Qualities of the correct epistemology for perceiving God


"So whats the alternative - I mean wouldn't it make sense to put a person who is hell bent on doing the wrong thing in an environment where they suffer greatly for the performance of such deeds (ie th e material world, complete with material heavens and hells), where they can finally work out how to utilise their free will correctly? How else would you establish proper ettiquette in something that has free will? By force?"

The very idea of proper etiquette is a problem that is imaginary. It is like saying: We don't have winter, so let's make a point to have winter jackets anyway, and then I'll go and make winter just because I want to. That is to say, God doesn't have to allow the facillitation of that free-will to begin with, nor does he have to provide that free-will with a material world as it is to demonstrate free will.

"living as primitives? So with our level of advancement, where a women is encouraged to kill her own child in the womb due the economic impossibility of raising it (something a tiger in the jungle doesn't even do) makes us more advanced?"

We have a taste of the savage still within us. But I mostly meant the fruits of civilization. That which makes us better, as opposed to worse than, beasts.

"I could ask more egs to the list but I think you have to qualify the word primitive, more than having a bit of mud on you - even if you want to use that definition NYC wouldn't be advanced because if you spend 4 hours in the outside traffic you will get covered in exhaust fume grime"

When a man does not have a home, does not wash, chooses to live in filth, never combs his hair, never grooms his beard, has no children, has no job, has no woman, has no studies, has no money...what is this but an animal?

"either that or our mundane concepts of majesty and opulence are meagre"

In what way would they be meagre?

"what would he gain by not reciprocating?"

Nothing. Neither would he gain from reciprocation.

"I think you missed the point that if all opulences are granted by god, some are considered inferior and some are considered superior - like for instance even if you win the lotto, life will still be a struggle - in fact life will probably be more of a struggle - did you know that when a person wins the lotto in the states they have to sign a contract that prevents them from suing the lotto company for damages due to winning?"

Yes, I've heard of that. Owing to people stealing from them and the like, or otherwise attempting to ruin their lives. But then again, they have tons of money. It would be difficult for them to say their life is worse off. They can litterally move, buy an island, and live as kings for the rest of their lives.

"Where is it advocated that one should adopt the monastic path? There are heaps of instructions that one should adopt the correct path to ones material nature (ie that one should surrender to god despite whatever station of life one is in)"

Clearly some paths are more devoted, would you not say?

"In other words he would relegate the duty to some inferior personality in that department - Just because god controls everything doesn't mean he is required to make a personal appearance for every incident."

Considering his power is litterally everywhere, it would probably be -easier- for him just to blink - ala "Bewitched" - and have the thing manifest.

"For what ends? To thrill the less intelligent? It certainly wouldn't make people more attracted to the idea of serving god bereft of personal material desire and ambition - on the contrary the chanels for spiritual life with get clogged up with even a higher percentage of miscreants"

Well what is there -but- benefit that can drive someone to spiritual things? Yes, it may not be material, but one is thought to be in a -better- station and in more pleasurable circumstances once one is a servant of God, no?

"Actually god was related to you eating your meal - it just takes dystentry or a famine for you to miss out - in other words even your eating is dependant on causes outside your ability to control."

It may be out of my control, but God cannot said to have controlled it, either. Who knows what he did? In the absence of his presence, I cannot say he did or did not, but I certainly know there is no evidence that he did.

"Yes there are incidents - there are also many numerous more incidents of people relying on mystic yoga (which is not intrinsically theistic) or even sleight of hand (which is even less theistic) to fool people, so such "miracles" are only for inspiring the less intelligent - like for instance from jesus's plethora of miracles we can understand that he was preaching to people who were thick"

Magicians are one step away from a prophet, yes. But so you attest that there are people, whom you've met, that have gotten material things, they could present, that they claim to have gotten from God? Directly from God? IN a manner similar, if not the same, as the dog-doo to British high-performance automobiles example?

"Actually he reveals to us how to enjoy - the problem is that we think we are already qualified in this department and just require some more money, beauty, prestige etc to complete the equation of happiness, which is actually the essence of our predicament in illusion"

So God not only wants us to be joyful, he teaches us to be joyful? And in what way is that? And how is it better?

"Yes, although if a person who has amassed spiritual credits does not lose them at death - for instance if I am a successful artist (material qualification) I lose that when I die, but if I am 1% spiritual, next life I start at 2% - so when a spiritualist tends not to suffer like an ordinary gross materialist - at the very least they are commonly awarded at least the human form of life next"

So you get "good points" even if you don't persist?

Wouldn't then the most rational thing be to get, say, 95 percent of what is necessary, then quit and get to enjoy a life with only 5 percent of normal suffering ad eterniam? You could basically do what one wants, no?

"Obviously you are not familiar with metal smelting - it was more than hot lead - it was an alloy that, if to be made today, can only be done in huge industrial plants - none of which exist in any archeological finds - at the least it tends to suggest that the people were not running around with spears chasing rabbits all day"

Do you have the specific findings off hand? I'd like to investigate the metal, the evidence for its existnece, and various other htings.

"So in other words according to the current theories the current theories are correct? "

According to the data present to us at this moment - I.E. the real world of sense and sensation - it is correct. Of course, we could be off, but a revolution of what the senses are telling us it not only unlikely, it is unreasonable to suspect.

Most importantly, this is a billion times more proof than the opposite. That "God mucked around with things".

"Much of the world doesn't mean all of the world - even in winter you can find things to eat - if you know how"

Yet it is possible that all which is left is but poison.

