R. Kelly Child Porn Case

Now I understand children are fucked up for life when sexually assualted but at least they are alive.

Physically, yes. Spiritually, some no. I for one would of rather died in a horrific accident as a child then to have suffered from the all the abuse.

Anyhoo, there are studies that link numerous problems and behaviors to being abused as a child. Maybe thats why the laws are so tough. The system sucks ass, but I think it should be TOUGHER when dealing with abused children. Your examples are bad yes, but I know a guy who shaked his kid and caused severe brain damage only to serve 1 year in the county jail. 5 years later he ended up killing another of his kids using the same technique. He only got 2 years this time. I also know a guy who got only 5 years for having sex with his girlfriends to kids (ages 7 and 10). They will never be the same again and that bastard gets out and gets to do it again in about 2 1/2 years.

Okay Im getting angry so I must go in peace now...

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I have a few friends that were sexually abused as children, one that was a child prostitute. The scars might not be physical, but they cut so deep. Yeah, they're still alive, physically, but they're dead in so many ways.

Personally I'd like to see child molesters be given life in jail, they've taken away the innocence and lives of the people they have abused. Pity we have to be so nice to them and protect them while they are in prison.

ratbat, depends what you mean by coessential. Sometimes adults will make a child believe they have consented to sex, or gain their consent through other means by pressuring them.

As for R Kelly, it was my understanding there was more to the charges than what the press is reporting.
I didn't know that R. Kelly was charged in Illinois. Damn, our state's been getting a lot of attention lately... the 183 pilots, Gov. Ryan granting clemency to the death row inmates, R. Kelly. Next to Iraq we're the most famous spot in the world. :D

im interested in your version of perswesion

its not concent if its forced so what do you mean?

after all ANY dating could be concidered perswesion from the dominate partner to the submisive one

(im NOT going to judge the case because i dont know but if he didnt know she was under age, well if it was a female convinced a male was 16 then it would be ok but not the other way around?)
Asguard, it happens a lot. An adult will use different tactics to convince a child that they want sex with them, that they consent to it. The child will actually believe that they consented to have sex with the person. They will prey on weak children, ones who are looking for love and support. They become a good friend to the kid, giving them emotional support, buying them presents, slowly building them up, gaining their trust. then making the child believe that they consented to what was done. A lot of times these victims that sick bastards are praying on are just looking for someone to love them, care about them, not some sicko that is after sex.
you cant honestly say that doesnt happen between 16-18 year olds

how many cheating lying basteds (both male AND female) are in this world?
It happens no matter what the person's age Asguard, happens to adults. But the more protection we can give to stop it happening to children, the better.
oh i agree

i was just thinking of WHO was the maipultive one in the case of a 16 year old going after a ritch grandfather
R.kelly has definately lost respect from the public and all chester's male and female belong under the pentientary.