem to have even the slightest bit of consciousness if looked at as a whole.

In fact t is completely indifferent and humans are not a requirement for Earth\life. The Earth will go on without humans, animals will dominate and plants will still grow. Beautiful flowers will bloom with bees and all kinds of bugs.

It is not hard to envision. There will be battles within the animal kingdom so we cannot say it will be peaceful either.
I am not the type to compare humans to animals but they are living creatures.

Why wouldn't anyone be willing to compare humans to other animals? There's a lot to learn from such comparisons, particularly when compared with other primates.
Consciousness. Is what you see really intelligence? To expand on this we can look at the aforementrioned animal kingdom. Lets look at animals we are more familiar with.

There are levels of what appear to be consciousness but may be due more to, i hate to use the term evolution because i cannot personally put this development into a time frame or sequence of events as convincingly as others do. There does seem to be more development but then look at alligators and crocodiles.

Dogs and wolves for example are interesting to look at because the domesticated version seems to be much further removed from the wild version. Maybe even not due to the fact that they are domesticated or viewed that way.

Dogs would have a higher consciousness than cats, imho, due to their ability to be loyal. Which can be viewed as more advanced.

The problem is that there are no real experts and we are pretty much in the wild on this. The more i think about it the more i have come to realize that this may in fact be the case. That there are no experts, and lets be honest - how can there be?
Why wouldn't anyone be willing to compare humans to other animals? There's a lot to learn from such comparisons, particularly when compared with other primates.

I think it is just wanting to believe that we are different, based mostly on what we create.
Of course we're different. If there were no differences, what would be the point of comparing and contrasting?
I am assuming you mean that since there are more people now reincarnation is impossible. But this assumes things. For example, that all the souls or consciousnesses were present (here on earth, rather than say elsewhere in the universe) earlier on.

Good points. Also no 1 knows how many people have lived on this planet.

Once your life force has been extinguished and the flame of life has passed away, the essence of what you were can never be reanimated into another's life force for that wouldn't be a good thing to do. Everyone starts off with a clean mind with no other "baggage" hidden away to give it directions or for thoughts. While many would like to believe that you could be "reborn" that is only a myth and cannot be substantiated by any scientific means.

You don't know that.

If you would like to believe in that sort of thing without proofthen that is up to you and your right to do so. IMHO

In the 5 or 6 weeks I've participated here, I haven't seen anyone advocating believing reincarnation without proof. Some like to discuss it & believe in considering possibilities.

Cosmic, I don't mean any essence or soul of a specific identity being reborn.
I simply mean, your biological body dies and thus, your consciousness. New bodies are born, however, and new consciousnesses formed, so would "you" or "a person" become conscious "again"?

Whether 1 believes in reincarnation or god or whatever, that statement makes no sense.

+++++++++OOPS I meant to read page 2 before posting this.