Quantum Wave Cosmology updates 2009


Contemplating the "as yet" unknown
Valued Senior Member
It is time to start a new thread about Quantum Wave Cosmology. Since I started posting at SciForums a year ago I have started several threads about ideas that address levels of order in the universe that are smaller and larger than what our current tools allow us to investigate. During that year of posting I have advanced my ideas with the help of this community and for that I am appreciative. Often those who have been most aggressive in calling me to task have been the most helpful. And I have learned a great deal by following various forums and threads, by asking questions, and by following Internet links offered to me on my threads and on many other threads that I have found of interest.

One question that lurks in the exchanges that I have had is what is my motivation? I say that I am not satisfied with the current explanations for the cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the cause of the initial expansion of our observable arena of space. I am sometimes criticized for claiming that I know something, maybe everything about current physics and then I am challenged to prove it. I usually have to admit that I don’t know everything :(. Generally I know enough about the current limits of science to piss people off but that is the furthest thing from my mind. I want to discuss my ideas about things we do not yet know, and improve my personal cosmology through brainstroming. I share that cosmology with all who read my threads, but I do it to try to predict what we will find as science advances into new realms and not to teach the professionals (needless to say).

Sometimes I am confronted with the position that in fact science does have the answers to my three simple questions and that I don’t recognize or understand the answers that science has provided. Upon closer examination the answers are incomplete and science acknowledges they are incomplete. Good science reaches a point where we acknowledge that we don’t have the tools to carry our physical investigation further for the time being, and in fact there are things we just don’t know yet. Science never rests though and we have confidence that the tools to reach deeper into the nature of mass and energy, and to reach further out into the universe will be found and great new discoveries will be made.

Quantum Wave Cosmology is full of ideas about mechanics that might lurk in the as yet undiscovered reaches of the infinite and the infinitesimal. My ideas about the cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the cause of the expansion of our observable universe are all linked together, they work with each other consistently, and they incorporate only one great leap in my opinion. That great “reach” into future discovery is the quantization of energy at two distinct levels of order at opposite ends of the scale.

The hard facts are that there is no empirical evidence of quantization. Nevertheless, the responsible speculator in me tells me that there is one monumental underlying connection that answers all three of my simple questions to my satisfaction. And in spite of what my detractors say, it is not a hoard of little green gremlins pulling "strings".

Everything in this thread that I say about those levels of order is speculation for which I have no evidence except the simple observations that we all can make or that others make and tell us about. Don’t ask me to prove any of those speculations because I will refer back to this original post and acknowledge that I can’t prove any of them.

There is a dribble of the simplest math that helps convey my ideas but there is zero maths that addresses current physics theory or that is intended to be great revelation. The simple math just defines one or two tiny aspects of quantization of energy. I am confident that a good programmer could create a simulation of my ideas of the cause of mass, gravity and expansion, but I am not a programmer and I don’t have the money to employ programmers or the connections to get access to the computers that are necessary for such simulations. So I limit myself to manual calculations that apply to the tiniest possible masses, I call them three-quantum or four-quantum masses, and I make a few calculations to describe the repetitive nature of quantum action; purely amateur efforts that are more for my own confidence than to convince the community of anything other than my confidence.

The preceding thread was called Aether, Mass and Gravity in QWC. In this new thread I hope to present updates which reflect advances in my ideas presented there. I will continue to use common English and try to put QWC into words that convey the simple ideas.

I procede under the premise that nothing is sacred in science, and science does not eliminate the supernatural, it only refers to the supernatural as non-science. My speculative ideas are pre-science because I can't describe experiments to falsify them with the tools we now have at our disposal.
QWC 2009 Three questions

What causes mass?

The Large Hardon Collider at CERN hopes to dig deeper into the past and reveal the source of all mass in the universe.

What causes gravity?

The General Theory of Relativity (GTR or GR) has math that describes it as spacetime that is curved by mass and energy.

What caused the expansion of the observable universe?

Big Bang Theory is the best answer that science can give us.

