Rape for Revenge

Is the the rape described in the scenario justified and moral?

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Baron Max:

Societies with underdeveloped legal systems and poor police forces typically have far greater levels of violence.

That's not exactly true. I don't know of any society that has ever existed that did not have laws. In fact, among societies, actually America and the western societies are among the most violent ever in fact. It's not that having good laws protects you from violence, it just makes the violence more sophisticated and organized and less random. So while in other cultures you have tribal violence, and violence of this sort, in our culture you have gang violence, which is basically the same thing as tribal violence. In general, it always exists because laws don't prevent violence, surveillance/intelligence and smart security prevents violence. The only reason we have as much violence as we have in todays world is because we arent focused on security like we should be.

Viewing a viscious rape as just an excuse for sex, while ignoring the revenge aspect of this scenario, displays a complete lack of empathy. Your obsession with sex to the exclusion of almost all other human considerations, as displayed here and elsewhere on the forum, seems pathological and unhealthy to me. You might want to seek professional help.

Revenge? Face it, if you are torturing someone, what empathy is that? Revenge is just the excuse. I'm sure MANY people who have family members killed by Jeffrey Dahmer, or folks like this, want to torture the man to death, and eventually he was killed, so maybe they got revenge on him, but he went to prison, he went through the legal system, and he had to suffer in isolation for a long period of time with no friends, as a homosexual cannibal serial killer, until another prisoner decided to erase him. Why not let nature solve this? Why get revenge on people who don't deserve your energy? Their own karma will get them, what they did to others will eventually come back. If a woman is a serial killer, she will be put in prison, or people will respond in another way, basically it's a general law of nature that people always respond, somehow to violence, and no, you don't have to respond to violence by promoting rape. How can you respond to one crime by promoting another one just as bad?

Many things make it superior. For a start, a good criminal justice system has justice determined by an unbiased adjudicator, who will protect the rights of both the accused and the accuser. A good justice system is public, accountable, proportionate, timely, certain, etc.

If you want a better justice system, update it, create it, use science to make it better and more accurate. If we need better security technology, make and develop technology for police, if you want lawyers to have better tools, create them, if you want to protect victims of rape and murder, then do something to promote security. If you are anti gun as a lot of people are, figure out a less offensive way to create security, invent sophisticated surveillance and let people use surveillance as community self defense.

If there's no evidence that she committed the crime, then how would you be in any better position to judge her than a court of law? Are you all-knowing?

Better surveillance would reduce crime.


In the absence of any organised system of justice, perhaps. But I imagine that even after a nuclear war, people would quickly seek to re-establish some kind of society, including a criminal justice system.

After a nuclear war, depending on which humans survive, some humans might decide to cannibalize, serially kill, serially rape, and loot and pirate to survive, as this is one survival mechanism that some humans take when in desperate situations. Then you'll have intellectual types who aren't so violent, who will organize a society in a matter of days or weeks, complete with laws, likely more sophisicated and better than the laws right now, with money, likely more sophisticated than what we have now, I think in a year you'd have villages all over the place, but once again it depends on a lot. These villages would likely have to create a wall and arm themselves to the teeth to keep out those who want to survive just by robbing everyone, honestly it will be a lot like those role playing games, where outside of town you have all sorts of monsters and beasts waiting to rip you apart, and the only safety you have is inside the gates.
Hell, no!!! After the brutal rape comes the long, drawn out torture, then comes the painful dismemberment starting at the toes and fingers! After that, if she's still alive, then starve the bitch to death!

Baron Max

Okay thats cruel, even for you to say. You should apologize for poisoning our collective imaginations with such sick images.
the only reason i went with the top one was that the bottom option said it went too far. if some ho did that to my family i'd kill the bitch
what if her actions were just her methods of getting revenge for something? You never said why she killed the entire family... in which case, is it justifyable to get back at her?
I think you'd be well within your (moral) rights to do whatever you pleased with her. Use her as a urinal for the rest of your life, chop off a limb once a week and feed it to sharks, drag her along behind your car.

I don't think I'd find it helpful to rape her though.
I think you'd be well within your (moral) rights to do whatever you pleased with her. Use her as a urinal for the rest of your life, chop off a limb once a week and feed it to sharks, drag her along behind your car.

I don't think I'd find it helpful to rape her though.

so this is why soldiers raped during times of war I assume

because the 'enemy' is responsible for the death of their loved ones.

no that's yust not right, nor would I do anything weird like chopping of bits on a weekley basis.
I would simply straithforward smash her head in, witch would be a normal reaction considering the fact that she could still kill you any seconds. Her crimes are no excuse to do your own *** fatasies with her.
Straithforward and if she survives then let it be. It won't bring annybody back anyway.
so this is why soldiers raped during times of war I assume

because the 'enemy' is responsible for the death of their loved ones.


get realistic...

most men need sex, it is something of a semi-basic need, and it is like hunger... after a while he'll go through more lengths to get it.
you make it sound like your opinion is universal truth...

Obviously not, if you disagree with me.

get realistic...

most men need sex, it is something of a semi-basic need, and it is like hunger... after a while he'll go through more lengths to get it.

You think that men have no self-control? That they just can't help committing rape?

What's wrong with masterbation if you want a sexual release?
The punishment should fit the crime. So she should be killed after the rape...
Well, you might leave out the rape part...
It's interesting that many would condemn the rape of a female murderer. This isn't to say that I don't agree with these people (IMHO, rape is never acceptable or moral). However, their attitudes tend to change when it is a male child-molester or rapist. When they hear of a male child molester getting raped, there are snickers and smirks.

Why is the rape of a man more acceptable than the rape of a woman?
You think that men have no self-control? That they just can't help committing rape?

What's wrong with masterbation if you want a sexual release?

Firstly, this thing mostly isn't about self-control... its about morals, when someone thinks its ok to abuse someone to satisfy his or her own need there is no need for self-control.

Secondly, I think that if rape wouldn't be punished due to no laws and social acceptance (in theory), many more men would be tempted that otherwise wouldn't be able to have sex with a woman due to psychological problems or lack of social acceptance.
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It's interesting that many would condemn the rape of a female murderer. This isn't to say that I don't agree with these people (IMHO, rape is never acceptable or moral). However, their attitudes tend to change when it is a male child-molester or rapist. When they hear of a male child molester getting raped, there are snickers and smirks.

Why is the rape of a man more acceptable than the rape of a woman?

Not sure.. it probably has something to do with men's natural instinct to protect women.
so this is why soldiers raped during times of war I assume

because the 'enemy' is responsible for the death of their loved ones.


That's not at all what I said.

In this case - you know for a fact that this woman murdered your family.

Soldiers raping random women during wartime doesn't correlate with this.