Quick Message...


Valued Senior Member
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:


I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:


I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.

frack you too! :)

All the animals and trees glorify the Lord. They exist so we would hopefully realize how mighty God is.

I don't understand why a mindless "nature" should care to create all of this magnificence.
All the animals and trees glorify the Lord

Ah. If you could kindly establish your statement. How precisely do pubic lice and bladder worm glorify the lord?

They exist so we would hopefully realize how mighty God is.

This specific god is "mighty" because a certain bacterium exists which causes three year old children to die in abject agony? Have you confined yourself to pussy cats and teddy bears? Pay attention to the real world - one where even tiny little flying creatures slaughter little kiddies without discrimination.

I don't understand why a mindless "nature" should care to create all of this magnificence.

It doesn't care - that is not evolution or what anyone is espousing.

P.S None of this addresses the point.
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone.

This does not just apply to religious people, mind you.
This does not just apply to religious people, mind you.

As a necessity, of course not although I would state that any such survey would show a disparity between the two.

I would submit - and we're open to discussion - that anyone who describes themselves as an "atheist" would not consider himself as more valuable or having more purpose than monkeys or pond sludge. He would recognise that he and pond sludge, slugs, monkeys, ecoli are equal when it comes to such an obscure thing as "purpose" - a concept foreign to reality.

I doubt you would ever see the same from a theist - even a mild one. but it is rare that they would ever question their own position. They would consider themselves heaven-bound, will meet my children again etc etc yet leave the rest of existing animals, (of which we are one), outside of the equation. Our friend here just dies, he has no overriding value or purpose, he's just walking meat - hence why he expressed his anger to me and asked that I make this thread.

When it comes to behaviour of the two, a christian can only assert that his behaviour is worse. So out of the two, it is the monkey who deserves heaven but he is neglected simply because he cannot speak, cannot object, and has been created for no actual purpose.
After reading all of this, only one thing to say...

Thank "god" for atheism...:thumbsup:
It would be tragic if a bacterium hindered my admission to eternal and perfect life by the side of God. A life that is compared to seas and oceans in contrast to a drop of water (life on earth before death).

You forget about millions of species who testify for His greatness. You forget about a universe that is one Million Million Million Million KM in diameter.
"I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive. I am not young and I love life. But I should scorn to shiver with terror at the thought of annihilation. Happiness is nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting. Many a man has borne himself proudly on the scaffold; surely the same pride should teach us to think truly about man's place in the world. Even if the open windows of science at first make us shiver after the cosy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the fresh air brings vigour, and the great spaces have a splendour of their own."
— Bertrand Russell
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:


I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.

Funny thing is The Universe and all that is in it, us included, where made for GODs purpose.

Odd ending to your post seems in direct opposition to the start.

"I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods."

That's an athiest teaching. Why do you then go on to say. "F**k you"?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence

This must be the way you feel as well for you are a human so how can you for tell what other kinds of creatures think that you can't understand like bugs, bees and insects as well. You can only presume that you understand what other things actually perceive and without actually being another creature you never will.
I would submit - and we're open to discussion - that anyone who describes themselves as an "atheist" would not consider himself as more valuable or having more purpose than monkeys or pond sludge. He would recognise that he and pond sludge, slugs, monkeys, ecoli are equal when it comes to such an obscure thing as "purpose" - a concept foreign to reality.
One would certainly hope so, but in my experience it just isn't so. People in general find themselves more important than any other species.

I doubt you would ever see the same from a theist - even a mild one. but it is rare that they would ever question their own position. They would consider themselves heaven-bound, will meet my children again etc etc yet leave the rest of existing animals, (of which we are one), outside of the equation. Our friend here just dies, he has no overriding value or purpose, he's just walking meat - hence why he expressed his anger to me and asked that I make this thread.

When it comes to behaviour of the two, a christian can only assert that his behaviour is worse. So out of the two, it is the monkey who deserves heaven but he is neglected simply because he cannot speak, cannot object, and has been created for no actual purpose.
They certainly seem to subscribe to a special brand of arrogance. All in all I'm not too sure there is much of a difference between the atheist brand and the theist brand, they just have different 'reasons'.
This is a message to you humans. What utter arrogance to presume that you are the only meaning of existence, that you are the only purpose of existence. Such arrogant and simple minded buffoons who live under the delusion that the entire universe - with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets, with millions upon millions of different lifeforms, was made solely for you and you alone. To you fools, I can only offer this:


I'm apparently going to just die and rot, have no purpose, no valid function, and no love from the gods. F**k you.


That was great i ROFL when i saw that.