Quick Message...

Actually, kinda resembles one of my old teachers in college..

He was a real monkey's ass..
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:

I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.

Seems you are suffering from the frustration that many have. You are part of a common that does not know you exist. It is like being in Babble and screaming without having anyone know what your particular noise is.
Now you know what drives people into some of the stupid fantasy based religions that are out there. Christianity and Islam count on your type of frustration to fill their ranks and make them rich as you pay for what you think is a noticeable position in their common.

You are between a rock and a hard place. The only escape for you would be into Deism or Gnosticism but I know you just cursed me for even suggesting it. Been there buddy.
I still maintain that your best bet is to look within which is what Deism and Gnosticism is but for now, do not look for a God. Just look for you and you will see your purpose is what you have been doing all along. You can be helped but only when you are ready for it.

Let me give you something that might kick start your thinking process. Or not. I have no way of knowing for the moment. Now I do not mean this as an insult even as you read the title. This guy is good and if you get into the swing of myth and yes, religion as a non believer, things will look different and better. At least less frustrating for you. Let me know some time.
If you decide to or have read a Bible, read it as a book or wisdom and not a book with a God and you will gain from it.

I cannot link yet but Google Joseph Campbell---On becoming an adult.

All the animals and trees glorify the Lord. They exist so we would hopefully realize how mighty God is.

I don't understand why a mindless "nature" should care to create all of this magnificence.

Mighty all right. mighty fucking scarce.

After reading all of this, only one thing to say...

Thank "god" for atheism...:thumbsup:

I call myself a Deist without a creator and although I am closer to an atheist than the usual theist, I like to think that it is better to think like an atheist but keep a hope that there is a God. Not faith now but hope. Faith without facts is for fools but hope is for the sane man. That way you can be God's master and not you his.

One would certainly hope so, but in my experience it just isn't so. People in general find themselves more important than any other species.

They certainly seem to subscribe to a special brand of arrogance. All in all I'm not too sure there is much of a difference between the atheist brand and the theist brand, they just have different 'reasons'.

Yes, Atheists cannot find theirs and theists have given up looking and given it to some invisible sky daddy.

Who is more pathetic.

I can tell I am less pathetic but few have what it takes to walk the road I do. By that I do not mean courage or anything so noble. I just have a thick skin.

This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:

I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.

don't get upset, i appreciate what you're trying to say.
i love monkeys.
Greatest I am (kinda makes the point)

You are between a rock and a hard place. The only escape for you would be into Deism or Gnosticism but I know you just cursed me for even suggesting it. Been there buddy.
I still maintain that your best bet is to look within which is what Deism and Gnosticism is but for now, do not look for a God.

With respect but I am unsure where any of this comes from. I was taking a humorous swipe at the anthropocentric nature of humans and the ridiculous theisms that are a consequence of it.

I'm not stuck anywhere, nor is there any remote value in "escaping" into deism which is just the same ridiculous, childish, anthropocentric delusion that theism suffers from but with no individual name attached.

You've got the wrong end of the stick.

don't get upset, i appreciate what you're trying to say.

Not me - the mandrill. Perhaps my writing comes across in such way where you mistake the intention, I can't do all that much about that. I am looking at it from the perspective of the mandrill - should such thing be possible.

Theism has blinded people - to such degree where they once thought earth was the center of the solar system, then the center of the galaxy, then the center of the universe, then that only they had purpose. To put it in simple terms, my post is just pointing out the stupidity of this theistic anthropocentrism.
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No, my day is fine. If it 'sounds' like that, it's merely a matter of the ears that heard it, not the intention of the voice that said it.