"rock n roll wrestlers and the like aren't futile?"

They make a living, have good lives, are famous...

Hulk Hogan has had stardom for 30 years. He has a great family and his daughter is about to be a popstar. Sounds good to me!

"There is a common saying, the more something is polished on the outside the more it indicates the inside is hollow - while I understand what you are saying, and its not true to say that filth indicates purity, there is a whole concept of cleanliness that is totally absent in the west - even in terms of just passing stool - the western invention of a smearing technique is repilsive, and in fact a grand laugh, to a person who understands thenecessity of taking bath after evacuating.
I imagine there are similar fallacies with your concept of worth"

Indeed, one would probably be better off using a bidet or washing completely after going to the bathroom, but at the very least, one is generally more clean wiping then not. That is to say, whereas I am not suggesting the WEst is emmaculately clean in every single way they live - no one is, really - there is surely something to be said about "saints don't wash" indicating a general lack of worth amongst them.

I mean truly: Who would want to live in -filth-?

"whats the worth of being any more part of it than absolutely required
Such a liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure but is always in trance, enjoying the pleasure within. In this way the self-realized person enjoys unlimited happiness, for he concentrates on the Supreme."

And if met with nothing but annihilation after death, would not this be but a waste? A precious opportunity squandered! And even if not, what joy can truly be taken by the spirit? A joy which may be eternal yet not be a joy at all, is not at all worth a thing.
Prince James

The very idea of proper etiquette is a problem that is imaginary. It is like saying: We don't have winter, so let's make a point to have winter jackets anyway, and then I'll go and make winter just because I want to. That is to say, God doesn't have to allow the facillitation of that free-will to begin with, nor does he have to provide that free-will with a material world as it is to demonstrate free will.
Then we wouldn't have free will, ie we wouldn't have consciousness - we would be stones

We have a taste of the savage still within us. But I mostly meant the fruits of civilization. That which makes us better, as opposed to worse than, beasts.

We are better than animals because we have ipods?

When a man does not have a home,
You mean like if they don't paythe months rent they will be put on the streets

does not wash,
like when after they pass stool

chooses to live in filth,
Personally I choose to camp in the city and live in the country side

never combs his hair, never grooms his beard,
lol - this is western culture - polished exterior but no substance - but anyway you still keep your comb in spiritual life - its just not a very important factor thats all

has no children,
Family life is automatically dignified?

has no job,
who has a job because they likeit - I mean most people would renounce their job if they could - actually this is approaching the subject of asrama, namely spiritualstation inlife - it is inappropriate for a householder to be unemployed (because they are facilitating dependants) but a renounced person is prohibited -

has no woman,
There's nothing higher in life than having a wife - why do couples always argue and fight?

has no studies,
On the contrary they study the most valuable things

has no money
Money plays its rolebut if one determines it as an essential factor and goalof existence money will be a source of trouble

...what is this but an animal?
actually an animal issomeone who has no concerns beyond sleeping eating mating and defending, regardless of combs, education and family etc

In what way would they be meagre?
Even if you have a good job, that pays goodmoney andhave a good wife and good children life will still be an insane struggle

"what would he gain by not reciprocating?"

Nothing. Neither would he gain from reciprocation.

So therefore it is his special mercy when he does reciprocate with us because we at least perceivethe benefit

"Where is it advocated that one should adopt the monastic path? There are heaps of instructions that one should adopt the correct path to ones material nature (ie that one should surrender to god despite whatever station of life one is in)"

Clearly some paths are more devoted, would you not say?
devotion is quite an elusive thing to qualify

"In other words he would relegate the duty to some inferior personality in that department - Just because god controls everything doesn't mean he is required to make a personal appearance for every incident."

Considering his power is litterally everywhere, it would probably be -easier- for him just to blink - ala "Bewitched" - and have the thing manifest.

There are other considerations however,namely how the other living entities react with this constant blinking - in other words the perception of systems of organisation etc make god more approachable rather than this totally unpredictable blinking thing

Well what is there -but- benefit that can drive someone to spiritual things? Yes, it may not be material, but one is thought to be in a -better- station and in more pleasurable circumstances once one is a servant of God, no?

Spiritual pleasure is quite a thing to investigate - for instance jesus's life wasn't a bed of roses - but doyou think he was miserable?

So God not only wants us to be joyful, he teaches us to be joyful? And in what way is that? And how is it better?

Yes we require lessons how tobe joyful, in case you haven't noticed the lackof joviality runningparralell with scientific advancement .The method is to accept oneself as one of his infinite servants -lol - which is the complete opposite of the attitude we develop by material experience.

So you get "good points" even if you don't persist?
Yes, but th e progress is not automatic, meaning you can stabilise on 2% for a million years (not necessarily spending all of that time in the human form of life) unless you persist

Wouldn't then the most rational thing be to get, say, 95 percent of what is necessary, then quit and get to enjoy a life with only 5 percent of normal suffering ad eterniam? You could basically do what one wants, no?
Assuming that at the stage of 95% one still has the vision that the material abode is superior to the spiritual one

"Obviously you are not familiar with metal smelting - it was more than hot lead - it was an alloy that, if to be made today, can only be done in huge industrial plants - none of which exist in any archeological finds - at the least it tends to suggest that the people were not running around with spears chasing rabbits all day"

Do you have the specific findings off hand? I'd like to investigate the metal, the evidence for its existnece, and various other htings.

