Question for FoxMulder


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
FoxMulder, I am curious about something. What can you tell us about Mars? About the water/ice, aliens, NASA, and so on?
No aliens....

There are no aliens. They are demons sent to ensnare men's souls. Mars is a planet, like any other. NASA is the North American Space Agency.
Yes, are there other planets with other non-demon life forms? And how do you know this?
Re: No aliens....

Originally posted by FoxMulder
There are no aliens. They are demons sent to ensnare men's souls. Mars is a planet, like any other. NASA is the North American Space Agency.

I thought it was the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. :confused:
Do you ever actually step back and look at the rate of technology today and not even consider that your "Demons" are no more than selfish men preying upon the weak and poor?
Lesion took the words right out of my mouth.

Fox I'm really interested to hear your whole autobiography, tell us everything, man. Our ears are open:D
A book?

A book might be a good idea, Tyler.

Yes, are there other planets with other non-demon life forms? And how do you know this?

God only created one planet other life-bearing planets are in the Bible.

Cactus Jack:
What is the most interesting demon you have encountered?


I thought it was the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

That is what "They" WANT you to think.

Any more questions?

If you speak to your Succubus "Zoe", just ask her what her findings are over the interactions of people due to the Q-event.
Actually if I'm correct, just her becoming known to more than one persom might jeopardise her. Check the Intelligence & Machines thread for a little picture under "Quantum Brains".
FoxM, nowhere in the bible is mentioned there are other Planets in the Universe. They just spotted a new Planet which is 36000 times farther than Jupiter is from Mars.

New Planets are/have been discovered all along in human history. What about that? Did god only create the life-forms on Earth? For what purpose?

FoxM, may I ask why you never give a proper answer on the questions from the others to give a good explanation of your experiences? The only thing I have seen so far is about Zoe. I do believe you had a bitter experience, what makes you think so many people are "demons"?

This thread is probably going to be moved to Free Thoughts. I really think this belongs in Free Thoughts. Then again, demons, coming from the devil as mentioned in the bible, actually belong in religion.

Suggestions are welcome... :)
A little example of demon activity...?

May, 28 - 2002

Ice reservoirs found on Mars

By Dr David Whitehouse

BBC News Online science editor

Water-ice has been found in vast quantities just below the surface across great swathes of the planet Mars.

The finding by the American space agency (Nasa) is undoubtedly one of the most important made about the Red Planet.

It solves one of its deepest mysteries, points the way for manned exploration and reignites the question of whether life may exist on the planet.

Insiders suggest that, partly as a result of this finding, Nasa may
now commit itself to a manned landing within 20 years.

Where the water went

The US space agency will make the dramatic announcement about the water-ice next Thursday. And full disclosure of the findings will come in the journal Science later that day.

The discovery was made by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, which has been gathering data since late last year.

Mars water facts

Ice crystals less than one metre (three feet) below Mars surface
Located south of 60 degrees latitude Melted, would create planet-wide ocean 500 metres deep Nasa may commit to landing in less than 20 years

It confirms early observations that also pointed to enormous reservoirs of ice just below the surface.

This finding will answer a question that has puzzled Mars researchers for decades: many lines of evidence suggest that the Red Planet was water-rich in the past, so where did all that water go?

The answer appears to be that it is in the regolith - the layer of
loose rock and dust on the surface.

Mars Odyssey has been returning high-quality data about Mars' surface composition.

The spacecraft contains an instrument called a gamma-ray spectrometer that looks for gamma-rays (high-energy light) with a specific signature showing that they come from hydrogen less than one metre (three feet) beneath the Martian surface.

Astronomers believe that the hydrogen is locked up in crystals of ice.

Moon discovery

The same design of instrument was used on the Lunar Prospector
spacecraft that discovered ice in the shadowed regions of the Moon's poles in 1998.

Also on board Mars Odyssey is a neutron spectrometer that registers evidence for underground ice in the same regions of the planet.

Researchers were amazed at the strength of the signal of the ice. They had expected to take a year to gather enough evidence but managed to do so in just a few weeks.

They announced preliminary findings in March but now have good data confirming large amounts of the water-ice just beneath the surface south of 60 degrees latitude.

Researchers suspect the same to be true of the northern hemisphere, but cannot make the appropriate observations until later this year due to the Martian winter in the north.

Nasa scientists were scheduled to hold a major news conference on Thursday when they would say that their earlier findings had been confirmed and extended. But this may be brought forward after a British newspaper leaked the news.

Look for life

The dramatic discovery may also guide the selection of future landing and exploration sites on Mars, and may suggest areas to look for evidence of past life.

The presence of such a vast amount of ice - if it were to melt it
could cover the planet in an ocean at least 500 metres deep (1,640 feet) - will change profoundly the direction of future exploration.

Although landing probes are planned - the European Beagle 2 and Nasa's twin Mars rovers next year - neither are targeted at the region where the ice may exist.

The Mars Polar Lander was to touch down in exactly the right spot in 1999 and would have undoubtedly detected the ice had it not malfunctioned on the way down.

Having water just below the surface will be an enormous boon to
astronauts on Mars.

Water is essential for life, so the discovery enhances the belief that Mars could have had life in the past and perhaps in the present as well.

Because of this, bringing a sample of the ice and rock back to Earth by an unmanned sample return probe will become a top priority.

BBC News Online will report the full technical details of the Odyssey discovery when they appear in the journal Science on Thursday.

This is just an example of humans, made after gods likeness, exploring the Universe(s). How can you explain that there might be water on Mars and pobably past life?
Isn't it so that god created heaven (Universe(s) ) and Earth and all what is in it?

So what are your thoughts about life on other Planets FoxM? Doesn't matter now what I might think, it is your opinion I want to hear please.

Are all those people who are working on this project, for example, demons then?

What are your thoughts? Thanx...:)

mind you, this is just an example to try to find out how you explain these developments.
"That is what "They" WANT you to think."

What in the great Gretzkyson's name does that mean? PLEASE explain!