
Dude, you forgot Darth Vader. He had no papa, and he was the "chosen one" of the Force. Yet another fictional virgin birth.
Buddha was born of the virgin Maya after the Holy Ghost descended upon her.
Well, whaddya know, I was skeptical, but there really is a legend of Buddha's mother being a virgin. He did have a father, though, the King.
spidergoat said:
Oh, yeah, the archivers of Aztec culture were all Catholic priests. Those bastards burned many Aztec books (codices).

Also, those same Catholic priests burnt the ancient Mayan books that would have answered a lot of questions. Well, okay, It's my understanding that three Mayan books somehow escaped the bonfire.

The Mayan calendar and hieroglyphic writing suggest some type of link with the Olmec, which means they likely burnt some books that would have explained their history, or portions of it, back to about 1500 BC
Yes indeed, Christainity has a lot to answer for. The great purge in the early centuries of literature that didn't support Christian ideas was ruthless and far reaching. Even many of the advanced works of DaVinci were destroyed by monks who felt his ideas were blasphemy.

Those actions combined with the extensive persection of potential scientists throughout the Christian era has almost certainly delayed human advancement by many centuries. How much longer must we suffer this intollerable abomination?