I guess you will have to surf thenet - in was an inca city structure and the metal pegs looked like two T's joined at the base - grooves were made in the shape of the double T so that each T was lodged in one block, and then metal was poured through (all the T's were different shapes, in other words they were not manufactured off site but moulded to fit the individualgrooves of the blocks)

Most importantly, this is a billion times more proof than the opposite. That "God mucked around with things".

To say that you would have to have a closed atmosphere to actually determine the statistics of the said phenomena

Much of the world doesn't mean all of the world - even in winter you can find things to eat - if you know how"

Yet it is possible that all which is left is but poison.
People in alaska are doing fine

"rock n roll wrestlers and the like aren't futile?"

They make a living, have good lives, are famous...

Hulk Hogan has had stardom for 30 years. He has a great family and his daughter is about to be a popstar. Sounds good to me!
Still are far cry from establishing normative behaviour that enables one to perceive the nature of the absolute truth :rolleyes:

Indeed, one would probably be better off using a bidet or washing completely after going to the bathroom, but at the very least, one is generally more clean wiping then not. That is to say, whereas I am not suggesting the WEst is emmaculately clean in every single way they live - no one is, really - there is surely something to be said about "saints don't wash" indicating a general lack of worth amongst them.

I mean truly: Who would want to live in -filth-?

Actually saintly people do bath - I remember one yogi who took a vow for a few months, in the himalayas in winter BTW, to take bath even after passing wind (no hot water either) - actually saintly people are symptomised by cleanliness - but if you think cleanliness is pefume and hair spray you may not be ableto perceive that

"whats the worth of being any more part of it than absolutely required
Such a liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure but is always in trance, enjoying the pleasure within. In this way the self-realized person enjoys unlimited happiness, for he concentrates on the Supreme."

And if met with nothing but annihilation after death, would not this be but a waste?

Yes - thats why oneis not reccommended toenjoy the variety of materiallife,which culminates in annhilation, but instead is encouraged to approach the spiritual variety - remember the gita advocates a realm of variety and that one retains one's individuality (real ego, which is a bit distinct from our current ssense of self thatrelates tothe body)

A precious opportunity squandered! And even if not, what joy can truly be taken by the spirit? A joy which may be eternal yet not be a joy at all, is not at all worth a thing.
Well a temporary joy is not a joy either - for instance could you enjoy yourself at a party if Itold you some people were going to come with baseball bats in 2 hours and smasheverything and beat people up - would you endeavour to make the most of the groovy next two hours or maybe think about finding a way to leave the premises?

"Then we wouldn't have free will, ie we wouldn't have consciousness - we would be stones"

Yet our "free will" is all ready constrained now. Why not constrain it a bit more? Or, as God has according to you, give us perfected free will?

"We are better than animals because we have ipods?"

No. Anyone who would buy an Ipod is a miserable beast. Anything from Apple is of the slug world.

But no, seriously: We are, yes. Ipods, computers, pencils, fire....All these things are part of why we are indeed better than animals. The trappings of civilization are part of what make us human.

"You mean like if they don't paythe months rent they will be put on the streets"

And he bceomes a bum and pretty much worthless then.

"like when after they pass stool"

A man who chooses to wipe instead of wash himself with a bidet or a Moslem shower after evacuating his bowels is not fundamentally dirty. He is not -covered- in excrement. Mystics sometimes quite litterally -are-, whether their own, or something else's.

"Personally I choose to camp in the city and live in the country side"

The country is lovely, yes. But in either place you have dirt and living outside in it, without any trappings of civilization, is absurd.

"lol - this is western culture - polished exterior but no substance - but anyway you still keep your comb in spiritual life - its just not a very important factor thats all"

Appearances mean much. Where is interior beauty when exterior beauty is lacking entirely?

"Family life is automatically dignified?"

A civilized person ought to bear children, yes. It is almost sacreligious not to. It defeats aeons of life.

"who has a job because they likeit - I mean most people would renounce their job if they could - actually this is approaching the subject of asrama, namely spiritualstation inlife - it is inappropriate for a householder to be unemployed (because they are facilitating dependants) but a renounced person is prohibited -"

A man who so divorces himself from society is divorcing himself from any means of fame, glory, honour, responsibility...He is become a vagrant idiot.

"There's nothing higher in life than having a wife - why do couples always argue and fight?"

To not have a wife seems pretty ridiculous for a man, does it not?

"On the contrary they study the most valuable things"

How to debase his body and make a mockery out of his standing in life?

"Money plays its rolebut if one determines it as an essential factor and goalof existence money will be a source of trouble"

I agree, but to not have money, is not to have power. Money is the facillitator of Earthly power as the chief method of exchange.

"actually an animal issomeone who has no concerns beyond sleeping eating mating and defending, regardless of combs, education and family etc"

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending at least hav efoundations in the here and now. When asking after what the sadhu does his work for, he answers for another world which he does not even know of.

"Even if you have a good job, that pays goodmoney andhave a good wife and good children life will still be an insane struggle"

Life can be difficult at times, but often it is easy. One simply has to breath and one simply has to strive. What sorrow is that?

"So therefore it is his special mercy when he does reciprocate with us because we at least perceivethe benefit"

It is just as likely as he won't, for again, no benefit on his part. It is wasteful to him.

"devotion is quite an elusive thing to qualify"

So you are saying a man who has a family life, a business, et cetera, can be just as devote as someone living on the side of the road with an alm's bowl, because he will not eat anything which God did not inspire in others to give to him?

