Quran: the truth & deceptions

Meanwhile, is it possible Mohammeds wife dictated the Quran? She was literate and highly intelligent.

Which one of his wives, the nine year old one?

Mohammed was nothing but a terrorist, and pedophile. That is fact. No disputing this fact, history has been writen of this fact.

Was Mohammed a man of peace, as proclaimed by current Islamic literature, or a military leader? The Prophet announced the concept of holy war (Jihad) in 624 AD. The Koran records his words, "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. ...And slay them wherever ye catch them...." In the next nine years Mohammed personally led nine of at least 27 military campaigns.

The literature "Sahih Al-Bukhari" comes in nine volumes and contains thousands of Hadiths describing Mohammed's life. It talks about "Aisha" the girl in Volumes 5 and 7. Since taking a child bride was so unusual, it seems Mohammed claimed Allah had spoken to him in order to overcome the strong protests of the child's father. Thus, the marriage ceremony occurred when the girl was 6 and finalized through intercourse when she was nine.

Nuf said!

Theoryofrelativity said:

I haven't read all this, and NOTE: I do not say that the Quran is the word of God, just that it does present a mystery which if you google is what you will find yourselves...I din't make it up. I am NOT afraid to mention it like you atheists are as I have no issues withthis religion :) I just reject them all. Doesn't mean I pretend everything is bollocks like you all try to convince yourselves.

In case anyone believes that the words and others quoted by 'Theory of Relativity' directly from this website are an objective scientific assesment of the Quran, it needs to be pointed out that M. Tahlawi is a leading Islamic theologian who has written many books about Islam and its beliefs.

As I am not an Arabic speaker I cannot comment on the Arabic, but to produce the sort of prose that forms the English translations of the Quran that I have read, would not I have thought been too difficult.

The concept that you cannot make poetry in one language into poetry in another is a proven absurdity, there being countless secular examples as well as religious ones.

But let us accept for one moment that the Quran could not be produced by human direction, that does not imply that it is divine revelation. There is always the other (opposite) possibility that it was produced by a supernatural evil force rather than a good one.

Of course Islam claims that Jinns (demons) could not create such a thing because Islam does not accept Satan and his demons as fallen angels in the same way as Judaism and Christianity but that is their belief (which of course totally contradicts both the Old and New Testaments in which they claim to believe also). If they did accept Satan as a fallen angel, he would have power at least equal to Gabriel who is generally regarded as providing the Quran text by Muslims (although not all the Suras agree on this - see a previous contribution of mine).

If there really are powerful evil forces as well as powerful good ones, one would have to ask, which side would benefit from playing down such a power of evil?

kind regards to all,
