Questions about Covid-19?

Vaccines are not antibodies. Again, read the two links I showed you.

Antibody presence is a surefire test for immunity. However you can be immune and not currently producing antibodies. They monitor that by monitoring the prevalence of breakthrough infections.
Yes vaccines sre not antibodies but these are reason to stimulate their secretions by lymphocytes. Now when it is clear vaccines or natural infection promote immunological memory then how antibodies to Covid are consistently detected? Does it not suggest some trigger remain always present which keep on stimulatingvmemory cells to secrete antibodies? What it can be?
I think no routine test is available to check status of Immunokogical Memory.
The vaccine is NOT the antibodies. The vaccine works by giving you a version of the virus that has been stripped (hopefully!) of all the nasty stuff, but it will retain the characteristics that your body will recognise as being an invader.
When you're infected by an invader, your body produces T and B lympohcites, as well as other parts of the immune system. The B lymphocites produce anti-bodies, i.e. they produce things which attack the virus (while the T lymphocites attack your cells that have already been infected). When your immune system produces the B and T lymphocites it will remember what gave rise to the need to produce them - i.e. it will have "memory" of the virus - so the next time you're infected with a virus with the same characteristics it has memory of, it can react much quicker, and stop the virus before it takes hold and causes harm.
If you have the antibodies, which your immune system produced, your immune system will remember - i.e. having antibodies means that your body will have a memory (for a while at least) of the virus that required fighting.
But as Billvon said, you can be immune without currently producing antibodies, as the memory should remain, and thus should hopefully enable quick production when needed. Unfortunately the memory is not usually permanent, hence the need for boosters. Similarly the virus might mutate sufficiently such that the body no longer recognises it as a virus it knows how to fight, in which case you will no longer have the immunity.
Yes, this is Immunological memory. But my confusion is that how antibodies to covid are consistently detected for long time post infection cure or post vaccination? As you told (for a while at least) antibodies should only be detected when memory cells are activated by reinfection for short time. Their consistent oresence in body do raise some suspición from consistent ongoing immune response by some consistent trigger. Can this virus have two states? Acute and chronic/latent due to this logic or some active traces of virus still left in bodyvpost infection cure or post vaccination for long term?
fyi if your looking for research grant money

The list of richest Indians by net worth based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine. As of 2020, India has 102 billionaires which put the country fourth in the world, after the United States, China and Germany. The number of Indian billionaires have reduced to 102 from 106 in 2019.[1] Mukesh Ambani has been the richest Indian for 13 consecutive years.[2] He is currently world's sixth-richest person.[3] Savitri Jindal is currently India's richest woman topping the list at 19th position.

no shortage of lots and lots of very very rich indians in india

india is a fascinating country
mixed half n half with on one side
very old superstitious conservative heavily religious people
and on the other the modern urban generation who are (the better ones) very switched on clever & worldly)
a majority proportion of indian core society is still governed by that old world superstitious religious conservatism
most modern indians i have met & talked with privately need to live a dual life reality between that old world social compliance superstitious compliance & modern new world needs.

generally indians are about the same racism level as white american upper middle class

what has that got to do with science of Covid
because depending on how you project and publicize science or miss information about science
you inevitably will be causing the deaths of thousands & or causing suffering of thousands.

meanwhile the Indian society is locked into a difficult struggle to advance its own culture
only indians can solve this uniquely indian problem
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Yes vaccines sre not antibodies but these are reason to stimulate their secretions by lymphocytes. Now when it is clear vaccines or natural infection promote immunological memory then how antibodies to Covid are consistently detected? Does it not suggest some trigger remain always present which keep on stimulatingvmemory cells to secrete antibodies? What it can be?

you need something to read ?


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fyi if your looking for research grant money

meanwhile the Indian society is locked into a difficult struggle to advance its own culture
only indians can solve this uniquely indian problem

No nothing like it. I simply want to satisfy myself.

