

I very much enjoyed reading your paper. As you said, kind of slim on technical details, but the drama is good. Are there going to be further installments? You seem to be more interested in the Sapiens (Biolife CEO, etc), but your readers might be more interested in what happens to the Neanderthals. I am.

You could explore all kinds of ethical and scientific issues on this one. Good luck! I hope we were of some help in your project.
Pollux forget science! become a Sci-fi writer! Ooh by the way so I can get this so it will be worth a lot of money someday: Could I get your autograph? :D
On being a succesful writer...

It's the thing that I desire, above all, the most to have and work toward. I'm glad that you both liked it and I agree with your statements. But about a year ago I was very pretentious about being a great writer, I thought I was better than everyone else when in effect my stuff was crap. I've come a very long way, but I still have an even longer way to go. Until I see either my sciforums alias or my real name everywhere I look then I will not believe that my writing is better than anyone elses, and as such, I am sorry I cannot provide you with an autograph.

Just bookmark the post and keep an eye on the date it was made:cool: You know, just in case...