Quotes to remember

“What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded . . . sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly.”---George Saunders
"There are only three things you need to let go of: judging, controlling, and being right. Release these three and you will have the whole mind and twinkly heart of a child."
Hugh Prather
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“By allowing myself to just be, I give myself space to purr in gratitude. I am the observer. I allow myself the time and space I need.”
― Petra Poje - Keeper of The Eye
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“What makes people tick? Life can be a trap of ennui, but imagery may be a redemptive escape from dullness. The iconic power and exuberance of images generate an inexorable addiction that needs to be gratified without respite. Here and now! ("Give me more images")”
― Erik Pevernagie
"Science is not about control. It is about cultivating a perpetual condition of wonder in the face of something that forever grows one step richer and subtler than our latest theory about it. It is about reverence, not mastery."--Richard Powers
‘Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes.’
– Alan Watts

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“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell
“It's no good trying to get rid of your aloneness. You've got to stick to it all your life. Only at times, at times, the gap will be filled in. At times! But you have to wait for the times. Accept your aloneness and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times when the gap is filled in, when they come. But they've got to come. You can't force them.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

And HST they used that is totally idiot with everybody.
plural noun: hieroglyphs
  1. a stylized picture of an object representing a word, syllable, or sound, as found in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems.
    "hieroglyphs describing the Mayan calendar"


From their positioning I always wondered how they read them; "left to right" or "right to left" ?

p.s. if viewed from right to left, Creator, sky/earth/water, animals/little things, sun/sky clouds-rain, continuum/firmament/sky/solar system/wind, messenger gods (delivering), message of the watcher in the continuum, etc.........?
Just a guess, but I bet deciphering logographics must be very interesting and rewarding.
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"Studying consciousness tells us more about how the world is fundamentally strange. I think we have a few revolutions to go yet before we get to the bottom of it.”
-- David Chalmers
Max Tegmark;
“What people have the ability to accomplish the goal of speaking? Newborns? No. Radio hosts? Yes.
But what about toddlers who can speak ten words? Or five hundred words? Where would you draw the line? I’ve used the deliberately vague word “complex” in the definition above, because it’s not very interesting to try to draw an artificial line between intelligence and non-intelligence, and it’s more useful to simply quantify the degree of ability for accomplishing different goals.”
― Max Tegmark, Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Max Tegmark:
“Yet all these scenarios have two features in common: A fast takeoff: the transition from subhuman to vastly superhuman intelligence occurs in a matter of days, not decades. A unipolar outcome: the result is a single entity controlling Earth.”
― Max Tegmark, Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


I disagree with that last statement. IMO, this drastic change took at least one generation after the fusion of chromosome 2 in humans that was a definitive genetic change and is the one single remarkable genetic difference between humans and all other great apes and our common ancestor.

All humans have 23 or chromosomes, all other apes have 24 pr chromosomes.
Apart from physical cosmetic differences, the one great quality that sets humans apart from all other modern apes is our brain.

Can we draw a conclusion that the chromosomal fusion was causal to the birth of the first "homo sapiens" with increased brain surface area?

If we take our efforts with AI as an example of evolving natural processing logarithms, I would hazard a guess that the full maturing of natural programming such a complex brain may have taken several more thousands of years, depending on environmental pressures.
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Sorry, in post # 1532 the p.s attempt at translation from right to left is in reference to paragraph B5
“I felt once more how simple and frugal a thing is happiness: a glass of wine, a roast chestnut, a wretched little brazier, the sound of the sea. Nothing else.”
― Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek
"You are comprised of: 84 minerals, 23 Elements, and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.
You have been built up from nothing but the spare parts of the Earth you have consumed, according to a set of instructions hidden in a double helix and small enough to be carried by (an egg) and a sperm. You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, and shark teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt into our planet’s most complex living thing.
You are not living on Earth. You are Earth." ~ Aubrey Marcus

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“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.”
― Abraham Lincoln
"You are comprised of: 84 minerals, 23 Elements, and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.
You have been built up from nothing but the spare parts of the Earth you have consumed, according to a set of instructions hidden in a double helix and small enough to be carried by (an egg) and a sperm. You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, and shark teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt into our planet’s most complex living thing.
You are not living on Earth. You are Earth." ~ Aubrey Marcus
Moreover, we are some 90% bacterial in numbers (not in mass). And if we count genes, we are about 1% human.

Hence the human biome is very much a product and part of the earth's evolutionary processes.