Punishing women for false accusation of rape

Are they simply collateral damage in the efforts to end sexual assaults on women in cases where the accuser is lying?
Do we forget about them?
We have laws against that - when they are broken we often charge the breaker with a crime, and the injured often file suit for damages.
Is that ok with you?
Meanwhile, if you are looking for cause to champion, there are many more men in jail because the police lied about them than because some unaffiliated woman lied about them.
But we can still convict him in a public trial, as did congress?
Congress did not do that.
Kavanaugh was never tried, let alone "convicted".

He was interviewed for a job, whined and lied and flunked the interview spectacularly, and was given that job for life anyway - despite his manifest unfitness both in person and in preparation.
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You don't like that terminology? How about "real arseholes"? What would you call them Bells?
Alleged criminals.

But no, you just had to throw in the "conniving bitches", leaning into this vapid stereotype of women to start off with, while trying to argue that you love women's rights, while comparing what these two women did with generations of systemic abuse by clergy and the Church hiding it for generations as though they were comparable. Not to mention you then attempted to argue that lying was somehow comparable to rape and sexual assault and that the punishment should somehow match what would normally be given for rape and sexual assault..

To the one, rape is so rarely prosecuted and rapists so rarely imprisoned when one looks at how many rapes there are and then having a look at how many make it through the criminal justice system and actually end up in prison, that it makes your argument even more ridiculous. To the other, lying and rape are not even remotely comparable.

See, paddoboy, you chose to make a point about these two women, these "conniving bitches" as you described them, because well, you kind of have a history of discrediting women and your arguments about rape, sexual violence and women in general on this site speaks for itself.

You have a history on this site, paddoboy and when it comes to women's rights, none of it is good.

Remember when you went on a whine about how women were somehow or other destroying men's rights to sexually harass them on the street because god forbid women can get about their day without lewd comments and whistles when walking on the street and then your spiel about how you pee standing up and how you don't want to see women with armpit hair and facial hair?

Who here has forgotten this from you, and then a long and drawn out argument as we called out your misogyny over and over again because hey, it was a thread about the Women's March and something something about you equating "women's rights" as somehow being above 'men's rights' and not 'equal rights' and then going on and on about how you don't think street harassment is actually sexual harassment or even harassment at all, etc.. Remember this gorgeous post from you, Paddoboy?

OK, I'm convinced by our two bu, ooops, sorry members re women's rights, sexual harrassment etc etc. And I'll promise to do my best to achieve all that this momentous movement believes it should achieve.... I will
[1] Make an effort to contact all women who have ever been "wolf whistled" over the last 60 years or so to bring charges to bear against those that so terribly harrassed them.
[2] , Contact all women who have ever had a bloke "perve" in their direction, to bring charges against those evil blokes that perpetrated such a crime.
[3] I will promise to cease standing up in a bus for anyone of female gender.
[4] I will promise never again to let any women before me in any shopping checkout queue.
[5[ I will cease to attempt to help any women who is carrying a load of grocies or whatever.
[6]I will make every effort to change laws so that to make sure any women who has been shown to have unjustly accused any man of sexual harrassment, to automatically receive whatever sentence that the man they accused would have received.eg: life imprisonment for rape or as applies in some places, the death penalty.
[7] I will make efforts to see the laws change that will prevent any male person that is part of the Surf life Saving orginisation, to be prevented from rescuing any women in distress and to be able to give any form of ressucitation to that person, that involves mouth to mouth contact and/or the pumping of the chest [breasts] for obvious reasons.

So what do you think these two "conniving bitches" should get for lying?

Do you think lying is the same as rape?

I mean, these are just a couple of examples. There are plenty more.

So yeah, are you sure you want to discuss your terminology? Because I am fairly certain you aren't going to come out the other end looking great.

:D *shock* *horror* My feelings about you Bells?? I have none either way and prefer to focus on the emotional topic avoidance crap you have posted.
What emotional crap, paddoboy?

If you want to talk about emotional crap, should we look at "conniving bitches", comparing lying and fraud to rape, comparing two women who lied to the systemic abuse perpetuated by the clergy and the Church's efforts to protect and hide said abuse and allow it to continue over generations, not to mention your equating what a couple of women did to somehow or other harming "women's causes"..

How about you temper your emotions?

Nuh, let's not :rolleyes:.....not worth my time or my effort, except perhaps to say that you really need to take a page out of wegs book, and learn to focus on the issues, rather then your own totally blinkered immovable position...Similar in many ways to that position often taken by Trump.
It's not worth your time to discuss your arguments in this thread?

So this thread is just what, exactly? You whining about women yet again?

