Raise Your Spiritual Consciousness


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
Love yourself more and don't be too materialistic. Don't work too hard or caring for other people so much until you ignore your inner-self as money is meaningless in the heaven. Don't be afraid of your sins committed in this world as you will never face judgement in the heaven for your right or wrong doing on this earth. You will have a life review after your death and forgiving is more important as God is very forgiving (Please note than the God that i refer here belong to no religion, not Christian,not Islam, not Buddhist, not Hinduism, he is the Creator whom you don't know his identity at all and seldom people worship Him) . It sound selfish but it is the truth when your soul leave your body one day and transform yourself into spirit. Read more about this article to raise your spiritual consciousness level at http://www.afterlife101.com/. I totally agree with the content even before I have read it because I have some sort of connection with it. Do you?
I totally agree with the content even before I have read it because I have some sort of connection with it. Do you?

Love yourself more and don't be too materialistic. Don't work too hard or caring for other people so much until you ignore your inner-self as money is meaningless in the heaven. Don't be afraid of your sins committed in this world as you will never face judgement in the heaven for your right or wrong doing on this earth. You will have a life review after your death and forgiving is more important as God is very forgiving (Please note than the God that i refer here belong to no religion, not Christian,not Islam, not Buddhist, not Hinduism, he is the Creator whom you don't know his identity at all and seldom people worship Him) . It sound selfish but it is the truth when your soul leave your body one day and transform yourself into spirit.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but there's a hint of self-involvement there that puts me off a little.

Does the path to spirituality really lead to a focus on one's own self? Many would certainly argue that it does, but I'm skeptical.

Besides, I don't believe in the existence of God or souls.
@Yazata, you must open up your mind and heart in order to receive and understand the messages from your spirit guide. Everyone have their own spirit guide and guardian angel with them all the time. They will chat with you when your door is open for them to come into your heart, they can be your best friend to chat with. When you have learned about loving yourself, you will start to love other matter on earth, and do less harm to others.
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@Yazata, you must open up your mind and heart in order to receive and understand the messages from your spirit guide. Everyone have their own spirit guide and guardian angel with them all the time. They will chat with you when your door is open for them to come into your heart, they can be your best friend to chat with.
Hmm. Inner voices that aren't your own?
I also know some people whose spirit guide is called Johnnie Walker. He certainly chats with them, encourages them, and they think JW is their best friend.
Is this what you're alluding to? :eek: ;)
@Sarkus, Yes,inner voice isn't your own. There are so many spirit guides out there and whatever their name is not important. You need to trust your spirit guide, put your ego down, stay in a quiet place and do your meditation in order to receive your spirit guide's messages. You can read the Afterlife101 article to understand more about it
The content is brilliant.
No doubt about it.
It's the best thing I've never read by far.
Ok, I'll give you a choice.

Watch Warne's "Ball of the Century", and then read this thread.

I'm completely serious.
You all come to earth to learn spiritual lesson. If you don't learn it, you will given many chances to come back to earth to learn the lesson again until you finally understood it. I can say this lesson is far more important than your black hole or quantum physics lessons.
So who sent us here?

I mean, you said "we all come to Earth..." which infers some controlling entity. Who or what would that be?
We all come to earth to learn lessons. Until your spirit is highly evolved and knowledgeable, then you can continue your lessons in heaven without the need to come back to earth to study the earth lessons, same as you won't go back to study degree in civil engineering if your have already graduated from that field with a degree. But don't bring religion into context because religion will somehow makes you 'deaf' , hindering your communication with your spirit guide. You seldom or never receive messages from God, Jesus, Buddha or Allah because they seldom entertain you, same as Obama doesn't entertain you unless you are quite a comparative rank with him or someone important to him or when he have visited a restaurant and you manage to talk to him at that brief period of time. The best companion you can talk to is your spirit guide that be with you all the time. You can have more understand by reading that article.
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@Yazata, you must open up your mind and heart in order to receive and understand the messages from your spirit guide. Everyone have their own spirit guide and guardian angel with them all the time. They will chat with you when your door is open for them to come into your heart, they can be your best friend to chat with. When you have learned about loving yourself, you will start to love other matter on earth, and do less harm to others.

I hope that voice in your head is telling you not to drink the Kool-Aid.

