Questions for Atheists

In case you're still interested...

VitalOne said:
1. What's the point of trying to convert theists into atheists (saying a religion is false) when you don't like it when theists try to convert atheists? Isn't that hypocritical?
It may be, but if it is, I'm the first to call myself a hypocrite anyway. :D I don't mind talking to theists about their religion, as long as they're open to discussing it rationally.

2. If there's no definite proof that god doesn't exist, or does exist, why deny the existance of god instead of having an open-mind in between?
I have an open mind, which is why I was swayed from ...not being sure there was a god (can't recall the term at 4:45 am) to atheism. I could be swayed to the other end if some questions were answered.

3. Do you deny all concepts of god, or just the popular judeo-christian view of god?
Just the latter.

4. Why do all forms of matter have a certain state they want to be in? (Please don't say they 'just do')
Um, I don't know what you mean.

5. What are your moral values? What's the point of having moral values if there is no afterlife and nothing matters?
I don't know how to put my moral values into words other thsn explaining what I would do in given situations. I don't know what I believe about the afterlife, but I believe in karma, and generally I want good things for everyone else (cept maybe serial rapists and murderers :bugeye: ) :)

Those are my questions, just curious really.
I have a question of my own: drawn any conclusions about the responses so far?
god literally cant be proved wrong, only right. The bible made it that way. I could make a religion that states that giant ants created the earth and left through a wormhole that closed after them. Who could prove me wrong? noone, so worship the ants!! I call for a person to prove that their religion is true before converting others
also, is anyone on this site gonna stick up for the greek or roman gods, they were realistic, fought, turned into cows to pick up chicks etc, they were human in their nature
Yes all gods a mythological, unprovable, and contradictory.

in order to make this statement, wouldn't you have to have some knowledge of what a god/gods are? This would then, at least on the surface, seem to go against what you said here
First of all there is no defenetion to the term "god" in oder to claim an existent or lack thereof one has to have identity of the entity, one can't claim an existent from a negative standard. If I were to claim a god did not exist, I contradict my self, cause I would imply knowledge of what a god is.
1. What's the point of trying to convert theists into atheists (saying a religion is false) when you don't like it when theists try to convert atheists? Isn't that hypocritical?

I've never tried to 'convert' a theist, although, when I think that they are spewing nonsense, I try to correct them.

2. If there's no definite proof that god doesn't exist, or does exist, why deny the existance of god instead of having an open-mind in between?
I ASSUME that God doesn't exist, just like an individual is ASSUMED innocent until proven guilty. And you ASSUME that unicorns don't exist.

I'm not definitely sure, however, I can say that the probability of a God existing is low, due to lack of evidence.

3. Do you deny all concepts of god, or just the popular judeo-christian view of god?
All concepts.

4. Why do all forms of matter have a certain state they want [sic] to be in? (Please don't say they 'just do')
Physical laws...

5. What are your moral values? What's the point of having moral values if there is no afterlife and nothing matters?
Because, if people went around killing and plundering each other, society as a whole would collapse. Working together benefits the community, and the individual. Good examples are ant and bee colonies, and wolf hunting packs.
1. I try not to convert theists as we are all allowed to choose what we believe but im not perfect and admit i have tried and i have apologised for trying it, i just want whats best for the people i care about (and i've never heard of a theist apologising for trying to convert someone)

2. Thats like asking theists why they believe in god rather than being undecided. Personally im a believer in science and as far as im concerned it gives evidence against god, also reading holy books give evidence against their own gods (god is nice god is perfect etc but theres a lot of hate in the books that now would mean the book wouldnt get published, and since the hate is gods word.....well you see where im going so i'll stop) :)

3. I deny all concepts, if i didnt i would be agnostic not athiest because i wouldnt have discounted all gods.

4. Im not sure what you mean by a certain state, but i do know matter cannot be created or destroyed which is another reason i dont believe in god(creator of the universe?? sorry but i just dont buy it)

5. The point of moral values isnt something determined by religion, its determined by how you want to treat other people, you can be a Christian or Moslem and still be a bad person likewise an athiest can be the kindest person you'll ever meet. Its about what you do with your life, and its always your choice, you can be as good/bad as you like regardless of beliefs.

Hope this all made sense to you and answered your questions :)