Questions about OBEs...

FYI...JOHN99...what u exp. was sleep a small extent. its the BEGGINing of an OBE. try lucid dreaming before exploring it further
i had one but i didn't induce it. i was extremely drunk at the time, and something very traumatic was happening to me. i was so drunk, and it was so traumatic, that i didn't even realized it had happened until afterwards when i reflected. i found that my memory recalled me outside of, above, and to the left of my body, and i wasn't alone, but i don't know who it was that was there with me. someone was standing to my left. it was very strange.
I once drove a truck once down an embankment. Not on purpose but because of some foul weather I managed to slip off the road. My brother was with me and when the truck stopped rolling I was pinned under it and he was thrown clear but with 2 broken arms. I had no idea about anything going on around me as I was unconscious. My brother climbed up the hill with two busted arms and somehow waved down a passing vehicle, help arrived and I woke up in a hospital two days later. However, I remember being on that road with him trying to get help and seeing myself pinned under the truck.

Do I believe I experienced an OBE? Not a chance. I'm sure that during my unconscious state I heard all about the accident, my situation and the exploits of my brother while I laid near dead in a hospital bed, oblivious to the world. Although it seemed so real it is strictly imagination at work.