Racism in the Gay Community


Valued Senior Member
I thought this was interesting.


It's an organization of gay neo-nazi skinheads.

What do you think? Do you believe being gay and racist is contradictory? Is it contradictory for a minority to hate another minority.

Personally, I do not think it is. I think race and sexual preference are two comletely seperate things. There are blacks that hate gays, and gays that hate blacks. There are also gays that hate whites. And Whites that hate gays. The list goes on and on.

Please keep in mind. I'm not asking if it's WRONG, I'm asking if it's a contradiction or ironic.
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Well it's definitely very funny, so I guess it is somewhat ironic.
Gays having the audacity to hate anyone is funny, I could sit around, perhaps on a chaise lounge, for hours just lazing about and laughing while thinking about it.
Wow, if they attack a black guy and he fights back, it's two hate crimes in one!
LOL! this world never ceases to amaze me.

In a way its not a contradiction.

A group of gays that are anti-gay would be a contradiction.

Or a group of nazis against racism would be one as well...

As far as I know a gay person can be racist without contradicting him or herself.
I would say it is scary. To think that there are getting to be enough gays around to start organizing themselves into groups that represent something other than sexual preference. *quiver* ughhhh...

Getting to be enough gays? You think homosexuals are significantly increasing in percentage of overall population?
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It is contradictory, crazy, absurd & just plain stupid for a member of 1 unjustly hated group to unjustly hate others. Those who do so hurt their cause as much as the other. They're burning their bridges before they cross.

We must all hang together or we will hang separately.

We're in this gig together so we might as well get the song down.

Being black & being homosexual are different things. Being unjustly hated & mistreated is the same.
What do they sport? Pink KKK robes?

But seriously, I do know of a few racist gay men. It's weird. One was a bar tender with whom I worked eons ago at TGI Friday's (we still talk every now and then). My boyfriend claims to not like Asians, though I can't understand why or if he's even serious.

What do they sport? Pink KKK robes?

But seriously, I do know of a few racist gay men. It's weird. One was a bar tender with whom I worked eons ago at TGI Friday's (we still talk every now and then). My boyfriend claims to not like Asians, though I can't understand why or if he's even serious.


I don't understand why its seen as weird that gay people may be racist. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with racism.
People hear the word racism and seem to assume that it means hating everyone who isn't straight/white. The reality is that anybody can be racist against anyone. Just because someone is racist, doesn't mean that they hate all people who are different. Maybe they just hate blacks, or Jews or Asians or whatever.
People hear the word racism and seem to assume that it means hating everyone who isn't straight/white. The reality is that anybody can be racist against anyone. Just because someone is racist, doesn't mean that they hate all people who are different. Maybe they just hate blacks, or Jews or Asians or whatever.

Hating any race shouldn't be tolerable...
I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying racism shouldn't be associated with white/straight people who hate everyone who isn't white/straight.
I hope the rest of the gay racialist community realizes the potential of what this site can be.. a central hub for an energetic, hopeful, and forward looking online gay racialist community."http://www.geocities.com/ARCOrg/
LOL. Jake and Elwood knew how to deal with this sort:
I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying racism shouldn't be associated with white/straight people who hate everyone who isn't white/straight.

I have come across a lot of black people lately who just hate Indians/ Muslims.

I am sure that there are Muslims who hate white people and Asians who hate black people and so and and so on.

I don't see why Gays wouldn't be racist against certain races either. They are just people like the rest of us. What goes on in their bedroom has nothing to do with being racist against a certain culture or ethnicity.
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well, I wouldn't find it odd if a black man hated gays, so I can't be too surprised if a gay man hated blacks.
Sad, indeed

Gays are human beings, too, so it's no surprise that there are gay racists.

Still, though, I find the juxtaposition of an oppressed community fighting for equality with a community fighting for inequality absolutely incongruent.

Contradictory? Yes. Ironic? Sadly so.
I don't understand why its seen as weird that gay people may be racist. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with racism.

Well, Tiassa said it right: being on the end of some discrimination tends to make someone a bit more sensitive to the issue of others' discrimination.

So, they like to tap an ass as well as kick an ass.

Could they make a case they were born racist and couldn't help it if they tried?

Will we start to see 'reach-arounds' on Ultimate Fighting?

The list goes on...