Quick Question from the new girl

Don't worry yourselves. It's not a physically abusive situation by any means...just very controlling and annoying. I also have no desire to just jump on a bus and run off. So, giving that advice "to an unknown minor" won't cause much harm. Not in this situation anyway. :rolleyes:

Yes, I'm a kid, but she's my sister. Shouldn't I be allowed to visit family? I'm sure there's something in the bible about spending time with family....

Aldah and SweedishFish,
That's more along the lines of what I was thinking:D

Belle baby,

hmm.. trying to beat ur parents with scriptures and religion..! See, how practically useful the religion is.. Thats why God allowed religions to survive.. :D

All the Best, Belle.
wow.. someone my age.. finally.. after years of waiting.. anyways.. in response to the initial question... My parents are totally hardcore xtians... and I, like you am totally hardcore anti organized religion person... (I'm not really against it.. just dont believe in it) and yeah..they wont let you go see your sister? that sucks.. I'd just leave... or convince them that you are old enough to be given personal and spiritual responsibility... yeah......
Originally posted by Belle
Yes, I'm a kid, but she's my sister. Shouldn't I be allowed to visit family? I'm sure there's something in the bible about spending time with family....

Why doesn't you folks want you to visit your sister?
In your opening post you mentioned they think you are an impressionable teen, what impression are they fearful of?
I do not know whether it mentions "spending time with the family" in the bible, but it does mention "honour thy mother and father". :)


Jan Ardena.
They don't want me to see her because she lives with her boyfriend and they're not married. That might give me the wrong idea...
Glad I could...um...be your age. :D

I understand you wanting to see your sister but your parrents do not trust her and feel that your to young to make an informed choice if she decides to badly influence you. I would not worry about not seeing her in 2 more years and you can see your sister any time you want. None of us here have the whole story as why your parents do not want you there so the best thing is just submit to what they ask and bide your time. Also ask them what they believe and why. If you are not convinced that their christian values are for you have them explain why they should be. Furthermore if they can't answer that for you go to someone else like their pastor Find out why you do not believe what they say don't just say "its not for me" because you do not have all the facts.

Good Luck
belle... heyya ... love...?
not between your parents i am asuming!
how does the child become the adult?
through the teaching from the parents and close society.

here is a fact for your parents!

Those who stand in the way of true love
will be forever denied it!

here is my assumtion... (meaning i might be wrong)

maybe your parents are not as close as they should be!
you are being used as an item in replacement of love
to be coveted!

look up the word covet! in religouse text!

as long as you are kept in the house they think they can make up for what they think they have done-wrong in the raising of your older sister!

this will only drive an ever increasing gap between the whole family!
your parents need to FORGIVE your sister and welcome the boyfriend(assuming he is not abusive or a criminal)
and then look to help you with your life instead of using you to
hide from thier own life problems.

I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMEND that you go and visit their pastor/priest/rabi/cleric
but dont tell him who your parents are untill you have finnished the story.
you must check with yourself to see if you feel you can trust your parents "pastor" and if you dont ...
THEN GO AND FIND ONE that you do "feel" that you can trust...
just keep away from weirdo radical "creed" churches!

all decent priests/pastors/rabis/clerics
are called wise men!
for that very reason!
they SHOULD HAVE HAD a great deal of experience with counselling familys and individuals.

start writing letters to your sister and dont let hell or high water drive you apart!
and in years to come you will serve to be your parents saviour!
now wont that be a turn around!

good luck!
and above all else...
keep groovin :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Okay guys,
Quick note here. I was raise in the church. I am fully aware of how this faith should work, so I'm confident I have the majority of the facts.
Originally posted by Belle
They don't want me to see her because she lives with her boyfriend and they're not married. That might give me the wrong idea...

Are you sure that is the only reason?

If it is, then do they stop you from watching television, reading magazines, listening to up to date music?


Jan Ardena.
ooh That's a good point Jan. I hadn't thought of that one!
As far as I have been informed that is the only reason they won't let me go. My sis is offering to pay for the airfare and all other expenses.
They don't want me to see her because she lives with her boyfriend and they're not married. That might give me the wrong idea...

