Question for Atheists

I can see myself believing in God later in life, actually. It's such a natural conclusion humans come up with. But, I would be happy in being an atheist. Surely God would too, except for me restricting the conversions to his religion, depending on the religion.
Question 1.
Answer: I would not regret having lived my live as an atheist. If beliving in god and worshiping him/her would give me a better status in heaven then I am sure that I would have been happy with the spot I got, because as in life I would try to look at it from a positive point of view.

Question 2.
Sure....... But then again, there would not be much of a choice... right?
Suppose you died, and just like in the movies your soul leaves your body and you float on up up and away through the clouds and into a white light and *poof* you're in front of the pearly gates of heaven. Being a good person, you are let into heaven.

Would you be satisfied with yourself that you were an atheist back in your corporal days or would you wish you had, back then, had faith in the almighty.
wouldnt make any difference then if he let you in heaven,,now would it? ;)
Second question: Would you be happy? Suppose there never was a hell, that was just a rumor, also no one was ever harmed, that was all an illusion to test you and there were your friends and family and swimming pool and BBQ and ice cold beers waiting for you. A perfect summer day! So, would you be happy to live in heaven?
if theres beer and fornicating it sure doesnt look like xian heaven! :D
if you had to worship the Jewish fruitcake and his Evil daddyO ..for eternity no less it sure as hell wouldnt be my cup o tea!!
After a long day in the lab, it popped into my mind. Wow, I pounded through a 6 pack and vegged in front of a TV until I passed out on the couch! Then I woke up (I ALWAYS wake up with the Gawd damn sun coming in the windown [which i why my room is pitch black]) anyway, since I wasn't going to go back to sleep I played PS3 for 6 hours :)

So, how about this new question.

(which kind of reflect on a previous answer)

How would atheists AND theist feel IF we both awoke in an afterlife and there was NO GOD. Then what?
I don't worry about such matters. I fully expect death to be like before birth.

If however I go to heaven, I would after a while be worried about having an eternity to experience... I don't know how an eternity of anything could be bearable. Perhaps god would have to medicate me to keep me from going insane.
If however I go to heaven, I would after a while be worried about having an eternity to experience... I don't know how an eternity of anything could be bearable. Perhaps god would have to medicate me to keep me from going insane.
Actually, I was thinking, if you lived even for a couple thousand years the you then would be such a different person from the you now as to pretty much be someone else.

From my point of view: The "ME" or "I" living for eternity is simply not possible as the future "ME" or "I" would be so utterly different as to be a wholly different person.
I guess it all depends on what we consider "I" and what does it mean when we say: I'm going to live for eternity.
Then the word I has no meaning.
At which point would 1 be different enough to be a different person?
Is the different person of "Sam Jones" responsible for what "Sam Jones" did 3 years ago?
I meant to say earlier I would never worship anyone.
Because murder and rape is a crime, but there can be extenuating circumstances for them. There is no excuse for treachery.
Of course there can be extenuating circumstance for treachery. If Judas's child was dying of a horrible disease and he need the 30 piece of silver to pay for his medicine, that would be an extenuating circumstance. If Brutas stabbed Caesar in the back because he loved the republic and genuinely believed that Caesar was going to destroy it, that's an extenuating circumstance.
I would kill God so I could be an atheist again.

Precisely my thoughts, however not to be an atheist

I would conveniently "eliminate" God so as to replace Him

With respect of course (Oh please if there is a God forgive me for that!):D
Not at all; it depends on the survival of consciousness after death. A god is not necessary for such a thing to happen.

But don't most believers in afterlife do so because it's a reward for doing as their god wants them to? With the exception of some eastern beliefs, isn't it the threat of a bad afterlife that coerces believers into obeying the rules made up for any particular belief?
Would you be satisfied with yourself that you were an atheist back in your corporal days or would you wish you had, back then, had faith in the almighty.

Entirely satisfied. A god that let you into heaven while you spent your life as an atheist isn't any of the gods depicted by man. It would be a welcome surprise. At this stage of course I would think most about my girls. If they were in some hell, then I would prefer to be there with them than soaking up the sunshine without them.

Second question: Would you be happy? Suppose there never was a hell, that was just a rumor, also no one was ever harmed, that was all an illusion to test you and there were your friends and family and swimming pool and BBQ and ice cold beers waiting for you. A perfect summer day! So, would you be happy to live in heaven?

Of course - but then sitting in a swimming pool drinking beer can only get you so far. Value of existence demands the ability to do new things. It would, to me at least, get boring once I found out there was nothing to do except sit in the pool drinking beers. (Don't get me wrong, I could do that for a long while).
Then the word I has no meaning.
At which point would 1 be different enough to be a different person?
Is the different person of "Sam Jones" responsible for what "Sam Jones" did 3 years ago?
I meant to say earlier I would never worship anyone.
great point. I suppose I was imaginging a new "I" that has none, or almost none, of my memories. No childhood memories, no memories of friends, all gone ... that person would be me and wouldn't.. if you know what I mean.