"Re-incarnation" makes alot of sense!


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
And I'll tell you why.

Even from a materialist perspective, where consciousness is derived from the brain, does that not in fact support the idea of reincarnation?

Not necessarily that "you" are "reborn", but rather that "you", after death, are born again into consciousness, as a different person. Not "you" but "consciousness"

What I mean is, if consciousness is derived from the brain, doesn't that mean that consciousness must exist as long as a conscious brain exists? So you can die....and because more people are being born, you would remain conscious as that brain

I don't know, it's hard to really describe what I'm trying to say but I hope you understand.
And I'll tell you why.

Even from a materialist perspective, where consciousness is derived from the brain, does that not in fact support the idea of reincarnation?

Not necessarily that "you" are "reborn", but rather that "you", after death, are born again into consciousness, as a different person. Not "you" but "consciousness"

What I mean is, if consciousness is derived from the brain, doesn't that mean that consciousness must exist as long as a conscious brain exists? So you can die....and because more people are being born, you would remain conscious as that brain

I don't know, it's hard to really describe what I'm trying to say but I hope you understand.
It sounds to me like you might be basing this 'makes sense' on something like the conservation of energy. But a problem comes in in saying what consciousness is and is made of and does it need to be conserved when the body breaks down. But go for it Norsefire. I'll try to back you up on this one if I get a clearer sense of your position and I agree with it.
Perhaps we are all the same consciousness. Perhaps everything is. Any Eastern philosophers around?
We are all human. That pretty much dictates there will be similarities, you want to call it consciousness then call it that. The title is reincarnation and by the numbers then reincarnation is impossible. And what would be the purpose? Do we write the same book over and over? Sit there and paint the same picture? This whole philosophy evolved from one human reincarnating into another because the original version is virtually impossible and now it is consciousness. It's all bullshit.
The title is reincarnation and by the numbers then reincarnation is impossible.
I am assuming you mean that since there are more people now reincarnation is impossible. But this assumes things. For example, that all the souls or consciousnesses were present (here on earth, rather than say elsewhere in the universe) earlier on.
It's true i dont know much about it but I was recently thinking about that.
It's funny but there is a scene in BEfore Sunrise where the guy - Ethan Hawke - is explaining to the girl - Julie Delphy that the reason there are more people is because souls are breaking into pieces - or something close to that. (not that I am saying this is the case). Most reincarnation believers talk about new souls and old souls. So some people had their first birth a long time ago, some more recently, perhaps even in this life. There are other versions out there also. In some versions of reincarnation animals can 'move up' into human forms. Thus the animal kingdom provides a rather large resevoir for 'new' humans. (again I'm not saying this is the way it works)
That sounds interesting. It would be perfect if we can remember our past lives. maybe, at times, we do.:scratchin:
I don't know, it's hard to really describe what I'm trying to say but I hope you understand.

Once your life force has been extinguished and the flame of life has passed away, the essence of what you were can never be reanimated into another's life force for that wouldn't be a good thing to do. Everyone starts off with a clean mind with no other "baggage" hidden away to give it directions or for thoughts. While many would like to believe that you could be "reborn" that is only a myth and cannot be substantiated by any scientific means. If you would like to believe in that sort of thing without proofthen that is up to you and your right to do so. IMHO :itold:
Once your life force has been extinguished and the flame of life has passed away, the essence of what you were can never be reanimated into another's life force for that wouldn't be a good thing to do. Everyone starts off with a clean mind with no other "baggage" hidden away to give it directions or for thoughts. While many would like to believe that you could be "reborn" that is only a myth and cannot be substantiated by any scientific means. If you would like to believe in that sort of thing without proofthen that is up to you and your right to do so. IMHO :itold:

People believed in dragons and elves. Wouldnt surprise me if some still do.
Cosmic, I don't mean any essence or soul of a specific identity being reborn.

I simply mean, your biological body dies and thus, your consciousness. New bodies are born, however, and new consciousnesses formed, so would "you" or "a person" become conscious "again"?
Cosmic, I don't mean any essence or soul of a specific identity being reborn.

I simply mean, your biological body dies and thus, your consciousness. New bodies are born, however, and new consciousnesses formed, so would "you" or "a person" become conscious "again"?

A soul enters through the back of head. Many cultures think so. I support that reincarnation be the scientific truth. :itold: