Question for an Athiest

Humans are animals with superior information processing power. We are also capable of recognizing a great range of patterns, and are very adaptable. This combination simply allows us to dominate over all others, and gives us the power to blatantly declare ourselves "better" than animals. Personally, I see no difference between humans and animals.

Some religious people claim that humans know right from wrong. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The line between good/evil is an artificial one, and when we start nitpicking you'll see that the border becomes VERY shady, if not nonexistent. The numerous harangues, yellings, discussions, and firefights in scifora should indicate it.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

first the believers claim animals have no souls
now heathens call the animals stupid

is there no end to man's arrogance?
answer me this! (dammit)

Answer: Nope! :eek:
we are animals

Biologically, we are animals, but are intelligence puts us well above most others. I could understand religion when i was a 7-year-old, so I wonder if apes could. Maybe they could be taught, but they wouldn't appreciate the importance? Anyway, the main difference is probably intelligence--and IMO a spiritual side.

That'll be exciting when we see apes make fire though--kind of a scary thought! I wonder if we taught chimps to use sign language, and then released them in the wild, would they teach their offspring? Hmmm...
Re: we are animals

Originally posted by platzapS
Biologically, we are animals, but are intelligence puts us well above most others. I could understand religion when i was a 7-year-old, so I wonder if apes could. Maybe they could be taught, but they wouldn't appreciate the importance? Anyway, the main difference is probably intelligence--and IMO a spiritual side.

That'll be exciting when we see apes make fire though--kind of a scary thought! I wonder if we taught chimps to use sign language, and then released them in the wild, would they teach their offspring? Hmmm...

I think that's been tried before with no success. They learn but not pass it on.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Wow, thats a good discovery. If apes can learn sign language, then pass it on, maybe later in years they can also learn to read and talk..When that happens, when they are capable of that level of intelligence, then they will be "Christianized", learning Jesus the WORD incarnate, so that they will be baptized and have a chance to meet their creator...
Yeah that will be tight, evangelizing chimps...:)
"eah that will be tight, evangelizing chimps..."

*Cough* i.e whatsupyall *cough cough*
Different than animals???

When the bible was written, how smart were the authors? What level of scientific knowledge would you place them? Level 1 would be infant, level ten being scholar. Say a 3?

At the time, the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe was widely spread to put some base to "why are we here"? The man they called Jesus came as the son of a God believed to have created the universe and all that was in it. Jesus claimed to have known all that the God knew...and professed to enlighten "people" of this broader knowledge.

How come Jesus never stated that the Earth actually rotated around the sun, therefore dispelling the false God beliefs? The universe and its structure was not discovered for another 400 years.

Would it be deceit if we find that there are life forms on other planets? Why would the creator deceive Earthlings into believing this is it?