Rape for Revenge

Is the the rape described in the scenario justified and moral?

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Plutarch (Mickey's Dog)
Registered Senior Member
As always, a public poll. Please give reasons for your answer.

A woman brutally murders a man's family or some other heineous act. In retaliation, he savagely rapes her.

Is this form of vengeance justified?
I don't know if raping her would be the first thing to come to my mind.
heh....if the first thing he thinks of is rape, its likely he has rapelike desires he was wishing to carry out anyways. As a matter of fact to get it up with the emotional trigger of your family being murdered is sick.
Is this form of vengeance justified?

Justified for whom? ...all of the people in the world? ...only a few people? ...justified in accordance with silly psycho-babble bullshit?

Anyone can justify anything. Why can't you see that? And so, to ask if some act is justified, you must, absolutely must, give us some parameters with which to deal.

Baron Max

Is it morally justified according to the theory of morality you are answering from. Hopefully an objective one.


One could say it is a particularly vicious way of response. A torturous way of dealing with things.
Baron_Max: Is it morally justified according to the theory of morality you are answering from. Hopefully an objective one.

If it's only from my own viewpoint, then anything that the person does to that woman is justified ...including brutal rape, raping her with a telephone pole, savage beating, brutal, painful torture, dismemberment, and horribly painful death.

So does that mean my answer is 'yes'?

Baron Max
As always, a public poll. Please give reasons for your answer.

A woman brutally murders a man's family or some other heineous act. In retaliation, he savagely rapes her.

Is this form of vengeance justified?

No. And staying consistant we with my reasoning for "two wrongs make a right," there is no positive outcome of this situation.
Pussy can help ease the pain of the murders, and since she took his family away from him yeah he should be allowed some loving from her, she killed his sex toy woman!

Why is it not justified? Did she not wrong him? Does she not deserve then to be punished and punished severely?
Vigilante revenge is seldom justified. Enlightened nations have a legal justice system to deal with crimes.
Enlightened nations have a legal justice system to deal with crimes.

Perhaps that's the very reason for the high and climbing crime rates in the world today. The legal system might be "enlightened", but the criminal element has learned to use that "enlightenment" (little or no punishment for crimes?) to their advantage.

Baron Max
heh....if the first thing he thinks of is rape, its likely he has rapelike desires he was wishing to carry out anyways. As a matter of fact to get it up with the emotional trigger of your family being murdered is sick.

I agree with iam.

As for whether it's justified I don't think that anyone can be objective about this, especially not if your family just got killed by some bitch.
James R.:

Why should the criminal justice system be defaulted to for justice? What makes it superior to vigilante justice? What if it fails and does not convict her for want of evidence? Might you then be justified in doing as you please to her?
As always, a public poll. Please give reasons for your answer.

A woman brutally murders a man's family or some other heineous act. In retaliation, he savagely rapes her.

Is this form of vengeance justified?

No form of vengeance is justified. Make sure need for vengeance does not happen.
Vigilante revenge is seldom justified. Enlightened nations have a legal justice system to deal with crimes.

In the event of a nuclear war, or some other temporary state of anarchy, then is the revenge justified?
Why should the criminal justice system be defaulted to for justice? What makes it superior to vigilante justice? What if it fails and does not convict her for want of evidence? Might you then be justified in doing as you please to her?
So once the woman is brutally raped, is she free to go? After all she has been "punished".
So once the woman is brutally raped, is she free to go? After all she has been "punished".

Hell, no!!! After the brutal rape comes the long, drawn out torture, then comes the painful dismemberment starting at the toes and fingers! After that, if she's still alive, then starve the bitch to death!

Baron Max
Baron Max:

Perhaps that's the very reason for the high and climbing crime rates in the world today. The legal system might be "enlightened", but the criminal element has learned to use that "enlightenment" (little or no punishment for crimes?) to their advantage.

Societies with underdeveloped legal systems and poor police forces typically have far greater levels of violence.


Pussy can help ease the pain of the murders, and since she took his family away from him yeah he should be allowed some loving from her, she killed his sex toy woman!

Viewing a viscious rape as just an excuse for sex, while ignoring the revenge aspect of this scenario, displays a complete lack of empathy. Your obsession with sex to the exclusion of almost all other human considerations, as displayed here and elsewhere on the forum, seems pathological and unhealthy to me. You might want to seek professional help.


James R.:

Why should the criminal justice system be defaulted to for justice? What makes it superior to vigilante justice?

Many things make it superior. For a start, a good criminal justice system has justice determined by an unbiased adjudicator, who will protect the rights of both the accused and the accuser. A good justice system is public, accountable, proportionate, timely, certain, etc.

What if it fails and does not convict her for want of evidence? Might you then be justified in doing as you please to her?

If there's no evidence that she committed the crime, then how would you be in any better position to judge her than a court of law? Are you all-knowing?


In the event of a nuclear war, or some other temporary state of anarchy, then is the revenge justified?

In the absence of any organised system of justice, perhaps. But I imagine that even after a nuclear war, people would quickly seek to re-establish some kind of society, including a criminal justice system.
As always, a public poll. Please give reasons for your answer.

A woman brutally murders a man's family or some other heineous act. In retaliation, he savagely rapes her.

Is this form of vengeance justified?

Revenge is an emotion, this means it's never a rational response, so your question is not scientific because it requires hate and emotional decision making, basically defeating the purpose of inquiry of this sort.

Rape is a form of torture, not a form of revenge. Why don't you explain to me exactly, what is the purpose of revenge? Besides a good feeling, what do you gain from revenge? How is revenge rational if it makes no sense other than to those who are naturally emotional and vengeful?

Now, if someone murders your family, torturing her is not going to bring your family back, and about the worst thing you can do to her is kill her, and that only damages her family, which does not bring your family back and which makes you as bad as her. So ultimately, put her in a hole, lock it, and throw away the key. We have prisons to protect us from this sort of behavior.

Basically, there is no reason to torture people, it's never a rational decision, you don't gain anything from it, you can do it and all it does is gives them pain, if you are a sadist maybe their pain is your pleasure, but it does not change the fact that the act serves no rational purpose that I know of.