If you want to talk about avoidance, how about we talk about your avoiding the responses to the ridiculous comments you made in this thread?

Or are you simply seeking validation about these two "conniving bitches" and how you equate fraud and lying to rape? No one has said that women who commit crimes should not be prosecuted. You seem to be for ignoring established laws and giving disproportionate sentences for what is literally lying.

Wait, just one more, sorry. No I don't have a problem with women Bells, and never have. Even with the time many years ago, when I wore a younger man's clothes, and got slapped on the arse by some Blonde:p. And the couple of times I was happily seduced by sheilas that I fancied anyway. And have never really had any problem with the woman I have been married to for 42 years, despite her being very religious. Other relationships with women over the years have been non consequential as has been my relationship with many blokes also. But then, I'm a really nice bloke Bells, who actually makes friends very easily, but who despises bullies of all persuasions, both male and female.Thankfully, I don't know you at all, except you seem to fit into that female bullying category, going on your posts of course. :rolleyes:

What does this have to do with this thread?

Is this meant to be a testament to your virility or something?

Yes, so? It appears your little involvement with the paranoid one, has got you slightly miffed.
No. It's the nonsense you've posted in your opening post, and in what follows, that has got me slightly miffed.

I'm concerned with the circumstances of the bloke that she falsely accused and his predicament at this time, having lost his job and his marriage, due to this low life.
Are you at all concerned about her mental health, which seems to be at issue? You're very quick to rush to judgment without much knowledge of the circumstances.

I think a good punsishment, as I already suggested, would be something equal to what Jarratt might have received if found guilty.
I think it's blatant stupidity to equate telling some lies to raping somebody. If you're that lacking in perspective, you really shouldn't start threads like this.

So the poor good samaritan is just written off as collateral damage in your mind James?
No. I feel sorry for the guy. I suppose he could potentially sue the woman for compensation, but I'm guessing that the chances of getting much money out of her are slim.

No I don't know her, but obviously being accused of assault by someone would not help in any marriage would it James.
You don't know anything about the guy's marriage, other than that his wife left him and later they reconciled. You ought to stay out of other people's marriages, especially when you don't know them.

Who said they were "directly" comparable?
You did. Your opening post lumped the two cases in together as comparable examples of false accusers "getting away with it" or something. Obviously, you didn't know until I told you that they didn't get away with it.

Are you adding words to try and stimulate some silly type of sympathy for either of the women?
Because sympathy for a woman who is possibly mentally ill would be completely out of place, wouldn't it? What we ought to do with her is to throw her in prison and treat her as if she was a rapist herself, according to you. It's not just you, of course. There's at least one other man here willing to nail his colours to your mast.

What do you believe should have happened to Jarratt if he had been found guilty of rape 40 years ago?
Anybody found guilty of rape should be sentenced for the crime of rape in a court. What has that got to do with anything?

No I don't know either, but they are just as much low life as the low life males that have conducted sexual assaults and such on helpless women in other cases.
Again, you equate telling some lies to physically raping somebody. What's wrong with you?

Telling porky pies James? Or trying to impress? I said, "The society where women did at one time experience such sexual misconduct has been greatly addressed and in most cases is now non existent, just as it should be."and I was talking of the work place environment in general.
Clearly you've missed the whole of #metoo.

I think you should shut up talking about women's issues, because clearly you have no clue.

Also, you're all over the place in this thread. What has workplace harassment got to do with the cases you raised in your opening post? Nothing, as far as I can tell. Let me tell you, because you obviously aren't aware: sexual harassment of women in the workplace is still very far from being a "non-existent" problem that has been "greatly addressed". Try talking to some women some time. Why do you think #metoo even happened?

None...I've been married to the same one and only for 42 years now James.
You know, you're the second man who has said the same thing to me in the past week. You think that being married is some kind of evidence that you're not sexist, or misogynist, or that your attitudes to women are not archaic? That what the other guy appears to think. Being married doesn't give you a free pass, paddoboy. The fact that a woman has chosen to put up with you doesn't show that you're an expert when it comes to women. You don't know what she's willing to overlook as a tradeoff against other things she gets from your relationship. Maybe you should ask her.

What's your problem with the collateral damage that these two blokes obviously are as far as you are concerned?
I don't know what you're talking about.

If that was the sentence for rape if the bloke accused had of been found guilty, yeah, sure, certainly needs considering.
Doubling down with the insanity, I see.

ps: James, the suggestion that any accuser in cases as seriously as these are, if found to be lying, should face what the objects of their accusations would have got if found guilty, came from another woman...my Sister!
Obviously, she's thought it through as little as you have.

