Raise Your Spiritual Consciousness

Those adults who die from an illness that has continued on for an lengthy amount of time are truly being given the opportunity to explore their life on earth, their connection with God and the new adventure that they are facing more imminently than the majority of people on earth choose to face death. A person who is suddenly stricken down from an accident that they knew would most likely occur and agreed to when they came back into this human life knows that this has happened to them for the reason of helping those left on earth. Those who cross over from sudden accidental death would love to be able to tell their loved ones to please use any part of their body that could be used for they are no longer that body and it does not matter to them one iota of what happens to it. Some people die a sudden death from the interference of the energy of another individual, including murder, which changes one's entire destiny, and are not prepared for it. They are often confused when they first cross over and will feel that this was not meant to be.
When a person dies, their personality survives and generally crosses over into spirit life. A person crossing over after a long life and without complications of disease or trauma will generally have a sense of peace and be prepared to be met by some form of energy on the other side. They know that they are going to be met by spirits of their past loved ones. Persons with Alzheimer's disease may make the choice to move into the spirit world or alternately may choose to continue to live in the childlike world resulting from that disease, because they are not in any great distress and are being provided for. Individuals who are experiencing their transition through great physical difficulties and disharmony may experience anger and disbelief at artificial means being used to prolong their physical discomfort and not allow them to move into their transition naturally. When death occurs from a sudden illness, the spirit of this person generally is aware that this is going to happen to them and is prepared on a spiritual level for this happening.

When my mother passed last Christmas, I feel like she shed all the frailties that plagued her. Bipolar disorder, medications, dementia, the delirium of dying from kidney failure. All lifted in the that moment of transition. The pure essence of her personhood freed to a higher plane of existence. How do I know? She phoned me 5 minutes later on the nurse's cellphone. It rang once, and on the caller ID it said "Lisa", my mother's name. It was my mom's little wink from beyond, a sign we had agreed she would leave me.
When my mother passed last Christmas, I feel like she shed all the frailties that plagued her. Bipolar disorder, medications, dementia, the delirium of dying from kidney failure. All lifted in the that moment of transition. The pure essence of her personhood freed to a higher plane of existence. How do I know? She phoned me 5 minutes later on the nurse's cellphone. It rang once, and on the caller ID it said "Lisa", my mother's name. It was my mom's little wink from beyond, a sign we had agreed she would leave me.
Sure, that's the most reasonable explanation...
@Yazata, I don't need to further elaborate how I know this. Since people don't really read Afterlife101, I have to copy here one by one until they "fully read" the content, then you will straight away know the answer. You will definitely able be answer every possible question with guidance from your spirit guide. But the most important thing of this article is emphasizing human morale. Hopefully some people will have a total change in his thought and lifestyle after reading this 156 pages of precious article, I can said it is more effective than reading Bible or Koran.I can frankly tell you that i have studied christian Bible for 20 years and it doesn't change my attitude and thought. Until the day I have spend only few days studying Afterlife101, straight away I delete my hate speech blog about Islam and politics and total changes in my thought about humanity. God bless...
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This is not my belief and this isn't any religion or believe. You believe it because you are not sure about the answer. You can't believe water is made of hydrogen and oxygen because you have already found your definite answer. Afterlife101 is telling the truth and sadly seldom people trying to understand it. I can say religion teaching didn't change the Earth much since Greeks destroy Troy (c. 1193 B.C.) and end of Greek civilization in Mycenae with invasion of Dorians. Today's earthling using religion to spread hatred or doing bad things, Islam vs Christian, Islam vs Islam themselves, Buddhist monks vs government, Hindu vs Islam, Buddhist vs Christian and so on. This show human on this Earth is low in spiritual consciousness level and is no better than the people of 3000 B.C.
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Your stupid website mentions John Edward as a source of inspiration. Did you know he's a quack? (And the biggest douche in the universe), who sells false hope to thousands of gullible people? Did you know his technique is called "cold reading" and anyone can do it?

"Cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject, quickly picking up on signals from their subjects as to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses." WIKIPEDIA

Given that the author doesn't possess the basic critical thinking skills to reject a TV psychic, I doubt the rest of it has anything worthwhile.
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Your stupid website mentions John Edward as a source of inspiration. Did you know he's a quack? (And the biggest douche in the universe), who sells false hope to thousands of gullible people? Did you know his technique is called "cold reading" and anyone can do it?

"Cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject, quickly picking up on signals from their subjects as to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses." WIKIPEDIA

Given that the author doesn't possess the basic critical thinking skills to reject a TV psychic, I doubt the rest of it has anything worthwhile.