"There are other considerations however,namely how the other living entities react with this constant blinking - in other words the perception of systems of organisation etc make god more approachable rather than this totally unpredictable blinking thing"

In what way? Here is an example:

John Doe: Hey God, can I have a Ferrari?

God: Okee-doke.

John Doe: Yay! Thank you!

God: No problem.

Here one would have a definite and continued relationship.

"Spiritual pleasure is quite a thing to investigate - for instance jesus's life wasn't a bed of roses - but doyou think he was miserable?"

Yes, I do. He was betrayed by his friend, suffered horrible anguish for 40 days in the Garden of Gethsamane, and ended up being torturously nailed to a cross and killed, before which he lost his faith in God.

"Yes we require lessons how tobe joyful, in case you haven't noticed the lackof joviality runningparralell with scientific advancement .The method is to accept oneself as one of his infinite servants -lol - which is the complete opposite of the attitude we develop by material experience."

And how is this a joyful thing? Eternal servitude does not seem good at all! In fact, is not this the ultimate misery? Being at the beck and call of another being ad eterniam?

"Yes, but th e progress is not automatic, meaning you can stabilise on 2% for a million years (not necessarily spending all of that time in the human form of life) unless you persist"

Sounds pretty great, if 2 percent means a better life.

"Assuming that at the stage of 95% one still has the vision that the material abode is superior to the spiritual one"

One may well. In fact, it would seem to be the rational thing to do: Get to that 95 percent, keep the material thing till last so you don't lose that, then "screw the system", and end up getting everything out of material life one could ever want, and nothing of the inferior existence with God that one does not, but one progressed towards.

"I guess you will have to surf thenet - in was an inca city structure and the metal pegs looked like two T's joined at the base - grooves were made in the shape of the double T so that each T was lodged in one block, and then metal was poured through (all the T's were different shapes, in other words they were not manufactured off site but moulded to fit the individualgrooves of the blocks)"

I shall try to find some sources credibly detailing them.

"To say that you would have to have a closed atmosphere to actually determine the statistics of the said phenomena"

Do not we all ready have them in the laboratory and such?

"People in alaska are doing fine"

Or are they drowning like the polar bears?

"Still are far cry from establishing normative behaviour that enables one to perceive the nature of the absolute truth "

I don't know. Does not the Macho Man Randy Savage daily remind us to, "Snap into a Slim Jim, oooh yeah!" That sounds like absolute truth to me!

"Actually saintly people do bath - I remember one yogi who took a vow for a few months, in the himalayas in winter BTW, to take bath even after passing wind (no hot water either) - actually saintly people are symptomised by cleanliness - but if you think cleanliness is pefume and hair spray you may not be ableto perceive that"

I commend him for his pursuit of cleanliness.

"Yes - thats why oneis not reccommended toenjoy the variety of materiallife,which culminates in annhilation, but instead is encouraged to approach the spiritual variety - remember the gita advocates a realm of variety and that one retains one's individuality (real ego, which is a bit distinct from our current ssense of self thatrelates tothe body)"

Variety in the sense of continued existence as a distinct entity, yes?

"Well a temporary joy is not a joy either - for instance could you enjoy yourself at a party if Itold you some people were going to come with baseball bats in 2 hours and smasheverything and beat people up - would you endeavour to make the most of the groovy next two hours or maybe think about finding a way to leave the premises? "

I'd take some precautions yes, but then again, I'd also enjoy the party. One either gets to escape beforehand or engage in what may be an exceedingly fun fight. In fact, a bit of foresight can evade most of the unpleasantness of life, no? Specifically if the alternative is so little.

The joys of God seem ever so paltry.
Personal note: Prince you got to learn how to use the "Quote" button, I do like reading your responces, but man it's hard to decipher, who said what...LOL..Please..

Prince James

Yet our "free will" is all ready constrained now. Why not constrain it a bit more? Or, as God has according to you, give us perfected free will?

It is constrained a "little bit more" when we eneter the material atmosphere - it doesn't require any more restraining than that - lol

No. Anyone who would buy an Ipod is a miserable beast. Anything from Apple is of the slug world.

But no, seriously: We are, yes. Ipods, computers, pencils, fire....All these things are part of why we are indeed better than animals. The trappings of civilization are part of what make us human.

But you open by indicating there is the question of utility as well - like for instance suppose two people are discussing the nature of the absolute underneath a tree and two people are discussing hulk hogan's TV charisma using communication technology worth thousands of dollars - IN terms of communication, who is more advanced?

And he bceomes a bum and pretty much worthless then.

In other words paying rent means you don't have a home

A man who chooses to wipe instead of wash himself with a bidet or a Moslem shower after evacuating his bowels is not fundamentally dirty. He is not -covered- in excrement. Mystics sometimes quite litterally -are-, whether their own, or something else's.
Well I have never encountered such stool encrusted mystics - are you saying your experience is more exhaustive than mine? Where did you encounter this plethoric number of stool covered mystics?

The country is lovely, yes. But in either place you have dirt and living outside in it, without any trappings of civilization, is absurd.
So apart from nice clean food to eat (which BTW you are les likely to come across in a city), clean water for drinking bathing and washing (also something you are not likely to encounter) and clean clothes (did you know cotton grows in the countryside) and of course a warm dry clean place to stay (quiet is also nice, but obviously not integral since many people choose to live in the city) what other trapping does one require that is not a trap?

