Questions about OBEs...


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
These questions came up to my mind one of these days...

1)Can someone out of their bodies help people that want to get out of theirs?

2)What is the best method to induce it?

3)Can we travel to the past or to the future?

Any answers...?

1. Who can get out of their body? Is there any evidence that anybody can?

3. We can travel to the future at a rate of 1 second per second. Travel to our current past is probably impossible, unless somebody already built a convenient wormhole back there somewhere.
1)Can someone out of their bodies help people that want to get out of theirs?
It's two different psyco skills. Who can do OBEs, not always able to help people, and vise versa.

2)What is the best method to induce it?
Learning from real teacher.

3)Can we travel to the past or to the future?
Physically NOT. Vision, might be.

chek out my posts in Telepathy thread, in this topic.
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1)Can someone out of their bodies help people that want to get out of theirs?

If someone is out of his/her body, they can not help another human to do the same. Someone who can have OBE's can make suggestions to you to help you to have an OBE.

2)What is the best method to induce it?

A Lucid Dream is the easiest way to go out of your body. You can learn it only if you have the capability to do it. Have an open mind and meditate some on the subject first. It doesn't come that easy. You have to do something for it.

3)Can we travel to the past or to the future?

To the past yes. To the future, no. Better not. There are rather rough experiences with traveling to the future. You can travel through time. Because time is a definition which exists in different layers, so to say.

Rotten English, I am sorry. Difficult to explain. How far are you with OBE's? Any experience with it or Lucid Dreams?

Tell some more about it please...;)
Some time ago, I woke up at night and felt me (my Spirit) going one side to another. It was like being in a hammock. I realized and started to concentrate. I started to bounce me (my Spirit) up and down. I was a little tied in my head and feet, but I was losse in my belly... :bugeye:

I tried to get out, but I couldn't...

Can you explain me exactly what is Lucid Dreaming? Sometimes I have dreams that I remember pretty well. I know that I am in a dream, but what most call my attention is my other senses besides the vision. And I can't control what I'm doing, but I know that is only a dream... is that Lucid Dreaming?

*Can you explain me exactly what is Lucid Dreaming? Sometimes I have dreams that I remember pretty well. I know that I am in a dream, but what most call my attention is my other senses besides the vision. And I can't control what I'm doing, but I know that is only a dream... is that Lucid Dreaming?*

Yes, if you are aware IN a dream that you are dreaming, it is a Lucid Dream.:) You can't control the dreams yet...That will change if you give it a little effort. Try to make yourself an acting person in the dream, in stead of a watching person. With some practise it has to work. It will take time, as everything does, it will happen though.:)

*I was a little tied in my head and feet, but I was losse in my belly...*

There you go...In your belly the centre of your feelings is located. Remember when you feel bad and your belly starts to hurt because of your feeling sad or bad?

My guesses are that you are on the right way my friend. Keep on trying. Try to relax and let the feelings come to you, be aware of them and let yourself go.:)

Let me know how you are doing please...

I almost got out of my body tonight!!!! :D

My life is getting up and now it will get up forever! :)

Remember when I was tied in my head and feet? Now I'm only tied in my feet!! Happened spontaneusly again. I almost got up! And it seems that I have been helped. I was stuck in a position when I've sit down (with my Sprit) and something or someone released me!

I feel that the whole Universe is saying:
Go go go! :p
So funny... :)
The Universe wants me there! And I like that...
I feel them helping me. I don't feel alone anymore!

When I got up this morning and remembered that, I started to feel the Holy Spirit! Do you think the Holy Spirit helped me? I was filled with joy and started to cry of happiness! And I'm still very happy. After months of torture my life is finally geeting better! Thank God! Thank Jesus!

Can you imagine what people will say when I tell this story in my church? I can't... :)


I forgot to say...

Some strange things:
I don't remember if my physical eyes were opened, but I couldn't see nothing. The interesting is that when I thought about to see, I saw for a second that I had sit down. But I don't remember to have opened my physical eyes!

The other thing is that I felt myself very strong and rigid...
Mainly when I sat down. I couldn't move, but I didn't do anything.

Another thing. Something that used to happen when I was a child is happening again. I suddenly wake up but I can't move nor breath! Sometimes is pretty annoying. Once, when I was a child, I stayed like that for about more than 5 minutes! I tried to move and to breath but I couldn't. My astrologer told me that this means that I just came back to my body (when I unconsciously got out) and I came in a wrong position...

Another thing. Before this happened, I had a series of about 5 to 10 dreams in about 2 or 3 hours. They were all very fast and many with lots of confusion. This night I stayed conscious during almost all the night having this kind of lucid dreaming and almost getting out of my body...

Busy night... :p

*Something that used to happen when I was a child is happening again. I suddenly wake up but I can't move nor breath! Sometimes is pretty annoying. Once, when I was a child, I stayed like that for about more than 5 minutes! I tried to move and to breath but I couldn't.*

This is called Sleep Paralysis. :) It can be that you were going to get out of your body and just woke up before it. There is another thread here in the Forum, in which is told about this.:)

'Death/Hell/Sleep Paralysis/Dream Sage…' is the thread I am talking about. Take a look at it. There is more information there.

*Another thing. Before this happened, I had a series of about 5 to 10 dreams in about 2 or 3 hours. They were all very fast and many with lots of confusion. This night I stayed conscious during almost all the night having this kind of lucid dreaming and almost getting out of my body...*

Sounds you are going in the right direction with Lucid Dreams, guess it won't take very long anymore and you actually can get out of your body. :) Try to stay as relaxed as you can, don't fight it and let yourself go.