Also even IF there is an afterlife & even IF there are psychics, it is absurd to think any & all of the departed are available for contact at any time.
Those who have crossed over with many other spirits all at one time are greeted in their collective place of confusion and lack of understanding, not only by loved ones, but by many guides and angels to help them make this transition. They remain together for a small amount of time before beginning their individual spirit journeys. Some individuals who have been murdered cannot move from those feelings of anger and sadness and cling to their human life and are not willing to accept their transformation into spirit. No matter how much the spirit guides and angels and loved ones try to help them cross over, they are unwilling to do so. This is one source of the souls that are known as ghosts.
Sure, that's the most reasonable explanation...
When my mother passed away a number of years ago, I had missed a phone call from her at home while driving back.... The caller ID said it had been from "Trevor", which I thought was odd since that was not my mother's name, so guessed that she must be using my friend's phone. ;)

Anyhoo, TGM, is there a point to all this preaching you're doing? Can you support any of your claims? Or do you intend to just regurgitate and to ignore what people say in response?
Some individuals are highly evolved spirits who have had many different lifetimes, often as different types of beings, and when they cross over again, have a very specific place in heaven. They have, so to speak, jobs that they know they are going to come home to--a place in heaven--and have an abbreviated crossing-over process. At the time of crossing over, individuals are generally thrown into an initial place of darkness and then are met by a very bright light. They enter a tunnel and move through this tunnel with the assistance of loved spirits and move into an area where earth loved ones in their most current incarnation have formed ahead of them. . They find themselves immediately in a place of love and comfort and warmth, safety and release, and protection. It becomes like a large family reunion on the other side. Those that are crossing over from a long term illness often are out of their bodies watching all the experiences going on around them and have guides and teachers and angels with them as well. This process could take place in earth time for several days. At the end of their lives, some individuals hold on and fight to stay alive because of fear and guilt. People who cross over during a near-death experience are given a glimpse of what it is like on the other side but they do not feel the full experience of death. The tunnel they experience is smaller than is the case for those who are making a final transition. People will often experience different types of bright light but only those who are crossing over for good in this lifetime will experience the pure white light.An abbreviated life review is generally experienced before return from a near-death experience.
Some individuals are highly evolved spirits who have had many different lifetimes, often as different types of beings, and when they cross over again, have a very specific place in heaven. They have, so to speak, jobs that they know they are going to come home to--a place in heaven--and have an abbreviated crossing-over process. At the time of crossing over, individuals are generally thrown into an initial place of darkness and then are met by a very bright light. They enter a tunnel and move through this tunnel with the assistance of loved spirits and move into an area where earth loved ones in their most current incarnation have formed ahead of them. . They find themselves immediately in a place of love and comfort and warmth, safety and release, and protection. It becomes like a large family reunion on the other side. Those that are crossing over from a long term illness often are out of their bodies watching all the experiences going on around them and have guides and teachers and angels with them as well. This process could take place in earth time for several days. At the end of their lives, some individuals hold on and fight to stay alive because of fear and guilt. People who cross over during a near-death experience are given a glimpse of what it is like on the other side but they do not feel the full experience of death. The tunnel they experience is smaller than is the case for those who are making a final transition. People will often experience different types of bright light but only those who are crossing over for good in this lifetime will experience the pure white light.An abbreviated life review is generally experienced before return from a near-death experience.
Near-death is not death. Oxygen deprivation and stress can produce all sorts of hallucinations. It doesn't mean you know what happens when people die.
Their beautiful guardian angel who has been with them all during their human life meets the departing spirit at the moment of death because it has experienced all its human experiences with it. It goes with the spirit as a sort of security blanket as the human moves into the spirit world and is greeted by other human spirits they have known. When death is caused by a potentially painful and sudden event, often the spirit of an individual removes itself from the body and the body does not have any physical pain and discomfort. There is not a silver cord or some other physical attachment means between the soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the spirit soul. When the spirit leaves the body there is something almost physical that drains from the heart and as this leaves the heart there can be, it appears, a minute change in the physical body. An early cremation does not hamper the process of arriving into the spirit world. After death, a spirit will often stay around earth until after the memorial services and their immediate loved ones have gone back into their normal way of life, will keep their earth bound connections, and will visit their homes and their loved ones. When an individual crosses over and is met by loved ones, they are going to visualize these loved ones as they remember them. They will see them with vitality, with great joy and in complete peace. They will see them at a time of life that they choose to remember them best. When an individual makes their crossing over, they will often see people and not remember initially who they were, why would they be there to greet them and be so happy to see them, but it is because of the impact that that individual made on their life. They may encounter spirits who were related to or who played major roles in their entire existence over many past lives, including beings from other communities than earth. People with strong Christian beliefs when they cross over may feel that they are being greeted by Jesus the man even though they are actually perceiving an energy of Christ consciousness. No matter how evil a person was during their life, they will always be greeted by spirits when they cross over. Earth is a place for a person to come to accelerate their spiritual evolution through experiences in a limited dimensional world. Deaths are generally "pre-programmed" except under circumstances where an energy crosses or intersects with an individual's energy to make death happen at a time that was not originally programmed. A spirit before reincarnation chooses an environment that they will be able to move into that will help them best evolve in their spiritual journey. They have a general overview of what's going to be happening to them and observe the experiences they will have to evolve spiritually. Once upon earth they do not recall this life preview. A miscarriage will often occur when the arriving spirit realizes that it was just too soon for it to reincarnate and that it could not handle the experiences it would be having. It may feel terrible emotional struggles the mother is going through, feeling them through the mother, and realizes that this would not be the time for it to be here, not only for itself but for the mother in that family as well. Souls who are aborted by the mother are often sad souls for being returned because they see many times the love and the support that the mother could be, but the mother feels so overwhelmed by earth conditions that she doesn't feel capable of handling a child for whatever reason. There are times when a spirit soul will agree to that happening because they know that they are part of that mother's evolution and spiritual lessons and it is for the spiritual growth of both that mother and that spirit to have that experience. Abortion is not considered a spiritual crime.
This is not religious matter, so it is not preaching. This is only knowledge, the teaching of morality knowledge, not preaching. I am sad to see the world in chaos and war, this is simply because human still low in spiritual consciousness no matter how advance their military capabilities they have.
This is not religious matter, so it is not preaching.
Buy a dictionary:
publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief).
earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action).