Appearances mean much. Where is interior beauty when exterior beauty is lacking entirely?
lol - appearances mean much to a person who values them thats all - beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

"Family life is automatically dignified?"

A civilized person ought to bear children, yes. It is almost sacreligious not to. It defeats aeons of life.

Then also city life stands to be condemned by this standard since child rearing is perceved as an impractical hobby for the rich compared to birth control and abortion - in an agricultural setting every child is valued because it means another set of hands top have on deck .
Once again - everything has its utility and proper utility indicates progress - if a person is planting seeds expect trees, and if you don't want trees, why are you planting seeds - in otherwords it would be progressive if people were equally fascinated with parenthood as they are with sex

A man who so divorces himself from society is divorcing himself from any means of fame, glory, honour, responsibility...He is become a vagrant idiot.
Alternatively there could be more famous, glorious, honourable and responsible pursuits outside the clamour of mundane hoi polloi - don't misunderstand me - its not that a person renounces family life to space out

To not have a wife seems pretty ridiculous for a man, does it not?
Obviously you don't have a wife yet -lol
In the meantime pehaps you try listening to the lyrics of virtually any blues song you care to mention
" I say ya tryin ta wreck ma life"
(insert guitar solo)
" I say ya tryin ta wreck ma life"
(insert guitar solo)
" I say ya tryin ta wreck ma life and all I wanted was a wife and now ya tryin ta wreck ma life"
(insert guitar solo)
etc etc

"On the contrary they study the most valuable things"

How to debase his body and make a mockery out of his standing in life?

Actually the body and one's standing in life are systems of automatic mockery - when a personis young they are charmed by their stregth and prowess but when they get old they get haggard and weak and can even break a rib by sneezing - similarly one undergoes so much austerity to maintain a family etc but they ar eall ultimately ungrateful - if you don't want to tel us your opinions of your grandparents or great grand parents, tell us about your observations of people in general's opinion of such relatives - for instance do you know the full name of your great grandmother - do you think that your future generations will regard you as anything more substantial than a retinal after image in a fireworks display?

I agree, but to not have money, is not to have power. Money is the facillitator of Earthly power as the chief method of exchange.
If a person is satisfied with the amount of money they have they are intelligent - anyone else is a fool

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending at least hav efoundations in the here and now. When asking after what the sadhu does his work for, he answers for another world which he does not even know of.

Your mistaken - he does his work for a world that YOU do not even know of - that is the difference

Life can be difficult at times, but often it is easy. One simply has to breath and one simply has to strive. What sorrow is that?

So if all that is required is enough striving to maintain the breathing (food to eat etc etc) why does civil superiority lie in overburdening oneself with unnecessary attachments?

It is just as likely as he won't, for again, no benefit on his part. It is wasteful to him.

That just indicates he doesn't perceive benefit like you perceive benefit

"devotion is quite an elusive thing to qualify"

So you are saying a man who has a family life, a business, et cetera, can be just as devote as someone living on the side of the road with an alm's bowl, because he will not eat anything which God did not inspire in others to give to him?

Yes - the guy with the business can be conemplating the nature of the abslute in all his daily affairs 24 hours and the guy with the bowl could spend his 24 hours wondering when the next slice of bread is going to come

In what way? Here is an example:

John Doe: Hey God, can I have a Ferrari?

God: Okee-doke.

John Doe: Yay! Thank you!

God: No problem.

And how about

John Doe: Hey God, you are moron, can I have a Ferrari?

God: Okee-doke.

John Doe: Yay! Thank you! But I still think you are a moron

God: No problem.

Can you guess which John Doe is in the material world ?
In other words relationship is more than just a vending machine

Yes, I do. He was betrayed by his friend, suffered horrible anguish for 40 days in the Garden of Gethsamane, and ended up being torturously nailed to a cross and killed, before which he lost his faith in God.
Then you have no knowledge of Jesus - which indicates something because I have only ever been to a church perhaps six times in my life

"Yes we require lessons how tobe joyful, in case you haven't noticed the lackof joviality runningparralell with scientific advancement .The method is to accept oneself as one of his infinite servants -lol - which is the complete opposite of the attitude we develop by material experience."

And how is this a joyful thing? Eternal servitude does not seem good at all! In fact, is not this the ultimate misery? Being at the beck and call of another being ad eterniam

Yep - thats the vision when you draw on your material experience as a means for establishing the substance of the spiritual

Sounds pretty great, if 2 percent means a better life.
well its better than 1%, but not better than 3-100%

One may well. In fact, it would seem to be the rational thing to do: Get to that 95 percent, keep the material thing till last so you don't lose that, then "screw the system", and end up getting everything out of material life one could ever want, and nothing of the inferior existence with God that one does not, but one progressed towards.

I guess if one is at 95% and the prospect of continuing birth death and old age does not appear screwed, one is screwed already -
like for insance would you accept a job offer to sell bomb materials on the black market in Iraq - its got quite a few pro's there, like a great salary!! Never mind the perqs

I shall try to find some sources credibly detailing them.
I think it may have been on a TV documentary related too either one of two books titled "Forbidden archeology" or the "Hidden history of the human race"

Do not we all ready have them in the laboratory and such?

Er ...No.

Or are they drowning like the polar bears?

