Public Hanging in Iran of serial child-killer.


Registered Senior Member

I'm utterly revolted by this thing, not because the perpertrator does not deserve a punishment as severe as the one he received, but because doing it in public in front of what is practically a lynch mob is not only barbaric, it reveals a totally ugly side of humanity better left unexplored.

Children were apparently present at this event, which someone was good enough to disapprove of.

This is the kind of thing I find it impossible to have a relativistic view of - the Sharia law which determined this kind of punishment is just plain wrong. It is barbaric, inhuman (for what it does to the rest of us, not just the perpertrator) and should never have survived to the 21st Century.
I agree with you that its disgusting and wrong, but the child serial killer is a pretty ugly side of humanity too. Plus, Iran is a primitive society so you can't apply the same standards to them until they've been educated like us.
That’s just down right wrong.
They should kill their criminals in the humane ways we use here in the good old USA, man.

Those people are backwards.
We should pre-emptively attack them before they spread that sort of stuff all over Africa and Europe.
Next thing you know you have Iranians telling us how to kill our own citizens.

We know how to kill. We’ve proved it in Iraq.
We’re a warrior people.
We send our metal planes in the air, with potbellied, old foggy pilots that press buttons and kill things.
That’s the good old American warrior spirit.

We even got women killing. There’s nothing like a 5 foot woman bringing down a 200 lbs man with an M16.
We’re tough hombres.

We come from good stock. We conquered the west by slaughtering barbarians with bows and arrows. That’s how tough we are.
Good, tough God loving people, we are.
We kill at a distance and only when the other is weak and defenseless.
We’re Americans.
I think it's cool.
If it upsets you, just remember he brought it on himself. He deserves whatever outlandishly vile form of torture the most creatively twisted mind could dare to come up with.
For he is one of the most low down disgusting kinds of people on the planet.
Oh, my heart weeps at the vision of this atrocity of a human being.

And wasn't he like a serial child killer or something as well? Thats a crime in itself.
The trial took place in secret. It could be a very good way of getting rid of someone they disliked for other reasons and making it look as if they've solved the crimes.
Silas said:

I'm utterly revolted by this thing, not because the perpertrator does not deserve a punishment as severe as the one he received, but because doing it in public in front of what is practically a lynch mob is not only barbaric, it reveals a totally ugly side of humanity better left unexplored.

Children were apparently present at this event, which someone was good enough to disapprove of.

This is the kind of thing I find it impossible to have a relativistic view of - the Sharia law which determined this kind of punishment is just plain wrong. It is barbaric, inhuman (for what it does to the rest of us, not just the perpertrator) and should never have survived to the 21st Century.

why?i find it revolting that they electrocute people in america,i'd rather be hung than electrocuted,i think that everyone who agrees with the death penalty should have to watch it being carried out.
There are those who think it's wrong for us to try to force our culture and morality onto others ...that we should accept other cultures and morals. In fact, I think that there are some right here on this forum.

What do we say to those people with regard to this public execution?

Baron Max
This is awful! Nobody should ever hurt anyone else, hurting people is bad! Why, if we hurt people, then we're hurting people! And hurting people is wrong!

Remember, avoiding pain at all costs is worth everything!
Its not about pain Xev...its about preserving human dignity.

Dignity != absence of pain
When will someone comment on the poor spectators? Did anyone even consider for an instant that watching a hanging is nothing compared to stoning someone to death. Or ripping them apart with your bare hands and taking a scrap of flesh home for the scrap book.

What ever happened to mob justice?
Fuck hanging. It's so.... civilized.
Xerxes said:
Its not about pain Xev...its about preserving human dignity.

Dignity != absence of pain

And a convicted serial killer, who preyed on 20 or so little children by luring them into the desert with candy... drugged them, tortured them and had sex with each one several times, and then killed them and buried them in shallow graves deserves human dignity.

There are some people, and some circumstances where people have violently removed themselves from humanity, and therefore are not entitled to any such niceness from our society.

I see nothing wrong with what was done. We cannot condemn someone elses culture and morals that we do not understand without first fixing our own fucked up system.
It is about the dignity of the spectators, not the child-killer.
If they want to stay home, I'm pretty sure nobody is forcing them to go watch.
And a convicted serial killer, who preyed on 20 or so little children by luring them into the desert with candy... drugged them, tortured them and had sex with each one several times, and then killed them and buried them in shallow graves deserves human dignity.

By denying him basic human dignity we stoop to his intellectual level. Don't confuse this with condoning his actions.

There are some people, and some circumstances where people have violently removed themselves from humanity, and therefore are not entitled to any such niceness from our society.

This is what I call 'Benevolent Dictatorship Syndrome'. BDS for short.

People with BDS believe that their moral standards of entitlement for things like dignity are superior to none at all (ie unconditional entitlement to basic dignity..) Of course, you could say I'm guilty too :m:

We cannot condemn someone elses culture and morals that we do not understand without first fixing our own fucked up system.
Your fucked up system. There is no capital punishment in Canada. I'll agree with you in principle for this one though. Its their society.

Cole Grey,
If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?
Xerxes said:
I agree with you that its disgusting and wrong, but the child serial killer is a pretty ugly side of humanity too. Plus, Iran is a primitive society so you can't apply the same standards to them until they've been educated like us.
I'd like to point out that I did not post this thread in order to encourage the view that Iran is a so-called "primitive society". As a matter of fact from what I've heard this is the opposite of the truth. Of course, every society has its bloodthirsty element (ref: the mob who gathered outside a man's house in England because of his vile crimes against children. How did they know he committed crimes against children? Because he had a brass plate on his wall which said "Paediatrician".) However, Iran is certainly a civilised country which unfortunately happens to be in the grip of religious law.
Xerxes said:
By denying him basic human dignity...

Where did that guy get his "basic human dignity"?

And didn't he give up some of his "basic human dignity" when he committed those horrendous crimes? Or did his "basic human dignity" remain all during the horrors of his crimes and afterward, too?

Is his "basic human dignity" the same as my "basic human dignity"? Or, say, the pope's "basic human dignity"?

How much does this "basic human dignity" cost? And can I buy some at, say, Wal-Mart or Eckerds?

Baron Max
Hanging the guy is one thing, and we could have an argument about whether the death penalty is ever justified, but let's leave that for now.

Why a public hanging? What is gained by public punishment (if anything), do you think? Who benefits?
Baron Max,
Like IQ points, human dignity cannot be bartered. Even the lower end of humanity is born with it. *cough*

I'd like to point out that I did not post this thread in order to encourage the view that Iran is a so-called "primitive society".
I'd put Iran someplace around pre-revolutionary France. Theyve already encountered the rennaissance but have yet to shed the skin of a primitive society. Government is the last to go.
Xerxes said:
..., human dignity cannot be bartered. Even the lower end of humanity is born with it.

The "lower end of humanity"??? Those four little words sure as hell say a lot and speak very damned loudly, don't they! :)

Baron Max