Notice the second definition?

You are advocating your personal belief - one with zero evidence - as if it were indisputable fact.

This is only knowledge, the teaching of morality knowledge
This too is an unevidenced claim.

this is simply because human still low in spiritual consciousness
As is this.

Either stop preaching or start providing evidence for your claims.
Their beautiful guardian angel who has been with them all during their human life meets the departing spirit at the moment of death because it has experienced all its human experiences with it. It goes with the spirit as a sort of security blanket as the human moves into the spirit world and is greeted by other human spirits they have known. When death is caused by a potentially painful and sudden event, often the spirit of an individual removes itself from the body and the body does not have any physical pain and discomfort. There is not a silver cord or some other physical attachment means between the soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the spirit soul. When the spirit leaves the body there is something almost physical that drains from the heart and as this leaves the heart there can be, it appears, a minute change in the physical body. An early cremation does not hamper the process of arriving into the spirit world. After death, a spirit will often stay around earth until after the memorial services and their immediate loved ones have gone back into their normal way of life, will keep their earth bound connections, and will visit their homes and their loved ones. When an individual crosses over and is met by loved ones, they are going to visualize these loved ones as they remember them. They will see them with vitality, with great joy and in complete peace. They will see them at a time of life that they choose to remember them best. When an individual makes their crossing over, they will often see people and not remember initially who they were, why would they be there to greet them and be so happy to see them, but it is because of the impact that that individual made on their life. They may encounter spirits who were related to or who played major roles in their entire existence over many past lives, including beings from other communities than earth. People with strong Christian beliefs when they cross over may feel that they are being greeted by Jesus the man even though they are actually perceiving an energy of Christ consciousness. No matter how evil a person was during their life, they will always be greeted by spirits when they cross over. Earth is a place for a person to come to accelerate their spiritual evolution through experiences in a limited dimensional world. Deaths are generally "pre-programmed" except under circumstances where an energy crosses or intersects with an individual's energy to make death happen at a time that was not originally programmed. A spirit before reincarnation chooses an environment that they will be able to move into that will help them best evolve in their spiritual journey. They have a general overview of what's going to be happening to them and observe the experiences they will have to evolve spiritually. Once upon earth they do not recall this life preview. A miscarriage will often occur when the arriving spirit realizes that it was just too soon for it to reincarnate and that it could not handle the experiences it would be having. It may feel terrible emotional struggles the mother is going through, feeling them through the mother, and realizes that this would not be the time for it to be here, not only for itself but for the mother in that family as well. Souls who are aborted by the mother are often sad souls for being returned because they see many times the love and the support that the mother could be, but the mother feels so overwhelmed by earth conditions that she doesn't feel capable of handling a child for whatever reason. There are times when a spirit soul will agree to that happening because they know that they are part of that mother's evolution and spiritual lessons and it is for the spiritual growth of both that mother and that spirit to have that experience. Abortion is not considered a spiritual crime.

My kingdom for paragraphs...

Okay.. This is preaching. I know you are trying to claim it is not a religious matter and thus, cannot classify as preaching, but it is preaching and very much religious preaching at that.

All of it is unsubstantiated. If you are going to claim that spirits hang around the earth until after the memorial service, or things like "deaths are "pre-programmed" except when an energy crosses or intersects with an individual's energy to make death happen at a time that was not originally programmed" or the things about miscarriage, etc.. You need to back up such extraordinary claims.

And it is preaching.

For future reference, preaching like this is not allowed, even in the Religion sub-forum.