Question for FoxMulder


If you speak to your Succubus "Zoe", just ask her what her findings are over the interactions of people due to the Q-event.
Actually if I'm correct, just her becoming known to more than one persom might jeopardise her. Check the Intelligence & Machines thread for a little picture under "Quantum Brains".


FoxM, nowhere in the bible is mentioned there are other Planets in the Universe. They just spotted a new Planet which is 36000 times farther than Jupiter is from Mars.

There are mentions.....Son. 2:3, Am. 7.7.

New Planets are/have been discovered all along in human history. What about that? Did god only create the life-forms on Earth? For what purpose?

This is religious - not the subject of this thread - but Gen. 1:26 has your answer.

FoxM, may I ask why you never give a proper answer on the questions from the others to give a good explanation of your experiences? The only thing I have seen so far is about Zoe. I do believe you had a bitter experience, what makes you think so many people are "demons"?

Not demons.....controlled by "Them".

What in the great Gretzkyson's name does that mean? PLEASE explain!

"They" want you to be confused by all those acronyms!
Hey Dude, I got a question: What different types of demons have you come across in your travels, could you site some names? (I.E. Incubus, Vampire, etc.)

Thanx, ~ Cactus.

Cactus Jack:
Hey Dude, I got a question: What different types of demons have you come across in your travels, could you site some names? (I.E. Incubus, Vampire, etc.)

Incubus (male demon), succubus (female incubus), lamia, nosferatu, strigoi, asema, draugr.
Lost you beyond Succubus, Incubus and Nosferatu, no comprede when it comes to the rest. Sorry

Edited: Yeah Tyler, ever seen shadow of the vampire?
"Call me kooky....but isn't nosferatu the German word for vampire?"



"There are mentions.....Son. 2:3, Am. 7.7."

Umm, what does a reference to fellatio and a bit of babbling about God with a plumb line have to do with anything? :bugeye:

Cactus Jack:
Lost you beyond Succubus, Incubus and Nosferatu, no comprede when it comes to the rest. Sorry

All names of vampires from different cultures.

Yes, it is.

Umm, what does a reference to fellatio and a bit of babbling about God with a plumb line have to do with anything?

You must stop using your MIND which MISLEADS you when trying to interpret Scripture.

You must have FAITH and faith is the enemy of reason.

Martin Luther said:
"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God."

You must stop being mislead by your arrogant reason!
Luther? As in the guy who's been dead almost 500 years?

I wouldn't go using him as your source for modern intelligence.
Okay FoxM., this is leading nowhere.

The thread will be moved to Free Thoughts. Perhaps it should go to religion, or the trashcan, I don't care.

Have fun...
I personally think that half of it was dreamed up by someone with as much sanity as a slightly-less-than-ok dust mite. The other half just "happened"
Okay, FoxMulder,
Let me put it bluntly, From what I understand their are no demons, never was, and I would say there never would be.

It's just that mankind has a habit of making up things in where they think stuff should fit.

You speak of not Demonic possession, but a poor soul as a person is enslaved by someones experiment that is shrouded by demonolgy just to throw people off the scent of it's reality.

Those Demons you think you fight or talk to are manifestations created by laboratory assistants doing terrible studies that to the world and the church would be classed as in-humane.

This means that they see their "experiment" as being ridiculed by the masses, and in turn makes them try to create their experiment into a clandenstine effort through a shroud of long dead superstitions.

People that don't wise up to the use of people for these methods of doctors writing papers on the psychology of peoples minds, just continue to add to the superstitions of old rather than burying them along with the dead.
Hey Foxy! I have a question for ya! Are you not a hardcore Christian? And is it true that you believe in vampires and UFO's? Well, I always thought that if you believed in God, you certainly couldnt believe in UFO's. I mean, wouldnt that prove that a God doesnt exist, if there are other life forms? Because if there are aliens, then who is their maker? Certainly not god since he made us in his image, and aliens dont look like us. AHhhhh, fuggit bout it!

Whats your deal? Really. Most christians I know dont go hunting vampires.:rolleyes:

No fucking shit, Sherlock. You'll be an athiest yet.

I will NEVER worship your demon-god and I will NEVER use your un-holy logic!

I have a question, Fox. Is all of the Bible the Word of God?

Yes, it is ALL the Word of God.

I personally think that half of it was dreamed up by someone with as much sanity as a slightly- less-than-ok dust mite. The other half just "happened"

Not a dust-mite! And the Bible is the Word of God - it did not "just happen"!

Those Demons you think you fight or talk to are manifestations created by laboratory assistants doing terrible studies that to the world and the church would be classed as in- humane.

Manifestations of what?

Hey Foxy! I have a question for ya! Are you not a hardcore Christian?

Perhaps. CERTAIN people CLAIM that I am an ATHIEST'S idea of a PRACTICAL JOKE!

Whats your deal? Really. Most christians I know dont go hunting vampires

Most Christians are too STUPID to see the truth.
Fox Mulder said, "Yes, the Bible is ALL the Word of God."

Then how do you explain the contradiction between "An eye for an eye" in the old testament and Jesus saying, "When struck, turn the other cheek" in the new testament?
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Manifestations of anything that you would superstitiously believe to be unearthly.

Pollux V:
(cough) hypocrite (watchooo...)

I am no hypocrite!

Then how do you explain the contradiction between "An eye for an eye" in the old testament and Jesus saying, "When struck, turn the other cheek" in the new testament?

Because God's laws changed!

Manifestations of anything that you would superstitiously believe to be unearthly.

Why should I believe you?