question about christianity!


Registered Member
Ok here is my main question that would answer alot of things for me. First off, why did It take so long for god to figure out that everyone would sin and the punishment for sin is death. If god is of justice and perfect why did it take him so many (years) to sacrifice his son jesus for our sins, all those people who died, died as a sinner and went to hell between the period of no savior. Although they were sinners and god knew this yet did nothing about it till many were in hell. Is that justice? It also confuses me about years im not sure physically how a human could live up to 969 years like Methuselah. Possibly since 40 days is mentioned alot threwout the holy bible it means a year is 40 days in the bible? and that would be more physically possible being he would be around 100 years or so. Im not sure really but a few verses from the bible i could research would be nice. Im a strong believer in christ as my savior and in god and the holy spirit. A answer to these questions would furthur my walk with god even more. Thank you and god bless
-John D.
Ok here is my main question that would answer alot of things for me. First off, why did It take so long for god to figure out that everyone would sin and the punishment for sin is death. If god is of justice and perfect why did it take him so many (years) to sacrifice his son jesus for our sins, all those people who died, died as a sinner and went to hell between the period of no savior. Although they were sinners and god knew this yet did nothing about it till many were in hell. Is that justice? It also confuses me about years im not sure physically how a human could live up to 969 years like Methuselah. Possibly since 40 days is mentioned alot threwout the holy bible it means a year is 40 days in the bible? and that would be more physically possible being he would be around 100 years or so. Im not sure really but a few verses from the bible i could research would be nice. Im a strong believer in christ as my savior and in god and the holy spirit. A answer to these questions would furthur my walk with god even more. Thank you and god bless
-John D.

The bolding in your quote is mine, and it's what needs to be answered.

What do you think John, does God like good things because they're good, or are good things good because God likes them?
The answer is that one particular flavor of monotheism, the one that became popular, was a fairly recent human invention. For the first several hundred thousand years that humans were on this planet, there was no civilization due to lack of systematic agriculture of grains. We were wandering around, looking for food. This means there was no unified religion that we know about. You have to ask yourself, why didn't God reveal himself to humans sooner? Why did God wait through 3 billion years of life on this planet to create humans? I think the answer is obvious, there is no God.
Ok here we are trying to dismess christianity. I have interpreted your answers although none of optimism towards christianity I understand your points of different or no belief's although trying to convince me there is no god is pretty much impossible because of my past experiences. Call me delusional.... call me anything I dont mind I would only like someone more scripturally educated to help me understand my own questions that are definitly answerable maybe not threw direct physical evidence but surely there is a answer.
If god is eternal and the living entity is eternal, why is a length of linear time deemed a logical violation?

It reveals that humans were not his priority. Why go to all the trouble of creating all those animals that just went extinct? Why create humans only to reveal your existence to a small group of illiterate bronze-age goat-herders?
Here you will only receive wrathful accusations of dishonesty to heartfelt condolences for being blind to the truth (the "truth" being that there is - apparently - no god)

Actually, I tried to offer him what I thought would be a perfectly acceptable philosophical answer to a theist. He chose, however, to ignore my question to him for some reason.
It reveals that humans were not his priority. Why go to all the trouble of creating all those animals that just went extinct? Why create humans only to reveal your existence to a small group of illiterate bronze-age goat-herders?
Not sure if I understand you.

If the pursuit of religiosity is the ultimate function of the material manifestation, and if humans are the only religiously inclined species on the planet, what is the point of taking birth in the animal species?
I would only like someone more scripturally educated to help me understand my own questions that are definitly answerable maybe not threw direct physical evidence but surely there is a answer.

So you are asking someone to give you some (any) interpretation that explains the inconsistencies that you are reading about in the bible? I can make something up for you if you like... or how about this cure all:

God works in mysterious ways.

or how about:

It is not our business to try to justify the moves that the Almighty Lord makes.

or even:

God can do whatever he wants.... he's GOD!
What is the point of 4 billion years of non-human life, many of which were simply wiped out by various catastrophes? Why wouldn't he wait to reveal himself until there was a worldwide communications system? It's only 0.00005% more time.
What is the point of 4 billion years of non-human life, many of which were simply wiped out by various catastrophes?
if the living entity is eternal and accepts different designations of existence in various species to facilitate their material desires, why is non-human life valueless?

Why wouldn't he wait to reveal himself until there was a worldwide communications system? It's only 0.00005% more time.
and how much of the www is dedicated to the pursuit of scriptural/religious understanding?
Worldwide communications may have brought us many things, but freedom from distraction and quality time is not one of them
I'm not saying it's valueless, it just doesn't make any sense if, like the Bible says, the Earth was created for us.
Ok here is my main question that would answer alot of things for me. First off, why did It take so long for god to figure out that everyone would sin and the punishment for sin is death.
Because the sins would reach it's full measure (freely translated).

If god is of justice and perfect why did it take him so many (years) to sacrifice his son jesus for our sins, all those people who died, died as a sinner and went to hell between the period of no savior. Although they were sinners and god knew this yet did nothing about it till many were in hell. Is that justice?
Actually, I don't think no one has gone to hell yet. At the end time, there will be a "cliff" between heaven and hell, so that no one from heaven can go into hell, and no one from hell can go into heaven.

And the ones that are in hell wouldn't believe even if Moses manifested himself before him from the dead.

It also confuses me about years im not sure physically how a human could live up to 969 years like Methuselah. Possibly since 40 days is mentioned alot threwout the holy bible it means a year is 40 days in the bible? and that would be more physically possible being he would be around 100 years or so. Im not sure really but a few verses from the bible i could research would be nice.
Well, who knows, I don't understand how a human can live a hundred years, perhaps people just lived longer, or perhaps there are some mystery to it.
What is the point of 4 billion years of non-human life, many of which were simply wiped out by various catastrophes? Why wouldn't he wait to reveal himself until there was a worldwide communications system? It's only 0.00005% more time.

It's even worse than that. He was so impatient that he cocked the first effort up. Then he sent a deluge to wipe everything out so he could start again.
He's quite the experimenter, isn't he? I wonder if He creates new strains of the AIDS virus too?
He's quite the experimenter, isn't he? I wonder if He creates new strains of the AIDS virus too?

You've touched on something interesting. When there was a scare in the US that avian flu might " jump" to humans, Bush asked scientists to come up with a vaccine.

The joke is that he was unwittingly accepting that mutations occur. There wasn't a peep out of the ID crowd who should have spoken out against the possibility of a new strain because god hadn't created it.

I think it gives us an insight into the mindset of those who reject evolution. They don't understand what it's about because they won't read "ungodly" books. Blessed are the blinkered.