At least its not the coldness and apparent absence of food in winter that is killing them - meaning that people can still subsist in places that have no apparent fod source, because they have specialised knowledge - in the same way one can be spiritually advanced and perfect in environments that saturated with degraded elements

I don't know. Does not the Macho Man Randy Savage daily remind us to, "Snap into a Slim Jim, oooh yeah!" That sounds like absolute truth to me!
I see :rolleyes:

I commend him for his pursuit of cleanliness.
So you want to back down from your unverified claims of hordes of stool covered saints?

Variety in the sense of continued existence as a distinct entity, yes?

That and a whole lot more

I'd take some precautions yes, but then again, I'd also enjoy the party.
Then you do not have steady intelligence

One either gets to escape beforehand or engage in what may be an exceedingly fun fight. In fact, a bit of foresight can evade most of the unpleasantness of life, no? Specifically if the alternative is so little.
So you are going to die - before that there is also a god chance you will also get old - and on numerous occasions before that, although they will increase with the appearance of old age, you will contract diseases - How do yuo propose to evade these things - in other words maybe 2 hours is not long enough to get out of the house before th epeople arrive with baseball bats, and since there are only 3 of you and there are 300 of them, and you have no weapons, it doesn't seem like the fight will be very fun to participate in

The joys of God seem ever so paltry.
The joys of material life are like the joys of a camel looking for the sharpest thorns on the sweetest stalk - in otherwords its relishment is only the taste of its own blood
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BTW Prince James - this is totally off the point of the thread topic - if you want a reply, post your response in a new thread titled something like "material life vs spiritual life" or something

"It is constrained a "little bit more" when we eneter the material atmosphere - it doesn't require any more restraining than that - lol "

Surely he could prevent us from sinning, could he not?

"But you open by indicating there is the question of utility as well - like for instance suppose two people are discussing the nature of the absolute underneath a tree and two people are discussing hulk hogan's TV charisma using communication technology worth thousands of dollars - IN terms of communication, who is more advanced?"

I would argue that the absolute truth discussion would be more weighty, yes. However, the Hulk Hogan discussers would be using a more human medium.

"In other words paying rent means you don't have a home"

No, one has a home so long as one pays rent. But this is also very much like saying, "If I do not keep up my home that I own, I will not have a house." The only difference is that the exchange is monetary, as opposed to effort-focused.

"Well I have never encountered such stool encrusted mystics - are you saying your experience is more exhaustive than mine? Where did you encounter this plethoric number of stool covered mystics?"

Neither have I, actually, no. Most of the time it is dirt, ash, and dust which one encounters on excrement-pile mystics. That being said, Rastafarians - mystic types and some normal ones - do drink urine.

"So apart from nice clean food to eat (which BTW you are les likely to come across in a city), clean water for drinking bathing and washing (also something you are not likely to encounter) and clean clothes (did you know cotton grows in the countryside) and of course a warm dry clean place to stay (quiet is also nice, but obviously not integral since many people choose to live in the city) what other trapping does one require that is not a trap?"

The country is rarely quiet, also. In fact, I have friends who live in Wisconsin in a very small town and were constantly assaulted throughout the summer months with the sound of coyotes mating all night long. Similarly, a plethora of animal and weather-related sounds are normally to be had. And naturally, there are all sorts of bugs, animals, and again, just dirt, that is to be found all over the countryside. One has to wash off both city and country food and clothes made in laboratories and in fields.

"lol - appearances mean much to a person who values them thats all - beauty lies in the eye of the beholder "

If interior beauty is not held to be so subjective, why exterior?

"Then also city life stands to be condemned by this standard since child rearing is perceved as an impractical hobby for the rich compared to birth control and abortion - in an agricultural setting every child is valued because it means another set of hands top have on deck ."

I agree. That is a vice of the city.

"Once again - everything has its utility and proper utility indicates progress - if a person is planting seeds expect trees, and if you don't want trees, why are you planting seeds - in otherwords it would be progressive if people were equally fascinated with parenthood as they are with sex"

I agree.

"Alternatively there could be more famous, glorious, honourable and responsible pursuits outside the clamour of mundane hoi polloi - don't misunderstand me - its not that a person renounces family life to space out"

Few hermits and mystics become reknowned sages known the world over and indeed, as one's aims are not for that, it is far less likely to become such.

"Obviously you don't have a wife yet -lol"

Ha ha! Good point.

"Actually the body and one's standing in life are systems of automatic mockery - when a personis young they are charmed by their stregth and prowess but when they get old they get haggard and weak and can even break a rib by sneezing - similarly one undergoes so much austerity to maintain a family etc but they ar eall ultimately ungrateful - if you don't want to tel us your opinions of your grandparents or great grand parents, tell us about your observations of people in general's opinion of such relatives - for instance do you know the full name of your great grandmother - do you think that your future generations will regard you as anything more substantial than a retinal after image in a fireworks display?"

That some people might not have respect and admiration for their family does not imply that one is debased by having one. In fact, by the very fact that one does have, and has the capacity to be well respected by them or to be part of this great "chain of being", as it were, implies a greater standing.

"If a person is satisfied with the amount of money they have they are intelligent - anyone else is a fool"

Is not power always something good to have? Then why not want more of it?

"Your mistaken - he does his work for a world that YOU do not even know of - that is the difference"

Has he died that he should know?

"So if all that is required is enough striving to maintain the breathing (food to eat etc etc) why does civil superiority lie in overburdening oneself with unnecessary attachments?"

To survive is different than to thrive.