Yes, regional and environmental disparities matter. We do use our inharent mind alongwith our acquired mind. :)
I do not think, it suggest immunological memory.

i see you making no effort to meet me half way with your own comments about understanding
it looks like you are surfing responses to create something
something that could easily be anti-vaxer media if interpreted in the wrong way or miss used

you appear to be asking everyone else to do all the work for you

just like cult leaders do to control peoples thinking & avoid ever having to show they did not know something or can be wrong about things

so now ... for me
you are in that box
which has a "do not disturb" sign on it

No nothing like it. I simply want to satisfy myself.
i see you making no effort to meet me half way with your own comments about understanding
it looks like you are surfing responses to create something
something that could easily be anti-vaxer media if interpreted in the wrong way or miss used

you appear to be asking everyone else to do all the work for you

just like cult leaders do to control peoples thinking & avoid ever having to show they did not know something or can be wrong about things

so now ... for me
you are in that box
which has a "do not disturb" sign on it

No, you misunderstood quickly. I am a vaccinated person. How then I can go against these? Yes, it is everyone's fundamental right to better understand about food which he is taking. Moreover many things are still unclear in science esp in Covid. So we have full justification to better understand everything in science. I shall be final when it will be final. Untill then, I shall go on digging for better understanding. Now just tell me about my 2nd question:
Should we disturb/change/modify virus natural genome n its activity by various interventions and practices ? May it be in its dead state or in live state?
But my confusion is that how antibodies to covid are consistently detected for long time post infection cure or post vaccination?
Because during specific immune response (either to a pathogen or a vaccine) antibodies are produced. They last a few months, then denature. A specific sort of cell - B memory cells - retains the genetic code required to make the antibody. They can remain dormant for years, even for decades. But when that antigen is seen again - boom! They start producing tons of antibodies very quickly.

Can this virus have two states? Acute and chronic/latent due to this logic or some active traces of virus still left in bodyvpost infection cure or post vaccination for long term?
All viruses are latent. Without the right kind of host cell a virus does nothing. Thus if a virus accumulates within (say) scar tissue that isn't well perfused, it can hang around for a while and basically be ignored by the immune system. Since 99.99% of the time this is just a remnant of a larger infection, the body already knows how to fight it. Very rarely it can cause a secondary infection that manifests as something else (like shingles.)
Because during specific immune response (either to a pathogen or a vaccine) antibodies are produced. They last a few months, then denature. A specific sort of cell - B memory cells - retains the genetic code required to make the antibody. They can remain dormant for years, even for decades. But when that antigen is seen again - boom! They start producing tons of antibodies very quickly.

All viruses are latent. Without the right kind of host cell a virus does nothing. Thus if a virus accumulates within (say) scar tissue that isn't well perfused, it can hang around for a while and basically be ignored by the immune system. Since 99.99% of the time this is just a remnant of a larger infection, the body already knows how to fight it. Very rarely it can cause a secondary infection that manifests as something else (like shingles.)
I also read above link previously. Look at this part from that link:.
"Memory B cells circulate in the blood stream in a quiescent state, sometimes for decades.[1] Their function is to memorize the characteristics of the antigen that activated their parent B cell during initial infection such that if the memory B cell later encounters the same antigen, it triggers an accelerated and robust secondary immune response.[2"
From this link and from your post, it is indicative that:
1.long term antibody in substancial quantity is a function of B cells on finding the trigger. My concern is, how these persist in body for long say 6 months+ in case of covid?
2. Some remainants of larger infection persist in body which body try to clear them. This justify my concern sbouut possibility of consistent and long term immune response resulting long term antibodies. Hence now we can suspect possibílitu of chronic/ latent or long term phase of covid which either may cure fully or got worse (horrible).
how these persist in body for long say 6 months+ in case of covid?
Those memory B cells persist for decades.
Some remainants of larger infection persist in body which body try to clear them. This justify my concern sbouut possibility of consistent and long term immune response resulting long term antibodies.
First off, you don't need to imagine some mechanism whereby infections persist in the body. SARS-CoV-2 is prevalent in our society, and once we stop masking/distancing etc people will be exposed to it. That alone will trigger antibody production. Indeed, those antibodies, acting on a small infection, are why you have immunity.