On a serious note, if you hear a voice in your head then it's likely place there via one or other research group or military. By all means you can believe it's a god, angel, demon or spirit of a long lost teddy bear, whatever you consider to be real they'll likely agree with because it's easier to spoon feed crap to you. You should take a more offensive roll with it, that voice isn't yours, it's not suppose to be there, treat it as an enemy since it's not really a friend but an infiltrator. Until you do, your just going to increase their capacity to misuse people, after all when you hear of people going postal and wonder what triggered them, perhaps it's because that angel they thought they could trust turned out to be just some juvenile delinquent that led them up the garden path just to T-bag you when you aren't looking.

Incidentally those voices are easier to silence than you think, either using a Faraday Cage to block the frequencies used or just take a blow torch to your local Mobile phone towers (since it happens to be technology used.)
Finally welcome all of you to this discussion. It is the messages that is pass down from God to spirit guide and to everyone, this is not my sole opinion. As I said, you all want to have concrete material evidence on this world in order to confirm the science. I can tell you even God come down and tell you the truth, you will never listen to Him as your egoism block His messages. He have assign few highly evolved spirit to this earth such as Jesus or Buddha to teach you all. But all your egoism not only doesn't believe His word, you even crucified Jesus. There is still a long journey to learn all the lesson yourself, perhaps during your next few reincarnation. But you can choose not to learn it as there is no obligation, you are given free choice about it. It is the matter of how to differentiate a good or a bad student in the class. More thought please so other will learn the lesson faster. Please read Afterlife101 first before commenting further as you can't simply understand short comments here, you need to gone through 156 pages of intensive learning in which others have gone through for many many centuries. It is almost like an intensive science course you have taken in an university to get all the knowledge of many great scientists from many centuries combined. If the lesson is easier to learn, there will be no war, no unequal treatment, all human will live in peace. That is why you see it is hard to learn. Even a spirit guide or guardian angel is still learning until now. As you can see there are many new evils are born each day and the number keep increasing, you need to learn all the lessons in order to 'fight' those evil to achieve equilibrium, otherwise this earth will be in chaos.
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Finally welcome all of you to this discussion. It is the messages that is pass down from God to spirit guide and to everyone, this is not my sole opinion. As I said, you all want to have concrete material evidence on this world in order to confirm the science. I can tell you even God come down and tell you the truth, you will never listen to Him as your egoism block His messages. He have assign few highly evolved spirit to this earth such as Jesus or Buddha to teach you all. But all your egoism not only doesn't believe His word, you even crucified Jesus. There is still a long journey to learn all the lesson yourself, perhaps during your next few reincarnation. But you can choose not to learn it as there is no obligation, you are given free choice about it. It is the matter of how to differentiate a good or a bad student in the class. More thought please so other will learn the lesson faster. Please read Afterlife101 first before commenting further as you can't simply understand short comments here, you need to gone through 156 pages of intensive learning in which others have gone through for many many centuries. It is almost like an intensive science course you have taken in an university to get all the knowledge of many great scientists from many centuries combined. If the lesson is easier to learn, there will be no war, no unequal treatment, all human will live in peace. That is why you see it is hard to learn. Even a spirit guide or guardian angel is still learning until now. As you can see there are many new evils are born each day and the number keep increasing, you need to learn all the lessons in order to 'fight' those evil to achieve equilibrium, otherwise this earth will be in chaos.

That's way too much kool-aid.
Please read Afterlife101 and understand all the content. You have read quantum physics, black hole, universe, dark matters, relativity etc which has far more pages than Afterlife101. Science is the study of the beauty of the God's creation. God create beautiful thing. The study of the afterlife is to understand the whole structure of the God's creation, without it your knowledge will be very limited to earthbound.
When a person dies, their personality survives and generally crosses over into spirit life. A person crossing over after a long life and without complications of disease or trauma will generally have a sense of peace and be prepared to be met by some form of energy on the other side. They know that they are going to be met by spirits of their past loved ones. Persons with Alzheimer's disease may make the choice to move into the spirit world or alternately may choose to continue to live in the childlike world resulting from that disease, because they are not in any great distress and are being provided for. Individuals who are experiencing their transition through great physical difficulties and disharmony may experience anger and disbelief at artificial means being used to prolong their physical discomfort and not allow them to move into their transition naturally. When death occurs from a sudden illness, the spirit of this person generally is aware that this is going to happen to them and is prepared on a spiritual level for this happening.