Qualities Of A God


Valued Senior Member
Define for me (peasants and royals alike) what attributes a god should possess in order to convince you they truly are one. Explain in a few paragraphs what your own mind thinks is REQUIRED for something to be your god and not merely a fantasy. I shall begin since you lack foresight to reply before I even post, hence you are yourselves not god-like IMO.

1. God must have the ability to materialize otherwise it is not a god.

2. God must know what will happen before it occurs (the foresight you lack).

3. God must be able to grant immortality (although I don't suppose you would ever be entirely certain).

4. God must have power to influence things in their presence, objects etc. aka telepathy, telekinesis, healing.

What about yours?
God is me

  • immortal
  • created all things
  • he is good
  • has an opposite, which is bad
  • is a he
  • used to look like Santa in a robe, but now looks like Morgan Freeman
1. A god must have complete knowledge of everything that exists and everything that doesn't.
2. A god must know both the future and the past
3. A god must be able to communicate with at least me personally.
4. A god must be able to make the most unrealistic fantasies reality.
5. A god must be able to explain to me its own purpose and allow me to understand it fully.
6. A god must aknowledge the emotions of everyone, without empathy for anyone.
Anything less than this is merely a metaphorical god imo.
1. A god must have complete knowledge of everything that exists and everything that doesn't.
2. A god must know both the future and the past
3. A god must be able to communicate with at least me personally.
4. A god must be able to make the most unrealistic fantasies reality.
5. A god must be able to explain to me its own purpose and allow me to understand it fully.
6. A god must aknowledge the emotions of everyone, without empathy for anyone.
Anything less than this is merely a metaphorical god imo.

A God does not have to prove anything to anyone.
A god must have no asshole because they are full of shit.

A god must be crazy for they don't know what they are doing or why.
You are all fools! I know what a god is!!! God possesses those traits I list above.

PS A good question might be if god knew everything would not knowing everything mean he can't be a god? If god can't be ignorant of something then he lacks that experience and so cannot fully understand it... wouldn't that mean he didn't understand not knowing everything and thereby isn't a god?
You are all fools! I know what a god is!!! God possesses those traits I list above.

PS A good question might be if god knew everything would not knowing everything mean he can't be a god? If god can't be ignorant of something then he lacks that experience and so cannot fully understand it... wouldn't that mean he didn't understand not knowing everything and thereby isn't a god?

A fool perhaps but a wise fool.
1. A god must have complete knowledge of everything that exists and everything that doesn't.
Everything that doesn't exist?
That doesn't even make sense.

2. A god must know both the future and the past
Why must it know the future?

6. A god must aknowledge the emotions of everyone, without empathy for anyone.
Again, why?

Anything less than this is merely a metaphorical god imo.
It seems to me that you have already made up your mind that there is no God, and refuse to accept that there could be - so are setting God up for failure before you even start.
So much for the genuinely skeptical, scientific, rational mind.
Everything that doesn't exist?
That doesn't even make sense.
I mean ideas, fictional worlds, and the like.
Why must it know the future?
Because it must have the information and the intelligence to accurately predict the distant future, the same way a meteorologist can predict the weather.
Again, why?
In order to properly rule over us
It seems to me that you have already made up your mind that there is no God, and refuse to accept that there could be
Not at all. I don't think that there's a god, or even any supernatural being that would qualify as a metaphorical god, but I wouldn't refuse to accept that a god exists if there was some reason to. In fact, I would embrace the idea, because I want nothig more than to continue existing forever(either as part of a diety or by myself). I find the transcendentalist god to be pretty plausible actually.
- so are setting God up for failure before you even start.
Maybe that's true, but the title of god is only a title; I would never say that I wouldn't worship some super-powerful being that had very little knowledge of anything if it was beneficial to me.
So much for the genuinely skeptical, scientific, rational mind.
Just a note, but I'm hardly the most skeptical person on SF(I've tried psychic excercises a few times and it felt like I was doing algeabra or working out navigation equations), and my moral values are based almost entirely on subjective relationships(which sometimes make them the opposite of what most people consider rational).
A god can be defined as simply human ignorance and fantasy.

Concepts of gods, and there have been thousands of definitions, and many have been worshipped by differrent groups throughout history, are all the result of people trying to make sense of things they could not or did not understand - i.e. ignorance.

Definitions are then added to provide abilities that we can imagine but have no way of knowing if they are possible or not, e.g. omnisience, these are fantasies.

The resulting construct is then rationalized to fit real world observations and cultures and religions are developed around these imaginative and ignorant ideas.

As we grow in knowledge and evolve over time then the things we do know will reduce the options of what a god might be.

In the end, a god is a human created fantasy and no one can show otherwise.