Uh... don't you already know that? Will seeing them together confirm that knowledge and more?
spot on Q
its not like were mind readers or we would have the perfect answer by now!
we can only trust the interpretation and transfer to text...
as it is written :)

groove on all :)

Originally posted by Belle
ooh That's a good point Jan. I hadn't thought of that one!
As far as I have been informed that is the only reason they won't let me go. My sis is offering to pay for the airfare and all other expenses.

.......it would appear you haven't thought much about your post, period. :(


Jan Ardena.
I'm very sorry to write such a dissapointing thread Jan. It was just meant to be a conversation starter. Cut me a break here!!:(
heyya all :)

Jan Ardena...
someone is reaching out here !
and you bring out your big christian beating stick
and smack her across the hands!
naughty naughty christian!
are you asking god to punnish you?

do un to others!
are you trying to covet your own pride?

i would 'cut you' a big peice of chocolate cake if i could post it through the net! :D

you just have to use your "crap-o-meter" to filter out such self indulgent people!
who seem to be obsessed in trying to score points in the attempt to save their own soul!

patience, forbearance (not mental or physical abuse) friendship(regardless of how much money they have or what religion they profess) forgiveness, are all virtues that lead to what your parents need to do, = trust.
it is 'most difficult' to be virtuose.
honour respect rightchousness
are all but mear stepping stones to true love!
i wish you well on your journey.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path tot that we hold above.
Jan Ardena... a disfunctional christian/catholic/hindu/buhdist/muslim/(all others i cant remember rite now) vealot is the spawning pool for true Evil!
Originally posted by Belle
I'm very sorry to write such a dissapointing thread Jan. It was just meant to be a conversation starter. Cut me a break here!!:(

A discussion is a discussion Belle, and i hope you are not offended by my posts, but you did appear to assume that because your parents are christian, they do not allow you to see your sister. Whether you like it or not, that could be seen as condescending to christians or religous people in general. Now i realise that there are people who act in the way i think you're assuming, but the underlying reasons for such actions are usually more complex than, because they are religous, and is not exclusive to a person of religion.

Anyways, welcome to sci-forums, and needless to say, i will not pursue my line of questions. :)

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
Jan Ardena...
someone is reaching out here !
and you bring out your big christian beating stick
and smack her across the hands!
naughty naughty christian!
are you asking god to punnish you?

do un to others!
are you trying to covet your own pride?

I’m sorry if that is how it seemed to you, believe me, it is not my intention, and more importantly I shall put my big christian beating stick away. :)


Jan Ardena.
Jan never told anything to do with religion..! just shown the correct view to belle who realised, it seems. don't create ripples..!;)
I completely agree with the parents not letting her go. I would never send my daughter as a baby now or as a teenager to sleep under one roof with a strange man, who I'm sure have no problem sleeping with both sisters at once, or lining up the younger sister for one of his friends.

Your sister should be the one to come to visit you, where the environment is cleaner. I really don't believe in premarital sex, so please don't get me started.
Jan Ardena
cool :)
i am glad you noted the question marks and did not take it as a personal atack.

note the thread is in the religion area.
and... we all create ripples :)
its just difficult to go past another boat without disrupting the journey to a point where people feel sea sick.

it may be rumours but my mind (what little is left of it)
recalls that the teenage pregnancey rate is highest in catholic schools(extreeme control)
and nature will always have its way!
what do you suggest to all the teen agers that have already had sex and/or pregnant and/or currently have a child?

the reality is bigger than your ideal!
sticking your head in the sand will not fix it!

groove on all :)

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
it may be rumours but my mind (what little is left of it)
recalls that the teenage pregnancey rate is highest in catholic schools(extreeme control)
and nature will always have its way!
what do you suggest to all the teen agers that have already had sex and/or pregnant and/or currently have a child?

I'd say, you have made a big mistake because your parents were lazy asses that didn't involve you in 12 hour a day sport so you can extinguish your energy in a productive way. But what is done is done, so now face up to the responsbility well and don't do it again.

Controlling by religion and strictness is the worst way to teach a child. I'd never put my kid in a catholic school. You must nourish the kid mind and body continously so that they can make the right decisions for themselves so they don't grow up to be loosers and slaves of the corrupt tendencies of a society.