question for atheists and theists.

well then that's not true.

wanna hear my personal definition of insane? of course you do. it's when someone continues to do something that they already know is detrimental.

This is all beside the point.

- I would want to know God if he existed,
- God wants me to believe in him (it says so in the bible),
- I do not believe in God nor know him.

What went wrong ?
This is all beside the point.

- I would want to know God if he existed,
- God wants me to believe in him (it says so in the bible),
- I do not believe in God nor know him.

What went wrong ?

i don't know enmos. maybe it's just not time yet. why do you want to know god?
i don't know enmos. maybe it's just not time yet. why do you want to know god?

Because he created everything ?
But most of all because he created humanity.
I need to kick him in the balls. If he has them, that is. So far he's proved himself a pussy, if he exists.
Because he created everything ?
But most of all because he created humanity.
I need to kick him in the balls. If he has them, that is. So far he's proved himself a pussy, if he exists.

so you just want to chastize him and that's it? you can do that without knowing him.
I was joking, Lory.
Who wouldn't want to meet his/her maker ? Asking why is kind of a stupid question.

no it's not. lots of people don't want to know this is true for legitimate reasons. not good reasons per se, but verifiable ones.

i didn't want to know for a good part of my life. i didn't want to give up control. i didn't want to go to church. i didn't want to be convicted. but mostly, it was about control. it was just too consequential, and i believe that is why many people don't know him.
no it's not. lots of people don't want to know this is true for legitimate reasons. not good reasons per se, but verifiable ones.

i didn't want to know for a good part of my life. i didn't want to give up control. i didn't want to go to church. i didn't want to be convicted. but mostly, it was about control. it was just too consequential, and i believe that is why many people don't know him.

Ok, what about curiosity ?
Ok, what about curiosity ?

you expect me to buy that?

it's not about some arbitrary curiosity. it's not about debate. it's not about intellectualizing, and it's not some emotional plea either. it's the most all-encompassing, consequential thing you could ever want to do. and that's intimidating.
you expect me to buy that?

it's not about some arbitrary curiosity. it's not about debate. it's not about intellectualizing, and it's not some emotional plea either. it's the most all-encompassing, consequential thing you could ever want to do. and that's intimidating.

And not particularly healthy or normal.
Atheists: Is there anything that could convince you that there is a god?

Theists: Is there anything that could convince you there is no god?

Convince...?. Hardly if not at all .
We were created . By whom ?. No one knows .
Who created whom from point zero until today is a huge question that no one can answer .
Convince...?. Hardly if not at all .
We were created . By whom ?. No one knows .
Who created whom from point zero until today is a huge question that no one can answer .

But you do believe someone created everything, including us ?
But you do believe someone created everything, including us ?

Someone, someones....etc.?. Who knows...!. No proof either ways .
One blue print for a vehicle can be used by millions of engineers to make the same vehicle . Right...?.