Before James or anyone else accuse me of having any problem with women, let me say that I am totally in favour of the efforts in all aspects of the media to focus and show the extent of women and violence on their person by men, in an effort to eliminate this undesirable crap. But I'm equally concerned with violence as portrayed by any male or female against each other or worse against children.
Equally concerned are you? Because violence by women against men is as big a problem as violence by men against women, I suppose.

What does any of this have to do with your opening post, anyway? What has child abuse got to do with women making false accusations of rape? It's your thread. At least try to stay focused on whatever the hell topic it is you think you're discussing.

I could also have mentioned at least two other incidents where the Mothers of a child have been arrested and convicted of child neglect or violence against that child.
How on earth are those topics remotely related to the topic of this thread? What's the connection? Some mothers neglect their children, so therefore false rape-accusers should get life in prison? How does that follow? What are you on about?

Both the cases I have in mind, also concerned the Fathers in such relationships and the violence on children. It's a shame to have to admit that such carryings on will never be eliminated totally.
Yes. Child abuse is aborrent. What does it have to do with the thread topic?

But I 'm sure and I hope that efforts to eliminate such animal behaviour must continue....
You do a disservice to the animals.

Women equality in the workplace, has to a large extent been eliminated...not totally but great strides have been made.
That's a whole other topic, and I don't think you know what you're talking about. There seems little point in starting in on that here.

The low life women in the two cases I mentioned and the couple more with regards to child abuse have not done the women's cause any favours..
Why? Because the actions of one woman reflect on women in general? One criminal woman makes all women criminals? Every woman represents the sisterhood?

How would you feel if I said "The low life rapist and the man who beat his child hasn't done the reputation of men any favours, and has set back the 'men's cause'"?

Your comparison is disgusting and patronising and wrong.

...the same way that Cardinal George Pell's conviction, has not done what credibility the Catholic church has left.
The two things are not remotely comparable. Pell was promoted to the highest offices of the Church. He was endorsed by the organisation. He represented it. He was given power and authority over lots of other people in the church. The church suffers because it endorsed and promoted such a man.

For this to be remotely comparable, we would have to have these false-accuser women being somehow endorsed by or representative of women in general, which they are not.

Ask your wife if all women are the same. She will tell you they are not. Ask her if she thinks the actions of these false-accuser woman reflect poorly on her as a woman. You'll be lucky if she doesn't boot you out of the house.

For anyone in the cases raised to seemingly "roll over" with these two blokes and treat them as collateral damage is heartless and wrong in the extreme.
I haven't got the faintest inkling about what you're talking about. Explain.
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Alleged criminals.
But no, you just had to throw in the "conniving bitches", leaning into this vapid stereotype of women to start off with,
Alleged criminals? The first case I highlighted, the woman admitted she was lying...Alleged criminals? Does your "alleged criminals"also apply to "Dolly" Robert Dunn?? You know that other arsehole and lowlife...Or how about that more recent bloke that raped a 7 year old girl in a toilet cubicle? Another alleged criminal? No Bells, another arshole, come lowlife!
while trying to argue that you love women's rights, while comparing what these two women did with generations of systemic abuse by clergy and the Church hiding it for generations as though they were comparable. Not to mention you then attempted to argue that lying was somehow comparable to rape and sexual assault and that the punishment should somehow match what would normally be given for rape and sexual assault..
If it was as simple as lying, you would have a point. Obviously it isn't, and obviously you don't. How about for once in your life, look at the effects the lying by these bitches, had on their victims. It obviously is only a small percentage that do lie, but that again does not detract from the evil that the lying by these woman caused...Loss of job, broken marriage, income etc etc.
Perhaps if some arsehole woman, accused your husband of similar, you may be more sympathetic. I hope he and you never have to face such evil intent.
To the one, rape is so rarely prosecuted and rapists so rarely imprisoned when one looks at how many rapes there are and then having a look at how many make it through the criminal justice system and actually end up in prison, that it makes your argument even more ridiculous. To the other, lying and rape are not even remotely comparable.
Yet such lying could see an innocent man sent to prison....just collateral damage Bells? Perhaps the differences between you and me, and what I believe to be the general opinion, is that I genuinley support the woman's right movement, and the elimination of such examples as put by wegs...or in other words women's equality, not women's superiority as pushed by some extremist Femiinazis.
See, paddoboy, you chose to make a point about these two women, these "conniving bitches" as you described them, because well, you kind of have a history of discrediting women and your arguments about rape, sexual violence and women in general on this site speaks for itself. You have a history on this site, paddoboy and when it comes to women's rights, none of it is good.
Resorting to outright lies Bells? I discredit any person, male or female that indulges in sexual assault, and/or purposely lies about it, knowing what it could mean. If that offends your sensibilities, then tough titty!
And yes, just to reinforce what you seem to be suggesting re our past little debate re women's rights, as is generally the case in many movements, there are extremes despite you wanting to deny that. I call them feminazis. And I linked in that thread to a couple of woman who supported that also. Or perhaps you are still fuming re my suggestion that a wolf whistle is not sexual assault?

