Putin's invasion of Ukraine

Why do you think that they paused?
One stalled truck that is unable to move out of the way !

When you have 40 miles of large trucks unable to move forward or backward, you have a dead zone.
If only the Ukraine had a few bomber/fighters. They could take out the entire convoy with a few strifes.
When you have 40 miles of large trucks unable to move forward or backward, you have a dead zone.
If only the Ukraine had a few bomber/fighters. They could take out the entire convoy with a few strifes.
It's pretty obvious as a target and only a stones throw from the city. Perhaps they didn't expect to be so vulnerable and are waiting for the city to fall before they move in to consolidate.
Also the thought occurred that Russia itself may be over committed to the Ukraine campaign and is feeling vulnerable to advantage being taken by other nations. The minimal air support suggests that either they are planning for something else or simply believe they need to secure their other borders ...or?
Perhaps the state of readiness of the Russian forces is a lot worse than expected. They may have the numbers but do they have the quality?
If only the Ukraine had a few bomber/fighters.

They do. They have Sukhoi and MiG fighters, dozens of them. But they don't have air supremacy and most airport runways have been disabled. It's not as simple as waltzing up and strafing a convoy. The Russians will be closely monitoring for any aircraft coming remotely near it.
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Wonder now if China will take more interest in Putin's war.
Geodesic distances.
Kiev to Chinese border 2100 miles. Kiev to Beijing 4000 miles.
Kiev to Moscow only 470 miles.

From what I read on-line
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin met with Xí Jìnpíng before the Olympics and discussed the Ukraine invasion.
And, Xí asked Putin to wait until after the olympics were over before beginning.
And, Putin did so.
So. it seems that China has been on board with this since before the beginning.
So. it seems that China has been on board with this since before the beginning.
I'm not sure "on board" is quite the right phrase. China likely see it as a Russian-European issue, and simply haven't wanted to get involved. Putin delaying until after the Olympics (if that is what he did) at the behest of China was probably just a diplomatic move on his part: no need to antagonise China over a matter of timing, etc.
You make it seem as if China were in agreement with Putin's actions, which may not have been your intention. China have expressed the desire to see the conflict resolved via negotiation, and recently they failed to support Russia in the UN when they were expected to vote with Russia.
So being "on board", which to me at least suggests agreement, seems somewhat of a stretch, I think.
I'm not sure "on board" is quite the right phrase. China likely see it as a Russian-European issue, and simply haven't wanted to get involved. Putin delaying until after the Olympics (if that is what he did) at the behest of China was probably just a diplomatic move on his part: no need to antagonise China over a matter of timing, etc.
You make it seem as if China were in agreement with Putin's actions, which may not have been your intention. China have expressed the desire to see the conflict resolved via negotiation, and recently they failed to support Russia in the UN when they were expected to vote with Russia.
So being "on board", which to me at least suggests agreement, seems somewhat of a stretch, I think.
I read that the idea of a third party declaring a part of a foreign party independent as a cover for intervention might stick in China's craw (a little too close to home).

They do share a common perceived enemy but as they are both corrupt political entities there may also have points of discord (as do we all ,of course)
some in the msm seem to have forgotten: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
so, we get wild speculation
Yep. Then you follow that with:
maybe the convoy is waiting--hoping that the Ukrainians will get impatient and confused and start issuing conflicting orders furthering the confusion and then come out to fight
Things that make you go "hmmmm."
From what I read on-line
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin met with Xí Jìnpíng before the Olympics and discussed the Ukraine invasion.
And, Xí asked Putin to wait until after the olympics were over before beginning.
And, Putin did so.
So. it seems that China has been on board with this since before the beginning.
Are you trying to distract with from a sick suggestion from Putin killing people?
So what will Putin do if he is forced to the conclusion that he cannot accomplish whatever he intended? He has gone too far to say, "Oops, I didn't mean it."
So what will Putin do if he is forced to the conclusion that he cannot accomplish whatever he intended? He has gone too far to say, "Oops, I didn't mean it."
He won't reach that conclusion, though, at least not publicly. Should he reach a point where he wishes to stop, for whatever reason, he will just make up some cock and bull about how "the wonderfully brave Russian army have now achieved what they set out to" (or words to that effect). I think he's quite prepared to drag his country through the mire in pursuit of whatever twisted vision he has, and however long it takes.
That's if they don't achieve whatever objectives they have ("denazification", recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, recognition of 2 breakaway states in the east, etc).
So. it seems that China has been on board with this since before the beginning.
On board with shelling a nuclear power plant with six reactors, with the risk of blasting open a reactor and exposing a core or cores.
That's why I gave the ''distances'' in my last post. Nuclear material fall out does not pick its friends or foes.
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One thing is clear . If the nuclear genie gets out of the bottle , all hell will brake lose.
Maybe even WWIII and the end of human civilization.
How odd, the only "reasonable species" of "hominids" comitting "HOMICIDE"....
And in the "dumbest thing a politician could possibly say" category we have Lindsey Graham, who just called for the assassination of Putin.

And just like that, Putin wins the PR war.
from Kyiv:
"Above ground, the normal full pavements and busy nightlife have disappeared. Instead, there are blockades and military checkpoints.

Occasional friendly smiles have been replaced with nervous, wary looks. You can see the weight of tension on people's faces as they wait for what might be coming."

Is this a form of psychological warfare?