Qualities Of A God

depends what type of god, he might be a minor god like in greek mythology, and hardly have the power to do anything, or like shinto gods or norse gods.

or he could be like the christian and islamic god, all powerful etc. the word god has such a wide definition. but people usualy always think of the all powerful being that created everything and is the master of the universe.

a god could have limited power and could have been created by the universe. i dont have a list of a certain quality that i look for.

Concepts of gods, and there have been thousands of definitions, and many have been worshipped by differrent groups throughout history, are all the result of people trying to make sense of things they could not or did not understand - i.e. ignorance.

how is that ignorance? if somebody can not understand something it doesent mean they are ignorant. what an insult to people who do not understand things that is.

would you call a retarded person or a small child ignorant simply because they could not understand soemthing?.

how is that ignorance? if somebody can not understand something it doesent mean they are ignorant. what an insult to people who do not understand things that is.

would you call a retarded person or a small child ignorant simply because they could not understand soemthing?.
Ignorance, in one meaning of the word, is the lack of knowledge.
If one can not understand something it is because they do not have the requisite knowledge to understand it.

If you do not understand how the sun generates light and heat one is said to be ignorant of the workings of the sun, despite the fact that they can both see the effects of the light from the sun and feel the heat.
They are not ignorant of the sun, per se, but of the workings / mechanics of the sun.

So yes, a retarded person or a child or in fact ANYONE can be considered ignorant if they do not possess the necessary knowledge of the matter in hand.