Remember when you went on a whine about how women were somehow or other destroying men's rights to sexually harass them on the street because god forbid women can get about their day without lewd comments and whistles when walking on the street and then your spiel about how you pee standing up and how you don't want to see women with armpit hair and facial hair?

Who here has forgotten this from you, and then a long and drawn out argument as we called out your misogyny over and over again because hey, it was a thread about the Women's March and something something about you equating "women's rights" as somehow being above 'men's rights' and not 'equal rights' and then going on and on about how you don't think street harassment is actually sexual harassment or even harassment at all, etc.. Remember this gorgeous post from you, Paddoboy?
Sure I remember, and I remember the links I gave from more reasonable women that agreed with the rise of the feminazi.

So what do you think these two "conniving bitches" should get for lying?

Do you think lying is the same as rape?

I mean, these are just a couple of examples. There are plenty more.

So yeah, are you sure you want to discuss your terminology? Because I am fairly certain you aren't going to come out the other end looking great.
Your opinion is yours Bells...many disagree, here and the other thread as I showed and linked to, including other women.
What emotional crap, paddoboy?
The emotional crap in your posts in this thread, and your lying re your efforts in trying to paint me as some sort of chauvinist.
Ignoring some of more of your boring inuendo and crap.....
So this thread is just what, exactly? You whining about women yet again?
You know what it is about Bells...It's about two women in two unrelated instances that have accused men of sexual harassment and worse...It about the effects that such lies have on their victims they have lied about.

Or are you simply seeking validation about these two "conniving bitches" and how you equate fraud and lying to rape? No one has said that women who commit crimes should not be prosecuted. You seem to be for ignoring established laws and giving disproportionate sentences for what is literally lying.
I'm ignoring nothing. And I hope they throw the book at both of them, just as they need to throw the book at males and females that abuse children. Again, to use my non-gender specific terminology, those lowlife.

What does this have to do with this thread?

Is this meant to be a testament to your virility or something?
You asked me the following question Bells....
"No no, tell us how you really don't have a problem with women, paddoboy"..
I'm simply answering it, and showing in the process, that your heavily biased opinion of me, is nothing more then emotional crap.
And with regards to my virility Bells, actually quite adequate for an old bastard, and no need to take any of the little blue pills as yet. :p But I do prefer to keep the conversation above the navel Bells.

Lately it seems like the right wing isn't even living in the real world any more . . . .
Funny, that, I'm about as far from right wing as you can get without going to the actual looney extreme left. In fact just as I dislike being called an Atheist, I also dislike being slotted in some particular political ideology. I prefer reason and balance.
accustomed to recognising

is that a legal definition ?

..."crazy lady shouts so everything she says is believed so she is the one who needs to be told that saying things isnt good enough"

... im not sure i agree with that reasoning

several things are problematic
1 crazy ladys
2 shouting
3 what others think of the shouting
4 if others believe the crazy lady
5 if others believe everyone who shouts because the crazy lady started shouting to begin with

6 crime & punishment as a facet of self definition inside a cultural model of express moral doctrine of ideological absolutes.

... thus
i shall ask you a question
why should the law care about punishing people for false claims of victimization ?

Are you at all concerned about her mental health, which seems to be at issue? You're very quick to rush to judgment without much knowledge of the circumstances.
Her mental health? :D What about the victim's mental health? You know, the poor bloke who she lied about knowing what could happen. I'll ignore the rest of your blatant innuendo and nonsensical calls, as I think I have answered most with Bells. I suppose the mental health of that paedophile Dolly Dunn, could also be questioned. Anyone in actual fact that commits real sexual assault or molesting can also claim mental instability.
I feel for the two blokes James.Her mental health, and your inferences in how you surmise one of the victim's marriage may have been like is secondary.
They [ the two women] are not innocent children...more like vindicitve arseholes as I described them.
the mental health of that paedophile Dolly Dunn, could also be questioned.

Dancing in the suffering of others to try and make your personal ideological point seems a bit sadistic.

why not stay on topic instead of parading out everyone else's suffering as if you own it to wave around like a flag ?

