question always asked... where is/was god


many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?
In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

You would have to believe in God to blame God, and if you believe in God, you're not very likely to blame Him.

While there is a certain logic to the idea that we have free will and should be able to jump when God says jump, and overcome all of the obstacles thrown before us, that would today be considered discriminatory. The crack baby who ends up severely damaged may be incapable of jumping hurdles of any kind for example. But worse are victims. If the game that's being played is that 1 out of X of us are going to catch a flesh rotting disease, and 1 out of Y will be murdered, and 1 out of Z will be falsely accused and victimized by a political entity, or subject to torture and genocide (and the list goes on and on) then we can conclude that 1 out of Q people will be used as guinea pigs in God's little free will experiment, and all of this is done merely to please Him.

The idea of God as a Personal Loving God seems to work quite well when there's a big crowd jumping up and down ecstatically, and a glitzy show band bringing home the sweet sound of salvation, amid tears and smiles and hugs. But while that's going on, someone gets raped or killed, someone dies in prison for a crime they did not commit, and a deadly new pandemic evolves out of the muck.

It's the idea of allowing harm to come to innocent victims that gives rise to the feelings that God is to blame. We don't need saviors. We need heroes.
In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

They blame Him is to justify their rebellious attitude to justify to say that the is no god
Aqueous . It's the idea of allowing harm to come to innocent victims that gives rise to the feelings that God is to blame. We don't need saviors. We need heroes.[/QUOTE said:
Should the hero be dead or alive ? I think it will be hard to find heroes in a selfish society as we are. Remember in the sixty and seventies the phase was I am numero 1
Can you see in a grander perspective than that of a earthling?

Who is to say you are suffering what so ever when you look back from your heavenly estate at some time?
Should the hero be dead or alive ? I think it will be hard to find heroes in a selfish society as we are. Remember in the sixty and seventies the phase was I am numero 1

That era gave us MLK and Nelson Mandela, the near canonization of Gandhi, and countless heroic warriors and pacifist-resisters, from Cuba to Iran or Sinai to Argentina. From the civil rights realized in the US after the awakening of the 50s, up to the ratification of international human rights, there is an awful lot to say about the heroism of that era. Would that we could universally admit it, and throw out the bums from political office who have their dirty little ideological war against it.

More to the point of the thread: if heroism can exist among mere mortals, why is God so weak as to allow victims to suffer so cruelly? Why create victims? That's the idea I was putting across.
The question should be why weren't those guns kept in a safer place like a gun vault or at least have trigger locks put on them? It would seem to me that any responsible person who has a problem with their children should keep guns either under lock and key or not own them at all.
The question should be why weren't those guns kept in a safer place like a gun vault or at least have trigger locks put on them? It would seem to me that any responsible person who has a problem with their children should keep guns either under lock and key or not own them at all.

I agree budha12 I even have a BB gun/pellet gun that stays locked. I have the key to it 24/7. Not that hard to take it off to use it and then put it back on. But back to the op. As I said there can be no pure good. Here away from heaven and hell. There has to be a mix. Of good and evil. Its our free will to choose good or evil. Our choice. Why blame god, guns, and the devil. More so blame the human involved. As mentioned above we are rebellious. I see it many times. So why don't all people rebel form blaming God and from doing what's considered wrong in the society.
In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

You need to sit in his seat. To blame him for anything, you must be dumb. His name is 'God.' Do you guys see that they way I do? He must have reason, or 'God' he not.

'God' the father must accept responsibility over All, but we must have the chance to walk our own righteous path's. Even if we summon doom.
:confused: you quoted me KX000. I am not blaming God for anything.

I want to know why people do blame god. I want to know members opinions on why they think so. And the reason behind why god is the other reason besides the tool used to do evil. It to me is the human and that persons free will, the courts will even say that the human is at fault.... Free will was given by god. We all choose good or evil.
They are just talking shit. They say, well he has the power to make me hurt no more. Well, do it your self. We will be here for all eternity, given a 'God,' so he is going to be certain his children build their muscles.

Do you want your father pushing you from behind, or would you rather be the man?
In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

If we do ''blame God'', I would say we do so through a lack of knowledge of what and who God is, and who and what we are.

In times of tragedy the question is always asked. Where is/was god. Why did this have to happen. We seem to push god out of schools and our lives. We resist god but when the "chips" are down he is usually who we ask for and question. He gives us all free will. He does have power over evil and satan but god let's evil do its thing. Because there can't be all good. And we have free will. We make choices.

So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

1 I feel bad about the innocent creatures that perished in the massacre .
2 It seams a new phenomenon that schools are attacked (at least in the last 30 years , at the same time we the adults have decided to remove the name God out of schools.
3 The schools before mentioned the word God before , that perhaps did induced some respect into the young children , Now we induce into our children materialism
4 So sense we adults removed God , from schools , we dont have any right to blame God for such incidents.
God is blamed because he is supposed to be looking out for us. He has unlimited power, but evidently it was too fucking much for him to do anything about a mass killer of children. Why? Because, according to religious people, we didn't kiss his ass enough in public secular school. What cruel vain god is this?

"A God who counts minutes and pennies, a desperate sensual God, who grunts like a pig. A pig with golden wings, who falls and falls, always belly side up, ready for caresses, that's him, our master. Come, kiss me."
Louis-Ferdinand Céline​
God is blamed because he is supposed to be looking out for us. He has unlimited power, but evidently it was too fucking much for him to do anything about a mass killer of children. Why? Because, according to religious people, we didn't kiss his ass enough in public secular school. What cruel vain god is this?

"A God who counts minutes and pennies, a desperate sensual God, who grunts like a pig. A pig with golden wings, who falls and falls, always belly side up, ready for caresses, that's him, our master. Come, kiss me."
Louis-Ferdinand Céline​

God looks out for the soul, the body is ultimately the property of nature and it's laws.

God is blamed because he is supposed to be looking out for us. He has unlimited power, but evidently it was too fucking much for him to do anything about a mass killer of children. Why? Because, according to religious people, we didn't kiss his ass enough in public secular school. What cruel vain god is this?


I think you missed my point . Consider we are traveler in a car with a destination ( happiness ) we come to an intersection (A) were the road splits to left and right At the crossing there is posted map do ( happiness ) left 10 miles and the right way 5 mile, ( left road is paved road ) and (the right is dirt dirt road ) So we have the instruction and we make our choice to get to our happiness .​
So why is it do you think people blame god for everything?

The people who believe in an omnipotent god have to blame him, because he obviously - omnipotent... duh! - could have saved them. He usually doesn't, even if they're in a duly consecrated church with a duly ordained priest leading the duly assigned prayers when the the Visigoths set fire to the roof. (He's like the guy in the potato commercial: "I tricked you, to teach you a lesson, that I'll explain later.")

The people who pushed the god-mongers out of the schools don't ask anything except to keep superstition out of science class and xtians from bullying everybody else.