Put your $ in...

Wow. I NOW like Wumpscut. Just listened to Kreig. Little hard to understand but I got the jist of it I think:D
is J.W. Bush pissing you off, Xev?

Fuck yes. He -

*Xev is dragged off by evil justice department goons*

I like "Angel" very much.

*Xev screams "sanity is not statistical!" as she is dragged away.*
you might like Wumpscut

I like "Angel" very much.

Wow. I NOW like Wumpscut.


:Wumpscut: is not an actual band. It is a bit like Nine Inch Nails: a guy named Rudy Ratzinger does all the music, the lyrics and the singing.

He has a recordlabel called Betonkopfmedia. :)

Another project of his is Noisex.

homepage: http://www.insania.com/wumpscut/

If you can find it: read the article where it says that Rudy had to convince a pregnant woman not to abort her baby. He had to explain what embryodead really was all about.

pssst: try is it you and die in winter :)
Music? Hey, RATM rules, ever listen to Rage? Michelle Branch is also good, too. Ah, life is good, especially with sciforums back.

Porfiry, how about putting some ads here and there for some money? It's a common tactic, just check out the Swirve site, it's got funding like nothing else.

*Zero starts to snooze...with Rage blasting into one ear*

Mrmgrph...good lullaby...mmmf
Rage Against The Machine was pretty good, for a while...*waits for Captain_Crunch to jump in and say "Good?! Not good, but friggin' awesome!", or something like that* :D

And how on earth can you sleep with RATM playing? :p Maybe with "How I Can Just Kill A Man", but not "Bulls On Parade", or "Renegades Of Funk". :) Maybe with "No Shelter", but "Guerilla Radio" has too much of a 'get-up-and-freak-out' mood. :D
Listening to NIRVANA now

i think nirvana is nice to listen to every now and then. they had a mumbled message.. they had tradegy.. they made it into history. (I've often thought, the day kids don't know who nirvana is, is the day i become "old").... hoever, there is a loacl readio station here that plays Nirvana constantly... i mean.. an after noon of listening and you'll probably hear 3 or 4 songs. it become so irritating after a while.