Questioning Time Travel.


Registered Member
I have a question about time travel, what is the difference between traveling to the past versus traveling to the future?
Soo, the time continuum is only progressive, further in time? That means we can alter the past with a time machine without harming the future?
Soo, the time continuum
You say this as if it is a real term that you know the meaning of...
is only progressive, further in time? That means we can alter the past with a time machine without harming the future?
More succinctly- how would you "travel" to "the past?"

The coffee analogy:
You have a coffee cup. In it, is coffee (believe it or not). So you add powdered creamer to the coffee. The particulates float on the surface of the coffee.
The Coffee surface is Space.
The floating particulates is Time.
Together, they are spacetime.
Take that little plastic straw and dip it into the coffee and move it in a stirring motion. The particulates will be dragged by the stirrer moving through it.
The stirrer is Mass moving through spacetime.

As mass moves through spacetime, it creates the effect that we perceive as time. Rather than "time" being like a flowing river, linear and of independent motion, time is simply one property of the fabric of space.

This is why mass will effect how time is perceived or speed will effect how time is perceived.
Traveling, does indeed, move you through time.

Accepting (as an axiom) the analogy as accurate- consider how a person could time travel- move to a specific time. The short answer is, that can't happen. There is no "timeplace" to go to. Merely the passage of ourselves through it.
Earth is the middle of our galaxy, that is what you're explaining. And yeah i really liked the movie ''Pi'' too.
Earth is the middle of our galaxy, that is what you're explaining. And yeah i really liked the movie ''Pi'' too.

Never heard of nor saw a movie called "pi."

The Earth is not in the middle of our Galaxy, It is pretty distantly placed on the outer edge of one bar spiral arm.

Thanks, but I'm still utterly baffled as to how some movie relates and how he took what I said and turned it into, "Earth is in the middle of the galaxy." I can't make heads or tails of it.

"Monkeys fling poo when angry."
"Ah, so you're saying Dr pepper tastes great, got it."

ETA: Looking at the link, I was reminded of Dr Arroway (Contact) finding pi hidden in the fundamentals of the Universe. Damnit, now I waxed all goofy, too!
It is based on the basics of planetarium. I won't tell, google it and you will find it out yourselves.
It is based on the basics of planetarium. I won't tell, google it and you will find it out yourselves.

No... by all means, tell it. Because if I google it, it will tell me the opposite of what you're saying. So, it makes more sense to have you explain than to have me make assumptions about what you meant to say.
Thanks, but I'm still utterly baffled as to how some movie relates

It was your coffee analogy. There's a scene in the movie where cream is added to a cup of coffee and a point is made about the mathematics of the shapes of the resulting swirls.

I don't know how he gets the earth is at the center of the galaxy either. I suspect he went to a planetarium and misunderstood the show.
It was your coffee analogy. There's a scene in the movie where cream is added to a cup of coffee and a point is made about the mathematics of the shapes of the resulting swirls.
That sounds like a discussion about fluid mechanics... Guess I need to work on my analogies...
Because there are more galaxies. I wrote about are own galaxy. Sorry for the confusion.
Ok, I'm not trying to be difficult... But what does there being other galaxies have to do with Earths placement in this one?
Time is our perception of change. There is no future state that exists already, nor can we go back to something that has already happened. Things just are.
That is called time continuum. But when a time-machine would work, what would you take the way back to the future?
Better translators.

The spacetime continuum is a term used in Star Trek. In the Star Trek universe time travel is possible and the grandfathor paradox is resolved by an event A leads to event B that leads to C that in turn can lead to A again, so that their own causality can be changed by an extra event B that somehow corrects the "impossibility" of A leading to C.