So why am I dissatisfied with these answers and why do I think there are discoveries to be made that will reveal mechanics that are taking place at levels of order beyond where science can currently physically explore? It is because even if the LHC discovers that mass is preceded by the highest possible energy density, it doesn’t tell us the circumstance in the history of our universe that brought about that extreme energy density. And even if the math of GR can accurately predict the perihelion of Mercury and the movements of planets and galaxies, it doesn’t tell us how mass curves spacetime or how photons are deflected by massive objects. And even if there was an initial cause of expansion identified, a source of energy to set the universe in motion, I believe that the energy to do so pre-existed the event that used that energy to set things in motion.
It is time to start a new thread about Quantum Wave Cosmology. Since I started posting at SciForums a year ago I have started several threads about ideas that address levels of order in the universe that are smaller and larger than what our current tools allow us to investigate. During that year of posting I have advanced my ideas with the help of this community and for that I am appreciative. Often those who have been most aggressive in calling me to task have been the most helpful. And I have learned a great deal by following various forums and threads, by asking questions, and by following Internet links offered to me on my threads and on many other threads that I have found of interest.

One question that lurks in the exchanges that I have had is what is my motivation? I say that I am not satisfied with the current explanations for the cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the cause of the initial expansion of our observable arena of space. I am sometimes criticized for claiming that I know something, maybe everything about current physics and then I am challenged to prove it. I usually have to admit that I don’t know everything :(. Generally I know enough about the current limits of science to piss people off but that is the furthest thing from my mind. I want to discuss my ideas about things we do not yet know, and improve my personal cosmology through brainstroming. I share that cosmology with all who read my threads, but I do it to try to predict what we will find as science advances into new realms and not to teach the professionals (needless to say).

Sometimes I am confronted with the position that in fact science does have the answers to my three simple questions and that I don’t recognize or understand the answers that science has provided. Upon closer examination the answers are incomplete and science acknowledges they are incomplete. Good science reaches a point where we acknowledge that we don’t have the tools to carry our physical investigation further for the time being, and in fact there are things we just don’t know yet. Science never rests though and we have confidence that the tools to reach deeper into the nature of mass and energy, and to reach further out into the universe will be found and great new discoveries will be made.

This is empty rhetoric. You could quite easily have left these paragraphs out and said nothing less.

Quantum Wave Cosmology is full of ideas about mechanics that might lurk in the as yet undiscovered reaches of the infinite and the infinitesimal. My ideas about the cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the cause of the expansion of our observable universe are all linked together, they work with each other consistently, and they incorporate only one great leap in my opinion. That great “reach” into future discovery is the quantization of energy at two distinct levels of order at opposite ends of the scale.

And they are?

The hard facts are that there is no empirical evidence of quantization. Nevertheless, the responsible speculator in me tells me that there is one monumental underlying connection that answers all three of my simple questions to my satisfaction. And in spite of what my detractors say, it is not a hoard of little green gremlins pulling "strings".

So you are making an assumption? Theres no harm in that but the point is to do something with it to show that the assumption was in some way justified.

Everything in this thread that I say about those levels of order is speculation for which I have no evidence except the simple observations that we all can make or that others make and tell us about. Don’t ask me to prove any of those speculations because I will refer back to this original post and acknowledge that I can’t prove any of them.

There is a dribble of the simplest math that helps convey my ideas but there is zero maths that addresses current physics theory or that is intended to be great revelation. The simple math just defines one or two tiny aspects of quantization of energy. I am confident that a good programmer could create a simulation of my ideas of the cause of mass, gravity and expansion, but I am not a programmer and I don’t have the money to employ programmers or the connections to get access to the computers that are necessary for such simulations. So I limit myself to manual calculations that apply to the tiniest possible masses, I call them three-quantum or four-quantum masses, and I make a few calculations to describe the repetitive nature of quantum action; purely amateur efforts that are more for my own confidence than to convince the community of anything other than my confidence.

I ask in a completely genuine way: What is the point? You're saying you can't justify any of your initial assumptions and you can't derive or predict anything. It seems to me that nothing at all is happening.

The preceding thread was called Aether, Mass and Gravity in QWC. In this new thread I hope to present updates which reflect advances in my ideas presented there. I will continue to use common English and try to put QWC into words that convey the simple ideas.

I struggle to see the need for a new thread, other than the fact that the previous one has been soiled by your "detractors."

I procede under the premise that nothing is sacred in science, and science does not eliminate the supernatural, it only refers to the supernatural as non-science. My speculative ideas are pre-science because I can't describe experiments to falsify them with the tools we now have at our disposal.

In the light of this I move that since this thread is not science it should be moved to pseudoscience or another more appropriate forum.
My questions:

1) What causes mass in QWC?
2) What causes gravity in QWC?
3) What is matter? Also related:
4) In your model you discuss dense masses. What do these masses represent (a cosmological model or a particle)
5) How does the aether fit into all of this?
6) If the aether supplies energy to the quantum waves, where does this energy come from?
And they are?
That is what this thread is meant to do.
So you are making an assumption? Theres no harm in that but the point is to do something with it to show that the assumption was in some way justified.
That is true. Showing how the ideas work together to support each other takes a baby step. If the ideas are not internally consistent they can't be worth much.
I ask in a completely genuine way: What is the point? You're saying you can't justify any of your initial assumptions and you can't derive or predict anything. It seems to me that nothing at all is happening.
I stated my point in the OP.
I struggle to see the need for a new thread, other than the fact that the previous one has been soiled by your "detractors."
There is that, and there is the fact that the ideas have been updated simply as a result of the input I have since that thread started.
In the light of this I move that since this thread is not science it should be moved to pseudoscience or another more appropriate forum.
Actually I started out presenting my ideas in the Pseudoscience forum in the thread called, Mass *has* gravity. The decision to move Quantum Wave Cosmology to the Cosmology forum was based on the differentiation between protoscience and pseudoscience.
My questions:

1) What causes mass in QWC?
2) What causes gravity in QWC?
3) What is matter? Also related:
4) In your model you discuss dense masses. What do these masses represent (a cosmological model or a particle)
5) How does the aether fit into all of this?
6) If the aether supplies energy to the quantum waves, where does this energy come from?
Thank you. Thank both for posing your questions and for leading me into what I should address first.

I would like to refer to #6 in this post, "Where does this energy come from?" and then try to answer each question in subsequent posts.

In QWC, energy cannot be created or destroyed and so all energy has always existed.

The cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the connection of aether to mass and gravity will require a few posts and several thousand words. It might be best to give some bullet points and then proceed to elaborate on the points.
Dense masses in QWC

Prometheus said:
4) In your model you discuss dense masses. What do these masses represent (a cosmological model or a particle)
You are correct; I mention dense masses in several ways. At the lower level of order that I equate to the quantum realm where energy quantization occurs, the primary dense mass is referred to as a “high density spot”. The high density spot is a phase in the process called “quantum action”. The high density spot is the phase where the presence of mass is established. It has a physical location, and shares the overall momentum of the mass. The high density spot is fleeting in its duration but persistent in that quantum action is a repetitive process that maintains the presence of mass.

At the higher level of order that I equate to the landscape of the greater universe where arena quantization occurs, the primary dense mass is referred to as a big crunch. The big crunch is a phase in the process called “arena action”. The big crunch is the phase where the maximum compression density is achieved. In QWC, mass no longer exists at this density and since only mass has gravity, gravity fails at the maximum energy density of a big crunch. The duration of a big crunch is lengthy and the failure of gravity takes a long time to result in the failure of the compression that encompasses the core of the crunch. It is no longer referred to as mass however; once matter is negated it is called "dense state energy".
I would like to refer to #6 in this post, "Where does this energy come from?" and then try to answer each question in subsequent posts.

In QWC, energy cannot be created or destroyed and so all energy has always existed.

The cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the connection of aether to mass and gravity will require a few posts and several thousand words. It might be best to give some bullet points and then proceed to elaborate on the points.

Good, energy is conserved but that isn't the end of the story. Now, I think I am right in saying that you want to say that the quantum waves cause gravity, right? So suppose I have a mass that is emitting these quantum waves that is causing a gravitational field and it's getting the energy to do this from the aether. The aether has the energy because energy cannot be created or destroyed.

