Questions For a Liberal From a conservative

david has returned and by the way i have been in the hospital for some time now because i had a tumor removed and know you havent won buy any means to zanket the implied contradiction is that if u think that people are ill enough to die then just let them then why are u thriving so hard to cure people with cancer now dont get me wrong i just had a tumor removed unfortionately it was molignant and i am still against stem cell research
top mosker said:
To David,

We just don't really give a rat's ass because we realize that this whole life support thing is just a distraction from what's really going on in the conservative movement.

People die all the time on life support, but it ain't every day that people die needlessly in a war based on greed.

Cherry-picked this comment from the thread.

Mosker, you get the prize! Ding - ding - ding!

All of these "issues" are a smoke screen from the Right. In fact the whole idea that the Republicans actually represent "Christian conservatives" or any of their issues (right-to-life, gay marriage amendments, and on and on and on) is just hilarious.

They will USE the Christian Right to gain and maintain total power, then they will be discarded on the trash-heap with the other proles.
actually i am a conservative and i also am a republican but if you read any of my posts i do not use any christian morality nonsense because i am not a christian so please do not stereo type me as a "Christian Conservative"