Question for Cris and James R.,if possible...


Never mind my hasty remark. Its just an instantaneous swear rather than intended abusive language. Advaita can do without theology but it would be akin to Buddhism than Vedanta. Or a dry and toughest intellectual exercise than way of life. Succeeding might not be possible in a life time without guiding forces. Again, that depends upon individuals.
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I wasn't annoyed by your remark, I realised my argument wasn't very well made and probably looked pig-headed.

I agree roughly with what you say here, except that I don't see any distinction between Buddhism and Advaita on any important issue.
I don’t see that that is necessarily true. Infinity must exist otherwise nothing could ever have begun. This sets a precedent that it is possible for something to be infinite, in which case why not an intelligence.
Gravage:Yes,but intelligence evolves in an environment,you must be in an space/environment,to get knowledge of that space,and than try to be creative.Intelligence is something you get with the experience,and knowledge about the environment you're raised in.So,if if God has intelligence,it couldn't be eternal,it had to start from something.Than,thanks to intelligence God has created universe,,but his intelligence will cease to exist,since even God's intelligence has the beginning and therefore the end.
Only if it is left to itself. If it was controlled by an intelligence with the deliberate intention of maintaining the matrix for that intelligence then the implication is that immortality is a possibility.

Gravage:No,explained above.Plus,only energy is immortal and eternal.