From what I have read in these threads, that seems to be your position. It seems to me to be inconsistent, because of the second law of thermodynamics. It is true that energy is conserved but it is also true that the amount of useful energy is decreasing. The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder of a system must always increase so one cannot have a cycle that converts potential energy into work and then back to potential again: some of the energy is always lost as waste, usually heat. In your system the energy in the aether will constantly reduce leading to the conclusion that the gravitational field will reduce in strength and eventually disappear altogether. There is no evidence that gravity was stronger in the past, that I know of at least.
Dense masses in QWC

You are correct; I mention dense masses in several ways. At the lower level of order that I equate to the quantum realm where energy quantization occurs, the primary dense mass is referred to as a “high density spot”. The high density spot is a phase in the process called “quantum action”. The high density spot is the phase where the presence of mass is established. It has a physical location, and shares the overall momentum of the mass. The high density spot is fleeting in its duration but persistent in that quantum action is a repetitive process that maintains the presence of mass.

At the higher level of order that I equate to the landscape of the greater universe where arena quantization occurs, the primary dense mass is referred to as a big crunch. The big crunch is a phase in the process called “arena action”. The big crunch is the phase where the maximum compression density is achieved. In QWC, mass no longer exists at this density and since only mass has gravity, gravity fails at the maximum energy density of a big crunch. The duration of a big crunch is lengthy and the failure of gravity takes a long time to result in the failure of the compression that encompasses the core of the crunch. It is no longer referred to as mass however; once matter is negated it is called "dense state energy".

So the short answer to the question is "both"?

I've had a long day but there seem to be a lot of words that you have picked up and are using out of their proper context. Action, landscape, order and phase for example. As a result, I really don't know what you're trying to say. Can you please try again but use regular language?
Good, energy is conserved but that isn't the end of the story. Now, I think I am right in saying that you want to say that the quantum waves cause gravity, right? So suppose I have a mass that is emitting these quantum waves that is causing a gravitational field and it's getting the energy to do this from the aether. The aether has the energy because energy cannot be created or destroyed.

From what I have read in these threads, that seems to be your position. It seems to me to be inconsistent, because of the second law of thermodynamics. It is true that energy is conserved but it is also true that the amount of useful energy is decreasing. The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder of a system must always increase so one cannot have a cycle that converts potential energy into work and then back to potential again: some of the energy is always lost as waste, usually heat. In your system the energy in the aether will constantly reduce leading to the conclusion that the gravitational field will reduce in strength and eventually disappear altogether. There is no evidence that gravity was stronger in the past, that I know of at least.
You have jumped ahead and are not accurate in your summation. I was working to update the ideas so I could present the updates. Quantum waves are one phase of the process of quantum action. Quantum action is at the heart of the ideas of Quantum Wave Cosmology. Be patient and I will get it updated.

I address entropy and have some updates to the topic. But in your reading of the other threads you saw that QWC supposes that entropy is defeated by "arena action" at the level of the greater universe.
So the short answer to the question is "both"?

I've had a long day but there seem to be a lot of words that you have picked up and are using out of their proper context. Action, landscape, order and phase for example. As a result, I really don't know what you're trying to say. Can you please try again but use regular language?
Don't feel alone. Since I use the jargon that applies to QWC from the lexicon of words that I am knowledgeable of, it won't be entirely congruent with the words familiar to others, especially those like you with some degree of technical jargon in their personal lexicon.
1) What causes mass in QWC?
3) What is matter?
Matter has mass. It occupies space.

Mass in QWC is composed of energy.

The way that energy takes the form of matter is through quantization, i.e. mass is composed of energy in quantum increments.

Quantization of energy in QWC is a natural phenomenon that I mentioned that occurs at the two levels of order. Quantum action and arena action are very similar processes where a force operates in conjunction with a quantum of energy under certain conditions and energy environments. To understand mass and matter in QWC you have to understand the process of quantum action. I am updating the essays on quantum action and arena action for this thread and they will take a couple of thousand words to introduce properly so that if there is any discussion, many of the basic ideas will already be updated.
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So the short answer to the question is "both"?
Then yes.
I've had a long day but there seem to be a lot of words that you have picked up and are using out of their proper context. Action, landscape, order and phase for example. As a result, I really don't know what you're trying to say. Can you please try again but use regular language?
Action, landscape, order and phase are words taken from what I refer to as regular language. They neatly apply to ideas that are part of QWC. If the regular language you use includes technical jargon specific to science that is not part of my normal usage, and you would like to tell me the words that would better apply, great. The “lexicon of QWC” is used consistently throughout and is certainly open to improvement.

