
The problem is that if this entity were to ensure that we know it exists, it would have to override our own will

Reminds me of the kingfisher. By flying past me the kingfisher has now overidden my own will. I have no choice now but to know that kingfishers exist.. Sorry, where's the problem exactly?

At the end of the day, the question is not whether God exists or not. The question is, In whose hands am I going to put my pursuit of happiness?

No. At the end of the day the question is does a god exist or not.


First off, what makes you think that being very skeptical is being rational?

First off I asserted that I am both skeptical and rational, I did not claim that the two were joined at the hip. Secondly it is more rational than the opposite - the only decent acceptable word for that would be gullibility.

The bible has ufos in it and they are associated with angels--Exodus 14:19

That does not mention ufo's, it mentions a cloud that moves. Hey, don't let me stand in the way of whatever crap you believe.

never made its way into the text books yet

And you call that scientific...


Obviously it does matter, which is why I am asking.

Obviously it doesn't, which is why I said "it doesn't.."

What does this have to do with my question?

A lot. Perhaps you should read the whole thing instead of just the one sentence. Heh?

So what knowledge do you have regarding crafts from other worlds?

I spent the best part of 5 years dealing with claimed abductees, researching the subject etc etc. I also watch Star Trek :bugeye:

To see if any experience matches yours.

Strange lights in the sky? Good suggestion..

So you don't really have a point?

Sure I do, guess it's just beyond you. Nm.

You just wanted to show that God does not exist

Did I say that or did you? It seems almost like you want someone to say it - that it would be like a breath of fresh air being told that the sky fairy you worship is fake. That youare only judged by you, (that you isa very unforgiving being), that you realise you need to accept you for who you are, forgive yourself for it and move on. Is that what you seek? If not, at least tell me which god it is that you're referring to. It's doubtful I'd hear any argument from you if I said odin doesn't exist.
No. At the end of the day the question is does a god exist or not.

Allright, if you insist -

Why does it matter to you whether God exists or not?

I'm not asking this lightly. Obviously, God's existing or not existing would mean something crucial for you - and I'm wondering what that is.
You just wanted to show that God does not exist, because if he did we should (everyone of us) have had clear, undeniable experience.

Jan -

How do you distinguish between reality and wishful thinking? What are your criteria for making this distinction?

How can you make sure that what you know as "God", truly is God, and not simply your projections and wishful thinking?

Thank you for your answers.
Why does it matter to you whether God exists or not?

It doesn't, I think you misunderstand. What I would like is for the question to be settled so humanity could get over it and move on.
What I would like is for the question to be settled so humanity could get over it and move on.

Apparently then, the question is so important that not having it settled hinders humanity from "getting over it and moving on".

IOW, apparently not having settled that question is so important that we are stuck.

If I'm understanding you correctly, I would say then that in your estimation, having that question settled is of great importance.