Putin's invasion of Ukraine

I honestly didnt expect it will come to this,
but US created this war by breaking every promise deal to keep Nato expansion from Russia borders.

Reminds me of Cuba crisis back then when Ruski put misiles there aimed at US
Good thing JFK was smart to negotiate instead of startin ww3.

Russia has all the right do defend from western colonizers whos plan is to destroy Russia simply bc its huge competition to US worldwide hegemony.

Prez Zelensky is a dictator instaled by US who killed many Ukrainians who oposed him,
also Destroyed Ukraine economy makin everyone poorer and US richer.

Typical US strategy to exploit and destroy any country completely. Just like we did in Afganistan,
Iraq,,Iran,,Lybia Syria, Serbia Kosovo. Vietnam.

Ukraine will be demilitarized by Russia and world will be at peace.

Biden doesnt give a krp about Ukraine or Europe countries,they are all competition to Us.
What does Putin want with Chernobyl?
I heard someone from one of the former Soviet block countries say something about fearing they would do a radiation release from Chernobyl.
Unfortunately I was not paying enough attention to follow the whole conversation.
Do you really carry such hatred that Ukranians should have to suffer?

So when you see the old woman lamenting outside her bombed apartment complex, or babies evacuated from ICU to shelter in a basement, or the burned and wrecked bodies of Ukranian soldiers, remember to take a moment and taunt the U.S., because, yeah, firing on Ukranian residential areas and bombing Ukranian hospitals and invading Ukraine, yeah that Puti-Toots is really showing us Americans what-for. When you see the fourteen year-old under a tarp, beside her wrecked bicycle, or watch the CCTV footage of Russians killing her, make sure you cheer and shout, "Take that, USA!"

Or did you want to think that through, again?

Inasmuch as any of this leads to direct Russian confrontation with the United States, Putin is afraid of Americans.

And remember, at this point Putin's war isn't going very well, or else it is; the difference is in what the war is actually for.
Bro where were you when US murdered milions of muslims that include women and children btw,and bombed the sht from Afganistan,Iraq,Lybia Syria Serbia Vietnam ?
Where was UN then ?
Getting off topic but the free countries success was built on the backs of immigrants from other countries escaping poverty or worse. (the brain and human/other resources drain)

But of course the free world only exists in its present state because it fought for its existence against the likes of Putin in the past.

No need to demonize the Chinese when their leadership does such at good job in that respect
Not sure if you meant it as compliment or sarcasm but Chinese gov created largest very sucesful economy in the world which raised 800 milion people from poverty in couple decades.
Sure they copy and borow some tech from other places Germany n Japan mainly, but then all countries do that.
However chinese also inovate quite a lot.
See Richard Augilar chanel
Secret to china succes is they elect only well qualified educated leaders

https:/ /youtu .be/Tgp QxVC ekgw

Since this site doesnt allow links ( CENSORSHIP ) !!!! Freedom of speach is dying in america it seems.
,I sugest checkin Living in China chanel or Reporterfy media travel to see the true fact about life in china,
bc western msm only show BS nd fake news.
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Russia has all the right do defend from western colonizers whos plan is to destroy Russia simply bc its huge competition to US worldwide hegemony.
there are no western colonizers. you making things up. and the west only wants is for russia to quit being aggressive and attacking its neighbors

Prez Zelensky is a dictator instaled by US who killed many Ukrainians who oposed him,
no that was the ahole deposed in 2014. zelensky hasn't killed anyone and was elected
also Destroyed Ukraine economy makin everyone poorer and US richer.
ukraine is better off economically with the west than russia. russia's economy is fairly small and weak given its population.

Ukraine will be demilitarized by Russia and world will be at peace.
no it wont because your facsist hero vlady will invade someone else.

Biden doesnt give a krp about Ukraine or Europe countries,they are all competition to Us.
says the guy defending crimes against humanity
sure if you meant it as compliment or sarcasm but Chinese gov created largest very sucesful economy in the world which raised 800 milion people from poverty in couple decades.
Sure they copy and borow some tech from other places Germany n Japan mainly, but then all countries do that.
However chinese also inovate quite a lot.
See Richard Augilar chanel
Secret to china succes is they elect only
Well ,it is true that the Chinese Communist Party raised millions from poverty insofar as they were in charge when the economic advances were made.

There are advantages to political centralization but the first duty of government is to cede the greatest amount of liberties to its citizens,first and foremost the liberty to select there own government in free and fair elections

The Chinese Communist Party receives very low (even negative) marks on that account

Sad but very true
There are advantages to political centralization but the first duty of government is to cede the greatest amount of liberties to its citizens,first and foremost the liberty to select there own government in free and fair elections

complete nonsense
look how money controls US politics

your talking American fake politics of democracy as a vehicle that you expect socialism to aspire to.
but socialism is not democracy
so your assertion is nonsensical

what is the American system of democracy ?
1 leader at the top
what is the Chinese system of socialism ?
1 leader at the top

if only 1 person is making all the big calls then its a dictatorship
complete nonsense
look how money controls US politics

your talking American fake politics of democracy as a vehicle that you expect socialism to aspire to.
but socialism is not democracy
so your assertion is nonsensical

what is the American system of democracy ?
1 leader at the top
what is the Chinese system of socialism ?
1 leader at the top

if only 1 person is making all the big calls then its a dictatorship
Just to let you know that I am ignoring your posts.
Calls by President of Ukraine for establishment of foreign legion?
This should prove interesting...
It's true.

I killed my neighbor. Blamed the United States. And went home the same day.

Yeah. :D

B-) :leaf:
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Train full of refugees leaving Ukraine stopped at the border. Soldiers with assault weapons get on, search the train, and force every male between the ages of 18 and 60 to get off. Then conscript these into the army. Many(most?) of these men have never fired a weapon. Most have had no military training.
What could possibly go wrong?
perhaps more accurately
What could possibly go right?
These poor unhappy ill equipped and untrained conscripts are supposed to protect Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky's Ukraine (while Zelenskyy hides out in his bunker)

Germany and England are sending weapons to Ukraine in some ill conceived plan to "stick it to Putin".
But the real consequence will be to drag out the fighting, killing, property destruction, and suffering of the Ukrainian people.
Are these leaders really that stupid that they couldn't see this consequence?
Do they really want to see Ukrainians suffer,
Or, do they simply not care about the suffering they would impose on these people?
Wow! People should ignore you.

Kill your neighbor and blame others for being stupid for the death!
Sculptor, I'm genuinely not sure if your post above (#157) is an ill-advised attempt at irony or whether you really are as ignorant and as stupid as your post makes you out to be.