Then it would certainly be bigotry, but NOT racism.
You seem to use the words interchangably, but there is a difference.
I think, very often, what the religious view as "bigotry" really isn't at all. That's not to say there aren't those that hold bigoted opinions regarding religion, clearly that's true. But these opinions are generally from people of
different religions more so than non-religious.
Definitely, there are bigoted atheists. No question. We've seen them post in this forum. However, the mere act of questioning and criticizing religion in general or specific cults of religion doesn't imply the questioner or criticizer is bigoted.
Bigotry can be defined as the emphatic or rigid intolerance of ideas different than your own.
If that definition holds, then, yes, I have some bigoted positions. I'm bigoted against pedophiles and serial killers. No problem. I'm bigoted against the drug culture. Definitely.
Where, then, should the line be drawn. I'd go so far as to say there are economic and political ideas to which I'm bigoted.
Why must the line be drawn
before I get to religion? Can my bigotry to illegal and immoral practices be okay? Can I be expected and even
respected for having bigoted ideas about politics? Can I be rigidly opposed to big government; government intrusion into my private life; and run-away government spending and openly criticize these ideas, expressing my intolerance.
Why, then, can I not rationally examine, question and criticize the illogical and unreasoned positions of religion and express my intolerance for religious intrusion into my private life or exploiting my tax dollars without my "bigotry" being equated to racism?
And, to top it off, I've got to be indirectly blamed for the extermination of Jews?