Race and Racism

It would be silly to since such a wide range of races are followers of those religions.
Only with religions that are one race deals or primarily and one suspects that racial issues are mixing in with a critique of the religion.

Thanks, that's the response I was looking for. :)
i guess it depends if you assocaite a religion with a particualr race of people

Perhaps, but that still doesn't mean the religion is a person or vice-versa. In the case of Islam or Christianity, there are many 'races' so it wouldn't apply to either of them.
Perhaps, but that still doesn't mean the religion is a person or vice-versa. In the case of Islam or Christianity, there are many 'races' so it wouldn't apply to either of them.

Why not Judaism? Is Judaism an ethnicity as well as a religion? Are you claiming that Jews should be treated as a race?
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Perhaps, but that still doesn't mean the religion is a person or vice-versa. In the case of Islam or Christianity, there are many 'races' so it wouldn't apply to either of them.

no but its the association someone puts on it not the actual itself, if u gte what i am jibbering on about