Wonderful to hear how well it works out for you. Go for it. It is such a good experience to be 'out there'.

Keep me posted please...;)
More OBE questions...

More questions... and these are pretty interesting... :D

1) Can we move physical objects with our astral hands or using our mind?

2) Can we see UFOs when they are in another dimension while in an OBE?

3) Can we appear in someone else's dream?

4) How can we call or go to visit ET's?

5) After lots of OBE practice is it easier to see people's aura?

1) Can we move physical objects with our astral hands or using our mind?

Yes, by using your mind and will-power it is possible to move physical objects. It is called Psycho-kinesis.

2) Can we see UFOs when they are in another dimension while in an OBE?

Not that I know of. Can be that someone else knows the answer on this.

3) Can we appear in someone else's dream?

Yes, it is not allowed though. Never force yourself into someone elses mind or so. It backfires on you, always.

4) How can we call or go to visit ET's?

While having an OBE or Lucid Dream you can visit The Spheres and have contact with the 'inhabitants' of other 'places' in the Cosmos. Don't know how to say it in another way.

5) After lots of OBE practice is it easier to see people's aura?

No, Aura's are a complete different matter. You can see Aura's without OBE, just in daily life. Some people see them, others don't. :) :)
Best method to have an OBE? Vodka. Maybe vodka with some good marijuana.
Oh, I agree with the Marijuana, yes. :) The vodka you may keep. I don't like alcohol so much. Case is that I am tipsy after 2 glasses of wine. I am very cheep on birthday's.

Once they gave me vodka with orange juice. More orange juice than vodka, I was really tipsy. Just from that 1 glass. Had a good time though, don't do it again. Alcohol and I don't go well together. I prefer the Marijuana. ;)

No OBE while smoking Marijuana though...
LUCID Dreaming

Ive read tons on the subject, but I am by NO means, an expert on it. IT all started when i was young and bought a poster to practice those EYE illusuions...where u cross ur eyes and u can see an image within all the chaos. SUPPOSEDLY according to the company, when u access these images...u also access the part of ur brain that you use when dreaming. According to the company the more you practice this, and continue to repeat a mantra (i will remember my dreams) actually stregthens your ability to remember and then eventually control them through practice. ONE night..after weeks and weeks of praciticing...i found myself downstairs in teh home i lived in...and realized i was lucid dreaming. My eye sight was VERY sharp and precise in the complete blackness (i have VERY poor eyesight in reality) and i also realized I never once paid attn to the fact that i had no peripheral evidence of a body...and when i moved forward or turned, i did it by thought...not an actual muscle action. at that point i realized i was dreaming and started to control my movement...went upstairs, saw my body in my bed. OF course by this time i was very excited to the point where i wanted to go outside. The second I thought of spirit propelled itself outside...THROUGH the door without opening it...and i was outside. At this point..i was excited to try to fly, a dream EVERYONE wishes to have...and i SHOT up into the sky so fast and so high, that i awoke.
ONE thing i wanted to add. i smoked weed BEFORE my OBE...even though at the time I was TRYING to have one. it NEVER worked. when i moved in with my family...i had quit...and it was at THAT time i had my OBE. i cant offer any proof...but i think smoking will only HINDER you....unfortunately. it seems u have to be very clear headed and you cannot be distracted. just a small bit of advice...hope it helps
OBE's are not real. OBE's are part of dreaming. it is all part of lucid dreaming and night tremors. the natural inclination is to get up but at this point you can only get up if you are awake, fully awake. you start to have tremors, some of your senses come back but not 100%. tbh, i never had an obe but i came so close that i think i know what they are about.

it does feel like you are being ripped out of your body though. the tremors, you feel them in your bones and i know that i felt like if i went full obe that my skeleton would rip from my skin and my body would be laying there.
i remember one in particular. i was laying there and to myself i thought 'it happeneing again'. slowly some of my senses were coming to me, i could move my head side to side in conscious movement, i could hear things but not natural things. i heard unnatural things intermiongled with natural things. for example: i heard the blinds next to me rattling. it sounded like a train passing me by. at the same time my bones began to shake, they shook like the blinds were rattling. then the struggle begins. if i wake up it will be over, if i lay here i will experience something that dsoes not normally happen.
Had one the other night (lucid dream - accelerated movement ability in the dream).

It's like balancing on several balls at once.

1. Aware you are dreaming. Failure means loss of control of the dream.

2. Becoming "too aware" you are dreaming. Failure will wake yourself up.

3. Feeling the "Limit" on your control. Breaching the limit means you will become "awake" and be merely "daydreaming" which is just lame. Not pushing yourself to the limit will result in that lethargic "I can't even run fast" state.

My dream had me going like mach 3 superman style, it's such a terrific rush. When I started battling some kind of lame japanimation style giant transformer it all unravelled. it was pretty funny I flew up to his neck and pulled a 3'foot diameter plug out of his neck and he powered off and I woke up. God i'm fucked in the head...woke up laughing.
it is like balancing between being asleep and awake. i cannot fully call it a dream though. i think a part of me was awake. respect ur opinion...but until you actually have an OBE..u wont understand. theres nothing confusing about the event. Aside from being nervous or scared, you have complete control of ur memories and a sense. When i awoke from my OBE...i went outside to compare teh scenery and it was exact...down to how the cars were parked in the street.