..."as he held the dead bloodied baby aloft and screamed to the world ' see what you made me do"

intellectually that is where you are sitting.

yet your suggesting you are starting a discussion around complex psychology & criminology ?

if you wish to talk stereo types, then you need to clearly state the stereo type.

it is normal for most to want to scream at the world from time to time.
you appear to just want others to agree with your position of emotional attachment
thats ok
thats normal

but its not reasoned discussion more soo if your not putting that point forward.

here is some reading for you to start with




your thread could be deemed biased by its nature of what you have posted in it.

should the law be biased ?
if it all seems too hard and too much trouble to bother researching, then your in the wrong room.
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Alleged criminals?
Yes. Alleged.

Has she been to court yet? Found guilty? You know, until all of that happens, it's alleged.

I get it, you want to have the gallows drawn up and hang the "bitches" in the back. But we are still a civilised society. We have laws. We process crimes through the courts.

The first case I highlighted, the woman admitted she was lying...Alleged criminals?
Yes. Alleged.

You should look up what that means within a legal context.

Does your "alleged criminals"also apply to "Dolly" Robert Dunn?? You know that other arsehole and lowlife...Or how about that more recent bloke that raped a 7 year old girl in a toilet cubicle? Another alleged criminal? No Bells, another arshole, come lowlife!
Yes Paddo. Until they are found guilty, they are "alleged".

It's why we have a criminal justice system. Until they go through that process, they are "alleged" or 'accused'.

If it was as simple as lying, you would have a point. Obviously it isn't, and obviously you don't. How about for once in your life, look at the effects the lying by these bitches, had on their victims. It obviously is only a small percentage that do lie, but that again does not detract from the evil that the lying by these woman caused...Loss of job, broken marriage, income etc etc.
Perhaps if some arsehole woman, accused your husband of similar, you may be more sympathetic. I hope he and you never have to face such evil intent.
No no, tell us how you don't have a problem with women, Paddoboy...

Please. You're doing such a great job at it already.

This trope of the "lying" women.. I mean, is this all you have to go on? There are so few false rape accusations that it doesn't even register. So out of all the horrific crimes that occur, you chose to focus on "lying by these bitches" and compare it to systemic and generational sexual abuse by the clergy and to rape..

And yes paddoboy, please do lecture me about the evil's of the 'system' when it comes to rape.

Your whining is laughable.
Yet such lying could see an innocent man sent to prison....just collateral damage Bells?
Please look up the term "collateral damage".

And then tell me how that applies?

Perhaps the differences between you and me, and what I believe to be the general opinion, is that I genuinley support the woman's right movement, and the elimination of such examples as put by wegs...or in other words women's equality, not women's superiority as pushed by some extremist Femiinazis.
You blithely ignored 3/4 of Weg's post and focused solely on the bit that you think agreed with you.

The women's rights moment is about equality, paddoboy. I get it, you keep reminding us of how you are a man (previous references of how you pee standing up, how women want you, etc), while whining about "feminazis", despite having been told how this term is offensive, not to mention your repeated whining about how you think women's rights is about "women's superiority"..

As I noted above, please tell us how you don't have a problem with women, paddoboy.

Resorting to outright lies Bells? I discredit any person, male or female that indulges in sexual assault, and/or purposely lies about it, knowing what it could mean. If that offends your sensibilities, then tough titty!
And yes, just to reinforce what you seem to be suggesting re our past little debate re women's rights, as is generally the case in many movements, there are extremes despite you wanting to deny that. I call them feminazis. And I linked in that thread to a couple of woman who supported that also. Or perhaps you are still fuming re my suggestion that a wolf whistle is not sexual assault?
Outright lies? Paddoboy, there are links where your words can be seen.

As for your sexism, we all know. We all know that you still think that women's bodies are public and that men like you believe you have the right to comment on their bodies in various forms without invitation. You're that kind of guy. We know this already. Despite the fact that men with an education understand that wolf whistling women is sexual harassment, you are still tightly holding on to that cave, because 'ugg.. you man!'.

Sure I remember, and I remember the links I gave from more reasonable women that agreed with the rise of the feminazi.
You linked Germaine Greer. Enough said.
Your opinion is yours Bells...many disagree, here and the other thread as I showed and linked to, including other women.
Yes. You have the known misogynist on your side.

Yay you! You be you!

The emotional crap in your posts in this thread, and your lying re your efforts in trying to paint me as some sort of chauvinist.
Ignoring some of more of your boring inuendo and crap.....
Have you read your posts in this thread?

"Conniving bitches"..
"Lying by these bitches"..
Comparing women lying to rape and systemic child sex abuse that spanned generations..

And you accuse others of being emotional.

I don't need to paint you as some sort of chauvinist.