"Yes - the guy with the business can be conemplating the nature of the abslute in all his daily affairs 24 hours and the guy with the bowl could spend his 24 hours wondering when the next slice of bread is going to come"

What about someone that commits sinful behaviour?

"John Doe: Hey God, you are moron, can I have a Ferrari?

God: Okee-doke.

John Doe: Yay! Thank you! But I still think you are a moron

God: No problem.

Can you guess which John Doe is in the material world ?
In other words relationship is more than just a vending machine "

Someone would unlikely call God a moron if he gave one a Ferrari. Very few people are this bratty in general.

"Then you have no knowledge of Jesus - which indicates something because I have only ever been to a church perhaps six times in my life"

But their fruits shall ye know him. What was his life but a rotten apple?

"Yep - thats the vision when you draw on your material experience as a means for establishing the substance of the spiritual"

What experience should it be, then?

"well its better than 1%, but not better than 3-100%"

Yes. That is why it would seem that hitting as high as possible, without hitting 100, is best.

"I guess if one is at 95% and the prospect of continuing birth death and old age does not appear screwed, one is screwed already -
like for insance would you accept a job offer to sell bomb materials on the black market in Iraq - its got quite a few pro's there, like a great salary!! Never mind the perqs"

I have no desire to blow people up, but being an arms dealer is not in and of itself, a bad thing. I simply could not as an American, as such would be treason.

"I think it may have been on a TV documentary related too either one of two books titled "Forbidden archeology" or the "Hidden history of the human race"
So far I have found no evidence of the metal working.

"Do not we all ready have them in the laboratory and such?

Er ...No."

Clearly you have never heard of particle accelerators? HIgh-energy plasma reactors? Electron microscopes? Space probe science experiments?

"At least its not the coldness and apparent absence of food in winter that is killing them - meaning that people can still subsist in places that have no apparent fod source, because they have specialised knowledge - in the same way one can be spiritually advanced and perfect in environments that saturated with degraded elements"

Yet are not they ever in danger of falling through the increasingly thinning ice?

"So you want to back down from your unverified claims of hordes of stool covered saints?"

One clean saint does not a "focus on cleanliness" make.

"“ Variety in the sense of continued existence as a distinct entity, yes? ”

That and a whole lot more"

A whole lot more pertaining to?

"So you are going to die - before that there is also a god chance you will also get old - and on numerous occasions before that, although they will increase with the appearance of old age, you will contract diseases - How do yuo propose to evade these things - in other words maybe 2 hours is not long enough to get out of the house before th epeople arrive with baseball bats, and since there are only 3 of you and there are 300 of them, and you have no weapons, it doesn't seem like the fight will be very fun to participate in"

If that is the case, I'll evade more quickly and have the party elsewhere, where it is safe.

And when I am sick, I shall take medicine and think of ways to become well, and if should fail, well, then I shall die or heal on my own accord.

"The joys of material life are like the joys of a camel looking for the sharpest thorns on the sweetest stalk - in otherwords its relishment is only the taste of its own blood "

Honey on a razorblade, yes? But is it not better to lick the honey then to lick a razor without?

"BTW Prince James - this is totally off the point of the thread topic - if you want a reply, post your response in a new thread titled something like "material life vs spiritual life" or something "

Good idea.
lightgigantic said:
This is where it gets incomprehensible for the lay man, hence the statement from the head of the royal british astronomy society
I disagree. Conceptually, I don't find that physics is any more difficult really for the novice than the expert. In fact, I find that those concepts which are most confusing or difficult seem to be so for everyone. More importantly, that one might not understand the explaination does not mean that one cannot observe the phenomena.

I take it you haven't spent much time considering what I posted as the opening for this thread, since all your queries are answered there
I have considered it. All you have provided are assertions, not arguments nor explanations. Nor are the assertions even very valuable, they're the same assertions many theists make. So how is one supposed to differentiate your claims from those of others?

Disciplic succession implies what? An infinite chain into nothingness? Knowledge comes from god through the chain of disciplic succession.(see point 2 in the opening)
Another unfounded assertion. There are many people who claim that God has revealed knowledge to them. Not all of these people agree, in fact most don't.

declared in point 4, defined in point 2
If this is what you think an argument is it's no wonder were not going anywhere.

Basically there are three authorities presented in the epsitemology- scripture, the history of saintly people in general, and the specific saintly person one is learning through - all of these three should line up and not have divergent claims

- the test of the authority lies in bearing the fruit, which is explained in point 4

- in otherwords if I say you can achieve something by performing a process (you can read a pulse if you study first aid), logic does not reveal the fruits of the process, but enables one to come to the point of applying the process (it is only after doing the course thatyou can actually determine to what degree the process enabled you to read a pulse)
So what "fruit" should we expect this process to bare?

You will have to explain yourself here - I am familiar with the fallacy but not its application to this scenario
Although mistaken about it, you consistently refer to science relying upon authority in defense of your own appeals to authority. But even if you were correct about science this would not mean that appeal to authority is not a fallacy, it would only mean that both paradigms are guilty of the same fallacy. Thus your argument is merely Tu quoque and erroneous.

If you have a more correct epistemology for perceiving the existence of god I welcome you to forward it - there are less correct epistemolgies for perceiving god, but I don't think you really want me to submit them too
Not what I meant. I meant knowledge in general, not just knowledge of god.

I can think of several epistemologies for perceiving god, but this one is th e most simplest to understand and easiest to apply.
Anyway I don't see how me elaborating on those other epistemologies will benefit this thread.
Again, this is not what I was after. I'll give you an analogy; If science concludes the Earth orbits the Sun and God tells you the Sun orbits the Earth, which is true?