Action: Action is used primarily in the contexts of "quantum action" and "arena action" which are used to differentiate the quantization process at the quantum level of order from the process at the arena level of order. The word "action" means the same thing at both levels. "Action" implies a process where physical things happen that are part of the quantization process.

Landscape: Landscape is used solely to refer to the arena composition of the greater universe. Greater universe is redundant because our arena is referred to as the universe in circles outside of QWC. Use of the phrase, "landscape of the greater universe" is to make the point that in QWC the universe is composed of energy in arena increments, i.e. quantized in individual energy portions equal to the total energy of our known universe.

Order: Order in QWC, when used as part of the phrase “level of order”, always refers to one of the two physical realms that are beyond where science has the technology to investigate. The lower level of order is referred to as the “infinitesimal” and the higher level or order is referred to as the infinite. In QWC it is permissible to refer to infinite and infinitesimal and anyone reading about QWC should accept those as “realms” that host their respective process of quantization.

Phase: Phase in QWC is an identifiable part of a process.
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Good, energy is conserved but that isn't the end of the story. Now, I think I am right in saying that you want to say that the quantum waves cause gravity, right? So suppose I have a mass that is emitting these quantum waves that is causing a gravitational field and it's getting the energy to do this from the aether. The aether has the energy because energy cannot be created or destroyed.

From what I have read in these threads, that seems to be your position. It seems to me to be inconsistent, because of the second law of thermodynamics. It is true that energy is conserved but it is also true that the amount of useful energy is decreasing. The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder of a system must always increase so one cannot have a cycle that converts potential energy into work and then back to potential again: some of the energy is always lost as waste, usually heat. In your system the energy in the aether will constantly reduce leading to the conclusion that the gravitational field will reduce in strength and eventually disappear altogether. There is no evidence that gravity was stronger in the past, that I know of at least.
The topic of entropy as described in 2LTD applies to a closed system.

The universe is often referred to as such a system and entropy is expected to increase with time. Scenarios like the “heat death of the universe” and “the Big Rip” refer to the completion of entropy as it pertains to our “universe”.

In QWC, the term that corresponds to your term “universe” is referred to as the greater universe. See above for that distinction between the two terms.

In QWC when using the term greater universe I usually am referring to the “landscape of the greater universe” that is composed of energy in arena increments. The operative quantization process that is occurring in the greater universe centers on “arena action”. Arena action includes an expansion phase and a contraction phase. It is the contraction phase of arena action the reverses entropy.

The contraction phase of arena action is initiated by the intersection and overlap of two arenas. Overlap is the interruption of the expansion phase of arena action that occurs when expanding arenas intersect. When expansion is interrupted, gravity between the galactic remnants in the two expanding arenas overcomes the expansion momentum of the galaxies and the collapse phase of arena action begins. It results in the formation of a big crunch. I hope to get into this in more detail because the topic of "arena action" requires maybe a thousand words to introduce properly and I am updating the topic.
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Good, energy is conserved but that isn't the end of the story. Now, I think I am right in saying that you want to say that the quantum waves cause gravity, right? So suppose I have a mass that is emitting these quantum waves that is causing a gravitational field and it's getting the energy to do this from the aether. The aether has the energy because energy cannot be created or destroyed.

From what I have read in these threads, that seems to be your position. It seems to me to be inconsistent, because of the second law of thermodynamics. It is true that energy is conserved but it is also true that the amount of useful energy is decreasing. The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder of a system must always increase so one cannot have a cycle that converts potential energy into work and then back to potential again: some of the energy is always lost as waste, usually heat. In your system the energy in the aether will constantly reduce leading to the conclusion that the gravitational field will reduce in strength and eventually disappear altogether. There is no evidence that gravity was stronger in the past, that I know of at least.
I addressed the entropy part of this post but am going back to address your reference to a gravitational field.

We are not going to be able to come to an easy agreement on the term “gravitational field” in QWC, I bet but maybe I am wrong. You say you think that I am saying quantum waves cause a gravitational field and the waves are getting the energy for the field from the aether. You are using a concept that may not be part of QWC in order to make sense out of what I have said so far. But at least in this thread you don’t have enough information about QWC to make your supposition. It is more correct to say that the aether IS the gravitational field but that is still misleading.

