Putin's invasion of Ukraine

What were they trying to do?
Cause it to stray into Russian territory or shallow water?
There is often the assumption that the military is under full control of itself. But Russia has demonstrated repeatedly that they have only limited control over it's military (on an individual soldier basis) The Russian pilot probably, fueled by a "clandestine indulgence in Vodka" thought that it was a good idea at the time to get in nice and close to the drone but ended up a tad too close instead..
There is often the assumption that the military is under full control of itself. But Russia has demonstrated repeatedly that they have only limited control over it's military (on an individual soldier basis) The Russian pilot probably, fueled by a "clandestine indulgence in Vodka" thought that it was a good idea at the time to get in nice and close to the drone but ended up a tad too close instead..
But why was he dumping fuel on the craft?Was it an attempt to make it lose it's way so that it could be shot down in supposedly or arguably Russian airspace?
But why was he dumping fuel on the craft?Was it an attempt to make it lose it's way so that it could be shot down in supposedly or arguably Russian airspace?
The thinking seems to be that they were trying to either blind its optical (or other) sensors, or to get the engine to fail, the ultimate aim being to get it to leave the area (for repairs).
The West does not how to govern their countries, look at UK and EU, everyday and everywhere strike, protest,
asking for pay rise, protest pension age extension,
and big banks facing bankruptsy.
Thw West keep on screwing up.
The West does not how to govern their countries, look at UK and EU, everyday and everywhere strike, protest,
asking for pay rise, protest pension age extension,
and big banks facing bankruptsy.
Thw West keep on screwing up.

What is your point? The OP is "Putin's invasion of Ukraine".

How is your post relevant to that?

Is Putin trying to save the West from it's own failings by his criminal actions in Ukraine?
it wasnt shot down the incompetant russian pilot ran into it. the footage from the drone is available
And what is more telling about this is the incompetence of the pilot. I watched an analysis of the video by a former fighter pilot. He made a point of how sloppy the pilot was in his control of the aircraft and how that led to the collision. He also pointed out that these were Russia's "top on the line" fighters; the ones you only give to your best pilots. If this is an example of one of Russia's best pilots...
I never heard of this discharge of fuel before.

Seems a bit weird (maybe they watched too many Trump "golden shower" videos)
'Fuel dumping" is something that these aircraft will do on occasion. It's a way of shedding excess weight before a landing in those cases when the flight is cut short and insufficient fuel was burned. Dumping it onto another aircraft is an entirely different matter.
But why was he dumping fuel on the craft?Was it an attempt to make it lose it's way so that it could be shot down in supposedly or arguably Russian airspace?
Simple harassment and an attempt to damage it. If you get enough fuel in the engine's air intake, it will stall or damage itself.
The West does not how to govern their countries, look at UK and EU, everyday and everywhere strike, protest,
asking for pay rise, protest pension age extension,
Yes. Here in the west this is called "freedom." If you prefer to live under an iron fist that crushes any dissent, well . . . there are plenty of countries you can move to where you will be banned from protesting - at gunpoint.
But why was he dumping fuel on the craft?Was it an attempt to make it lose it's way so that it could be shot down in supposedly or arguably Russian airspace?
They have been watching JAG. Harm made the spy plane go away by dumping fuel on it. Time to sanction TV.
China's Xi meeting Putin, they will work on peace to stop war.
Putin could end the war TOMORROW by simply telling his soldiers to stop killing, raping and kidnapping Ukranians. It would take a single phone call. Think he will do it? I'll bet you $1000 he will not.
China's Xi meeting Putin, they will work on peace to stop war.

China's idea of peace involves the outright neglect of international laws and existing peace treaties, yet such ideas apparently don't apply to China itself except when China finds it convenient. I wouldn't be betting my life savings on Ukraine accepting whatever's proposed.

Putin could end the war TOMORROW by simply telling his soldiers to stop killing, raping and kidnapping Ukranians. It would take a single phone call. Think he will do it? I'll bet you $1000 he will not.

We could have ended the war 20 years ago before it even started, by isolating Russia and China from Western trade markets. We can prevent future wars by correcting that mistake today.
.We could have ended the war 20 years ago before it even started, by isolating Russia and China from Western trade markets. We can prevent future wars by correcting that mistake today.

LOL, by not shipping all of those factories and technologies to China so that the fabulously wealthy people could make a(nother) killing!
LOL, by not shipping all of those factories and technologies to China so that the fabulously wealthy people could make a(nother) killing!

Being right wing or left wing is one issue, but I don't understand why so many people voted for Donald Trump on the basis of thinking he would actually get them better jobs, when as a businessman he'd already spent decades outsourcing everyone's jobs every time he had the opportunity. America made virtually everything in-house up until the mid 1990's and most of it was affordable to the average family; outsourcing might save tons of money in principle, but in practice most of the money corporations saved by outsourcing ended up in places like Columbia and Venezuela to pay for the shareholders' and executives' nose candy, so the average Westerner really doesn't have much to lose by bringing manufacturing back home, or at least finding friendlier dictatorships to exploit if they just can't bring themselves to be decent human beings when investing.
Vlady could stop the war at any time by removing his jackbooted thugs from Ukraine
Or his jackbooted thugs could just remove him.It would be precious little loss.

Edit:has the pos started calling it a "war" now ?What a concession.

We have to take our cue from Ukraine and see what they make of the Holy Chinese Emperor's visit to the slums of Eurasia.