Raithere said:
As opposed to what, your satirical commentaries and quips?


Amongst children and retards one must adapt or face frustration; one must lower one’s self to their level and make the best of the situation.

But, please, continue reasoning with the unreasoned.
It’s like watching a one-eyed man explain a sunset to a blind man.
No common reference point.
Amongst children and retards one must adapt or face frustration; one must lower one’s self to their level and make the best of the situation.

I totally agree with that, specially with theist's of Leo's and LG's caliber. ;)
Godless said:
I totally agree with that, specially with theist's of Leo's and LG's caliber. ;)
I don’t know what the logic behind trying to convince a retard that he’s retarded is but I believe it has to do with ego.

Wasting my time trying to talk sense into a child or wasting my time trying to talk maturely with an adolescent dependant mind about the metaphysics which make me not believe in Santa, who probably needs this magical thing and would probably suffer without it and is incapable of reasoning through this, is dumb.
Eventually I have to ask myself: ‘What do I gain from this, except for an ego boost?’
Even if I could convince him, why would I want to?
Feeling smarter than a retard only offers so much pleasure.
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This is where it gets incomprehensible for the lay man, hence the statement from the head of the royal british astronomy society ”

I disagree. Conceptually, I don't find that physics is any more difficult really for the novice than the expert.
Then why do some people fail year 9 physics?

In fact, I find that those concepts which are most confusing or difficult seem to be so for everyone.
Then why isn't everyone a physics professor?

More importantly, that one might not understand the explaination does not mean that one cannot observe the phenomena.
Yes, theoretically they could perform the experiment, but they would totally obliious to what they would be looking for as a means of confirming the hypothesis

“ Disciplic succession implies what? An infinite chain into nothingness? Knowledge comes from god through the chain of disciplic succession.(see point 2 in the opening) ”

Another unfounded assertion. There are many people who claim that God has revealed knowledge to them. Not all of these people agree, in fact most don't.

Then it requires a reanalysis of point one to determine whether they are qualified

“ declared in point 4, defined in point 2 ”

If this is what you think an argument is it's no wonder were not going anywhere.
Ok let me explain
The knowledge is verified when it delivers the result (4)
It is verified when it tallies with historical accounts of others who have applied the same process (2)

So what "fruit" should we expect this process to bare?
Direct perception of god and one's relationship with him

Although mistaken about it, you consistently refer to science relying upon authority in defense of your own appeals to authority. But even if you were correct about science this would not mean that appeal to authority is not a fallacy, it would only mean that both paradigms are guilty of the same fallacy. Thus your argument is merely Tu quoque and erroneous.

Why science - all knowledge operates on such grounds - otherwise what are we left with? You've seen your mother and father? What else?
You are yet to give an example of how knowledge operates without this system

“ If you have a more correct epistemology for perceiving the existence of god I welcome you to forward it - there are less correct epistemolgies for perceiving god, but I don't think you really want me to submit them too ”

Not what I meant. I meant knowledge in general, not just knowledge of god.

There are many similar principles but the details are different - like you cannot expect to lern about agriculture by going to an astronomy school or vice versa but there are similar epistemological princilpes in action (ie a person who knows teaches those who don't know)

“ I can think of several epistemologies for perceiving god, but this one is th e most simplest to understand and easiest to apply.
Anyway I don't see how me elaborating on those other epistemologies will benefit this thread. ”

Again, this is not what I was after. I'll give you an analogy; If science concludes the Earth orbits the Sun and God tells you the Sun orbits the Earth, which is true?

This is covered in point 7

But just in case you think I am snubbing the opportunity to offer relevant info ....

You have to examine where one's faith lies

One is based on the claim of the uniformity of time and space and numerous other fundamental constants of the universe

The other is based on the claim of the supreme most person whose ontological status makes all other ontological statuses contingent

If you have met only persons of th e first class you would go for the first claim

If you had met a person of the second class you would probably go for the second claim
That is the best you can do? You really have nothing else to add, you have not demonstrated anything, other than an immature nature, so we called you on it.
KennyJC said:
What does scripture have anything to do with this? We have already established that your epistemology thread was based on faith that the Bible is true because it says so. It offers no evidence or calculations on any of it's obviously far-fetched imaginary claims.

Where do I say words to the effect of "faith" in the opening of this thread?
Just because you didn't use the word 'faith' doesn't mean that isn't the crux of your post. The reason I and many others have come to this conclusion is because here you have men of a religious sect trying to multiply their membership by telling tall tales. That is the FAR...far... far more likely 'epistemology', than 'divine revelation' from the intelligent creator of the universe (who probably isn't there in the first place).

Before you jump into your inevitable analogy concerning science... Here is what wiki has to say:

Science in the broadest sense refers to any system of knowledge attained by verifiable means.[1] In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on empiricism, experimentation, and methodological naturalism, as well as to the organized body of knowledge humans have gained by such research.

Now how on Earth can a non-believer read the Bible and conclude by way of evidence that what it says is correct? You can read books on science and the only thing you will find is demonstration of the reasons why it has come to it's conclusions. Assuming you have the critical thinking skills of a regular adult, you will understand the basics at minimum.

This thread is about religion/god, but it could so easily be about astrology, fortune tellers, aliens visiting Earth, Loch Ness monster etc etc... And therefore this thread has the same relevance of those things.