Maybe if you accept that the entire universe is the gravitational field in QWC we would be close. But in QWC, every point in space has energy density. The energy density at a point in space is made up of the remnants of every quantum wave that has ever been emitted by mass and that has traversed that point of space in its phase of spherical expansion.

Being practical, the remnant of a quantum wave can be very confusing if you don’t understand mass and gravity in QWC, and you don’t quite yet.

We are going to have trouble talking about QWC in any detail unless we begin to speak in some relative terms of quantification. Will you be able to discuss ideas that attempt to put some perspective to the relative amount of energy in a quantum, the number of quanta in various fundamental particles, etc.? The reason I ask is that there is no quantification in QWC at this point, only ideas about relative proportions. If you are OK with that, here is why I mention it.

A spherically expanding quantum wave, as you know, is said to begin when the collapse of a quantum of energy “bounces” off of the physical limit called maximum energy density. The quantum of energy then goes into an endless expansion phase. Some of the energy in that wave is almost immediately caught up (contained, i.e. containment occurs) in quantum actions as the wave passes through and out of the mass.

But some of the energy of that quantum wave remains in spherical expansion and makes up the energy emanation from the mass. From any respectable mass, you can think of that emanation in terms of a wild ass guess not easily refuted (wagner) as consisting of the remnants of maybe trillions, maybe even bezillions of individual quantum waves. Can you wrap you mind around that and discuss the aether in those terms without losing it :)?
Matter has mass. It occupies space.

Mass in QWC is composed of energy.

Nothing you say here is any different to standard theory, in fact as far back as special relativity (1905) and quantum mechanics (1925) people realised this.

The way that energy takes the form of matter is through quantization, i.e. mass is composed of energy in quantum increments.

So you are saying that the mass of a particle is quantised? The allowed states of a particle are fixed by it's quantum numbers like spin, angular momentum and energy. You can do some very nice calculations in non relativistic quantum mechanics and with the Dirac equation to show this. Again, existing theory, this time from 80 years ago trumps you.

Quantization of energy in QWC is a natural phenomenon that I mentioned that occurs at the two levels of order. Quantum action and arena action are very similar processes where a force operates in conjunction with a quantum of energy under certain conditions and energy environments.

I don't see how you can expect anyone to take this on trust. Again I put it to you that what you're saying is "I don't like standard physics, here is an alternative that has no theoretical basis or experimental justification yet in my opinion it is better so you should all just believe me."

To understand mass and matter in QWC you have to understand the process of quantum action. I am updating the essays on quantum action and arena action for this thread and they will take a couple of thousand words to introduce properly so that if there is any discussion, many of the basic ideas will already be updated.

Your ideas of "quantum action," which I have read a little about are just as waffley as this. The way I see it is this: either you are completely delusional and you think you can actually compete with physics with what you've got or you're completely delusional and you think that your opinion is somehow more important than anyone else's. Do you see the pattern there?

I honestly do not mean to be rude, but for goodness sake! It bugs me when people take on something they patently are not even close to being equipped for. I also am genuinely trying to have a conversation about your ideas but there is no substance to them. It's like filling your car with water and wondering why it doesn't go anywhere, even though water and petrol look superficially the same.

Again I put it to you that what you're saying is "I don't like standard physics, here is an alternative that has no theoretical basis or experimental justification yet in my opinion it is better so you should all just believe me."
Not really. I was looking for discussion and you have been patient enough to try to go some distance on that. What is my view of standard physics? It is the best we can do with the tools we have. We acknowledge that there are realms of nature where we cannot yet go. What might we find there that will help answer simple questions about mass, gravity and expansion?
Your ideas of "quantum action," which I have read a little about are just as waffley as this. The way I see it is this: either you are completely delusional and you think you can actually compete with physics with what you've got or you're completely delusional and you think that your opinion is somehow more important than anyone else's. Do you see the pattern there?
Yes, I see where you are coming from.
I honestly do not mean to be rude, but for goodness sake! It bugs me when people take on something they patently are not even close to being equipped for. I also am genuinely trying to have a conversation about your ideas but there is no substance to them. It's like filling your car with water and wondering why it doesn't go anywhere, even though water and petrol look superficially the same.
You have tried harder than anyone else to get into my ideas, and your responses are helpful. You have helped me come to consider that if there were any worthwhile ideas here that I am not the first to come up with them, but because we can’t really investigate them, they can’t be considered to have substance and if they did, I am not equipped to determine that.
A few items to be mentioned from the posts so far:

Gravity in QWC follows the inverse square rule. Our arena is in the expansion phase of “arena action” and in the past the galaxies were closer together and gravity was stronger.