Second, antibodies don't last long. Re-read the above note.
Hence now we can suspect possibílitu of chronic/ latent or long term phase of covid which either may cure fully or got worse (horrible).
Why not learn the science instead of making things up to "suspect?"
There seems to be some problems with people who take immunosuppressants for organ transplants, etc.

Apparently the suppressants also suppress the vaccine effectiveness.

Taking Immunosuppressants? Fauci Says Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
“It is clear that if you are on immunosuppressant agents, history tells us that you are not going to have as robust a response as if you had an intact immune system that was not being compromised,” Fauci said, in response to a question from ASH President Stephanie Lee, MD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle. “But some degree of immunity is better than no degree of immunity. So, for me, it would be recommended that these people do get vaccinated.”
Those memory B cells persist for decades.
Yes, memory B cells persist not the antibofies unless there is ongoing immune or healing reponse is continuing. Just a kinetic and potential difference.

First off, you don't need to imagine some mechanism whereby infections persist in the body. SARS-CoV-2 is prevalent in our society, and once we stop masking/distancing etc people will be exposed to it. That alone will trigger antibody production. Indeed, those antibodies, acting on a small infection, are why you have immunity.

Yes this is also possible if wé anticipate we are daily getting infection. I can not imagine it becsuse if it would have been happening, everybody dhould dhow positive antibody test. But it is not yet observed.

S econd, antibodies don't last long. Re-read the above note.
On the contrary I am making this an issue, how antibody are tested positive post virus exposure for orolonged time in case of Covid?

Why not learn the science instead of making things up to "suspect?"
Suspecting and thinking, why apple fallen on head or ground, do add. Please read first line of my OP. Many many things are still pending to know in science.
There seems to be some problems with people who take immunosuppressants for organ transplants, etc.

Apparently the suppressants also suppress the vaccine effectiveness.

Taking Immunosuppressants? Fauci Says Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
Yes. It will mean vaccine promote kinetic immune response i.e. antibody based immune response. Immunological memory based acquisationvof potential immunity may not be interfered by infection or by vaccination. Just a logical thought.
Yes this is also possible if wé anticipate we are daily getting infection. I can not imagine it becsuse if it would have been happening, everybody dhould dhow positive antibody test. But it is not yet observed.
That's because people have been trying very hard NOT to get infected.
That's because people have been trying very hard NOT to get infected.
Then, it will mean no persistent exposure and getting of infection is happening in whole public inspite of pademic.
Then How antibodies persist for long post infection or post vaccination if they do not get multiple infections? Antibodies
should fade away soon but immunological memory should persist.
Then, it will mean no persistent exposure and getting of infection is happening in whole public inspite of pademic.
Once people are vaccinated they will not be trying as hard to avoid infection. So more people will become infected at some level of infection. As long as we have enough people vaccinated, that will not result in another wave of infection - because once you are vaccinated, your odds of developing enough of an infection to become infectious are much lower.

However, that does NOT mean that there's no infection at all - it just means that your body is much better at fighting it off now, using a plan of attack that often involves antibodies.

So you get vaccinated. You have antibodies for months to years. You have the ABILITY to produce those antibodies for years to decades. (Probably; no one has data going for more than 16 months so far for SARS-CoV-2, but that's the usual progression.) At first you get moderate amounts of reinfection since newly vaccinated people will be out and about in a population that still has significant infection rates. Those will produce more antibodies. As time goes on and the disease dies back, that will happen less and less often. But as it is likely to remain endemic in the world for a few years, we will still see people with antibody responses to infection challenges.
Then How antibodies persist for long post infection or post vaccination if they do not get multiple infections?
Once again - memory B cells.