You are a chauvinist.

You know what it is about Bells...It's about two women in two unrelated instances that have accused men of sexual harassment and worse...It about the effects that such lies have on their victims they have lied about.

We know.

And if the police believe they broke the law, they will be prosecuted.


I mean seriously, and?

You asked me the following question Bells....
"No no, tell us how you really don't have a problem with women, paddoboy"..
I'm simply answering it, and showing in the process, that your heavily biased opinion of me, is nothing more then emotional crap.
And with regards to my virility Bells, actually quite adequate for an old bastard, and no need to take any of the little blue pills as yet. :p But I do prefer to keep the conversation above the navel Bells.
Please tell me that you aren't now commenting on your sexual prowess?

Did you behave this way in the workplace as well? Or do you save this side of you for the internet?

In short, carrying on like a pervert while complaining and calling women "bitches", feminazi's, etc, is not a good look for you.

Funny, that, I'm about as far from right wing as you can get without going to the actual looney extreme left. In fact just as I dislike being called an Atheist, I also dislike being slotted in some particular political ideology. I prefer reason and balance.
Misogyny has no political affiliation.
Misogyny has no political affiliation.
the alt-right introduced victim shaming as a social engineering device into the last election cycle.

you can clearly see their message around the meetoo and womens march movements.
it is unmistakable

clear and singular

it is a promoted ideology(one of which the patriarchal church groups are quick to adopt)

.. i wish you strength in discussing it
its quite a murky landscape of psychologically twisted personalities
And it continues...

Wait, just one more, sorry. No I don't have a problem with women Bells, and never have. Even with the time many years ago, when I wore a younger man's clothes, and got slapped on the arse by some Blonde:p. And the couple of times I was happily seduced by sheilas that I fancied anyway.
Again, there's at least one other guy here who seems to think that because a woman has agreed to have sex with him, that somehow proves he isn't a sexist, a misogynist or a chauvinist. Hint: having sex doesn't mean you don't have problems with women.

And really, nobody here needs to hear about your sexual exploits or your conquests over the little women.

Alleged criminals? The first case I highlighted, the woman admitted she was lying...Alleged criminals?
I think that might be a slip on Bell's part. In the case you refer to, the woman pleaded guilty to a crime, so she is a convicted criminal (although I don't think she has been sentenced yet). In the second case, as far as I am aware, the woman concerned has not even been charged with a crime. But perhaps you know differently?

In Australia, as you may be aware, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Until conviction, an accused criminal is "alleged". Listen to how news reporters describe such people. You will hear the word "alleged" a lot.

Does your "alleged criminals"also apply to "Dolly" Robert Dunn??
That was a man - a priest who abused children. I don't know much about him. Was he charged/convicted?

If it was as simple as lying, you would have a point. Obviously it isn't, and obviously you don't. How about for once in your life, look at the effects the lying by these bitches, had on their victims.
Ask your wife whether she approves of your referring to women as "bitches". Ask her what kind of men typically do that.

It obviously is only a small percentage that do lie, but that again does not detract from the evil that the lying by these woman caused...Loss of job, broken marriage, income etc etc.
Perhaps if some arsehole woman, accused your husband of similar, you may be more sympathetic. I hope he and you never have to face such evil intent.
Here's the thing, paddoboy. You didn't start this thread to give sympathy to the male victims. You started this thread to bash their female accusers. Your focus is on the "bitches", the "lowlife" women, the "connivers".

You accuse Bells and myself of lacking sympathy for the male victims. You haven't asked us what we feel for them. You're assuming we're unsympathetic for some reason. Why is that? Is it because if we're not with you in your crusade against the women, we must be against these men?

The two cases are quite different, and I don't even think you realise it. From the news reports - which is all I have to go on - the "good samaritan" case most likely involves a mentally-disturbed woman falsely accusing an entirely innocent man. The Jarratt case, on the other hand, involves a decades-old sexual encounter that both parties agreed took place, and the argument was over whether the encounter was consensual or not. A court decided that the allegation that it was not consensual was not proven in that case.

If you want to know how I feel about the men, here's how I feel. Regarding the good samaritan - I feel sorry for the guy who was falsely accused. He clearly did nothing to deserve what happened to him (regarding the allegation of rape). Regarding John Jarratt, I don't know what actually happened with him, but clearly the court had more information in front of it than I do. I suspect that what happened there was a consensual sexual encounter that both parties later came to regret. Possibly the woman concerned came later to view the encounter as non-consensual. But this is all speculation on my part, and I could be very wrong. I think that the outcome of the trial, i.e. Jarratt's acquittal, was most likely the right one in terms of the application of the law. I'd like to think that Jarratt was innocent, but I don't know. From what I've seen of him, he seems like an okay guy, but I don't know him.