Particles in QWC include the fundamental particles that have known characteristics like spin, angular momentum, and measurable energy. In addition to the fundamental particles is the idea that the mass of the particles in the standard model comes from quantum action in a lower level of order where we don’t have the tools to investigate yet.

Quantification in QWC is certainly a big issue. Because we are talking about ideas and not established hypotheses, Wagner quantification is employed in QWC. Wagner stands for "wild ass guesses not easily refuted". Unless identified differently, all quantification in QWC is Wagner quantification.

Rule #1, Please remember that ideas in QWC are about things that happen at levels of order that we cannot yet observe and therefore are not addressed by mainstream science to any remarkable degree.

Negative energy emanates from each mass (represented by the curved lines between the two masses in the graphic). Where the negative emanation spheres intersect, the energy density is combined and the combination of two negative energy density spheres in an overlap has the sum of the two negative densities.

Therefore the lowest energy density forms along a line drawn at the point where negative waves intersect.

Since the masses in this graphic have directional momentum directly toward each other, the path of lowest energy density is a straight line between them.

They will follow that path of lowest energy density and collide.

The path of lowest energy density would cause the objects to follow a curved path if the direction of the momentum was not directly toward each other.

In the next graphic the direction of momentum was sufficiently altered so the curved paths of the objects would avoid the collision.

Notice that there is a focal point at the point of intersection of the negative energy emanations. The focal point remains fixed as the objects move toward the path of lowest energy density between them.

Negative energy emanations from mass make the aether a map of the history of mass. The emanations are continual and always imprint the aether with all of the history of the mass. As the mass moves, the emanations are being refreshed every instant and therefore accompany the mass where ever it goes. The emanations spread out into the aether with an infinite reach spreading at the speed of light.

This means that the aether is a dynamic record of the location and movement of all mass.
The aether emanates from mass as negative energy density at all times.
Mass moves toward the path of lowest energy density.
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In QWC every point in space has a level of energy density. The dividing line between positive energy density and negative energy density is the dividing line between mass and aether. All mass is positive energy density and all aether is negative energy density.

Quantum action maintains the boundary between positive energy density and negative energy density. The positive energy in mass equals the negative energy in the aether. But positive and negative energy densities are relative terms. At first it would seem like I am saying that in total there is zero energy but that is far from what I am saying. There is a huge (infinite in QWC terms) amount of positive energy in the universe. The reference to positive and negative energy density in QWC is a reference to the deviation from the average energy density of the space.

The idea is that all space contains energy density, space is infinite, and so there is an infinite amount of positive energy. When you consider the supposition that QWC fails because eventually all of the “useful energy” would be used, that is right if there is no way to reverse entropy and if the supply of energy to the aether from mass was a one way street. Obviously such a process could not be maintained very long. The result would be that all mass would be “emanated” into the aether and then that would mark complete entropy. But the distinction between positive energy and negative energy and the “traffic cop” called quantum action makes for perfect conservation of energy, quantum by quantum, in and out of mass, and in and out of the aether; the symmetry of a perfect division between positive energy in mass and negative energy in aether.

I’m saying that the aether contains negative energy that emanates from mass as a product of quantum action (I’m going to do an updated post on “quantum action” to help you understand Quantum Wave Cosmology). The aether orchestrates gravity by way of the negative energy density fluctuations in space caused by mass. The energy density in any patch of space is always changing because negative energy emanations from mass are always readjusting the energy density to record the movement of mass. That movement leaves spherically expanding low energy density corridors that other masses pass through and are influenced by.

All mass is in motion and the path that mass takes is determined by the energy density surrounding it. Refer to the graphics in the post above for an idea of how negative energy density determines the path that mass takes through space according to Quantum Wave Cosmology.

Ask a question if you want.
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