Yet such lying could see an innocent man sent to prison...
And other lying can see guilty men go free.

We appreciate that the criminal justice system is far from perfect. But how do you plan to solve the problem? Assume that woman accusers are always lying, unless there is clear evidence that they are not? Send accusers to prison if a court finds them unproven?

Perhaps the differences between you and me, and what I believe to be the general opinion, is that I genuinley support the woman's right movement, and the elimination of such examples as put by wegs...or in other words women's equality, not women's superiority as pushed by some extremist Femiinazis.
Now we get to it. Women's rights are all well and good, until they go too far. Then, the women become evil "feminazis" and must be put back in their rightful place. Wouldn't want the little women getting above their station, would we? Everybody is equal, but men are more equal than women (apologies to Orwell).

I discredit any person, male or female that indulges in sexual assault, and/or purposely lies about it, knowing what it could mean. If that offends your sensibilities, then tough titty!
I haven't seen you starting any threads railing against false male accusers. It's only the women you seem to have a problem with.

Or perhaps you are still fuming re my suggestion that a wolf whistle is not sexual assault?
That's another topic, but briefly: if a wolf whistle puts somebody in fear of potential bodily harm, then it is an assault.

I'm not sure whether you're endorsing the men who harass women in the street. If you are, then shame on you. But that's a discussion for a different thread.

The emotional crap in your posts in this thread, and your lying re your efforts in trying to paint me as some sort of chauvinist.
Ignoring some of more of your boring inuendo and crap.....
Well done, paddoboy. Tell the woman how she is posting "emotional crap", because women are irrational and emotional, as all good men know. Also tell her that she is "boring" and that she is a liar. Take her down a peg or two. She's getting too hoity and needs to be put in her place. What a great thread you've chosen to attack a women in! Way to show your true colours!

And with regards to my virility Bells, actually quite adequate for an old bastard, and no need to take any of the little blue pills as yet.
Why on earth do you think you need to tell women about your virility in this thread? How is it relevant? Who cares if your penis works or not? We know you're a man. You don't have to wave your penis around.

Some advice: you might want to quit this appalling excuse for a thread now, rather than dig an even deeper hole for yourself. Totally up to you, of course.
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And the couple of times I was happily seduced by sheilas that I fancied anyway.

the fading light of the mind clutches at the shadows to make them whole.

... seeking to find personal gratification in a process that dwindles inside the conscious memory to attain a sense of personal relief only to be confronted with the outside worlds metaphor of contingent moral culture models...

that which does not evolve becomes extinct
such is the mind

"smash it harder with the smashing stick"
that should fix the complex problems of modern life

Her mental health? :D What about the victim's mental health?
You couldn't bring yourself to answer my question, so you tried to change the focus to the victim instead. I see what you did there.

What about the victim's mental health? Has anybody here said they don't give a damn about that? Not me, that's for sure.

So, do you want to try answering the question I asked you again, now, or do you want to try to ignore or deflect it a second time?

I'll ignore the rest of your blatant innuendo and nonsensical calls...
How convenient for you.

Here's what I think. I think you have no excuses, so you're avoiding addressing points that make you uncomfortable. It's a fundamentally dishonest approach, especially given that this is your thread. Why did you start it? Tell the truth.

I suppose the mental health of that paedophile Dolly Dunn, could also be questioned. Anyone in actual fact that commits real sexual assault or molesting can also claim mental instability.
Sure, but when a court appoints experts to determine a person's state of mental health, they are under an obligation to the court to apply their expertise to the best of their ability, and to give their honest assessment to the court or be susceptible to charges of perjury.

But is this just you claiming that the woman in the good samaritan case couldn't possibly have a real mental illness? That she must be telling lies? Is that how you justify your bias towards her to yourself, and how you try to justify your using her as an example of all that is wrong with low-life conniving women in this thread?

I feel for the two blokes James.
That's not why you started this thread.

Her mental health, and your inferences in how you surmise one of the victim's marriage may have been like is secondary.
My concerns for a woman's mental health are secondary to your feeling for some blokes. I see. You're unable to bring yourself to give a damn about a potentially mentally-ill woman, for some reason. I get it.

They [ the two women] are not innocent children...more like vindicitve arseholes as I described them.
Who described them as innocent children? Not me. Are you trying to belittle them? It sounds to me a lot like you view women as sort of like children, who need men to control them, one way or another.

Suppose that the woman is found to be mentally ill, suffering from schizophrenia, let's say. Will you still insist that she is vindictive and an arsehole?

And supposing she isn't found to be mentally ill. How do you conclude she was motivated by "vindictiveness"?
And it continues...
All that is continuing is the usual and expected lies and inuedos...
and as such ignored......

Why on earth do you think you need to tell women about your virility in this thread? How is it relevant? Who cares if your penis works or not? We know you're a man. You don't have to wave your penis around.
Perhaps you would know the answer to that if you weren't so protective of your fellow mod, and perhaps just read all the relevant posts, then voila!!You may have noticed that she asked me, or suggested to me about virility. Here let me show you how it arose, so that you have no excuse to ignore and cherry pick whatever supports your view....
No no, tell us how you really don't have a problem with women, paddoboy...

Do you have a black friend too?
I answered......
Wait, just one more, sorry. No I don't have a problem with women Bells, and never have. Even with the time many years ago, when I wore a younger man's clothes, and got slapped on the arse by some Blonde:p. And the couple of times I was happily seduced by sheilas that I fancied anyway. And have never really had any problem with the woman I have been married to for 42 years, despite her being very religious. Other relationships with women over the years have been non consequential as has been my relationship with many blokes also. But then, I'm a really nice bloke Bells, who actually makes friends very easily, but who despises bullies of all persuasions, both male and female.Thankfully, I don't know you at all, except you seem to fit into that female bullying category, going on your posts of course. :rolleyes:
Bells said.....
Is this meant to be a testament to your virility or something?
I answered.......
You asked me the following question Bells....
"No no, tell us how you really don't have a problem with women, paddoboy"..
I'm simply answering it, and showing in the process, that your heavily biased opinion of me, is nothing more then emotional crap.
And with regards to my virility Bells, actually quite adequate for an old bastard, and no need to take any of the little blue pills as yet. :p But I do prefer to keep the conversation above the navel Bells.
Get the picture James? If I were you and as I suggested, you need to talk to your fellow mod about keeping the conversation above the navel.

I actually expected you to see it that way James, but you and/or Bells are neither the be all and end all of ethics, morality and/or Justice.
ps: Also nice to see you cunningly change the name of this thread, not that I'm concerned too much about that. :smile:
Some advice: you might want to quit this appalling excuse for a thread now, rather than dig an even deeper hole for yourself. Totally up to you, of course.
No, at this time I'll continue to point out the lies being pushed simply because I have had the audacity to recognise a couple of low life women, based on their deeds.
This actually made me burst out laughing. Spot-on!
Hey my gutless one, I'm there, you have yet to get there! And lacking the intestinal fortitude that you have often shown, I doubt you will.
No, at this time I'll continue to point out the lies being pushed simply because I have had the audacity to recognise a couple of low life women, based on their deeds.
What jerk you are.
Sometimes bad people lie about crimes. Sometimes men rape women and they lie and deny it! Men do that!!
Did I mention you're a jerk?
So since 2 women lied we should we not prosecute rape? Sexual assault typically has the lowest conviction rate of any violent crime. Do you think the conviction rate is still to high? Do you think we must protect the poor men from conniving women?
If I haven't mentioned it yet, you're a jerk.
Equally concerned are you? Because violence by women against men is as big a problem as violence by men against women, I suppose.

Why? Because the actions of one woman reflect on women in general? One criminal woman makes all women criminals? Every woman represents the sisterhood?
Violence by men against other men and women are certainly far greater then violence and/or lies by women against men. I have never suggested any different. Is this just raised by you to again muddy the waters? Are you aware that besides the other consequences of this bloke losing his job and his marriage being ended, he was also two weeks in can? Do you realize that if the cops had not have finally dragged out of her that she was lying about the whole issue, he may have spent a lot more time in jail.
If a women or another man for that matter accused anyone of any serious crime is wrong in the extreme. Sexual assault or rape is also wrong in the extreme. Both can have serious consequences.
My OP simply was highlighting this issue...nothing more, nothing less, and I suggest you go back and read it again.
Any person inflicting harm or potential harm on another purposely is a lowlife and arsehole...no matter what gender. If this thread had of been about Robert "Dolly"Dunn, it would barely have raised a mention from either you or Bells or Tiassa for that matter. But it didn't. It * shock, horror* was concerned about false allegations by women against men, and taken in conjunction with the age of womens equality. Go read the OP again James.
What jerk you are.
Sometimes bad people lie about crimes. Sometimes men rape women and they lie and deny it! Men do that!!
Did I mention you're a jerk?
If I haven't mentioned it yet, you're a jerk.
I hope one day some lowlife female accuses you of rape. That may really test your mettle!
Have a good day brown noser!