Public Executions - Wrong or Right?

I think it would be

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James R.:

James R
Just this guy, you know? (11,499 posts)
Yesterday, 12:10 AM #20

“ Huh? So you like evil men? You want to keep them within the midst of society? Why? ”

I don't believe in the religious concept of "evil" or "acts of Satan" or whatever.

You claim that evil is a religious concept. As evil is a synonym of "wrong" and "immoral", this implies that you are an amoralist. Unelss you say only that "evil" is religious, whereas immorality and wrongness is somehow different?
No, as that is fake.

Their is a bit show and all and franckley that's the point isn't it. Their are many different ways to kill a person aftherall. Shooting someone in the head that's abouth to set of a bomb somewhere seems perfectlley acceptable in a public place but keeping someone in a cell for 10 years and then giving hem a sedative and a lethal injection seems somewhat stupid. If your really wanted to kill someone slowly it's better to lock him up in the basement and hit him with a hammer ones a couple of days and who does that latley
James R.:

Of innocent people? Certainly not. I find that revolting. However, I find the death of evil men to be quite wonderful to see. The satisfaction of justice in action.

Baron Max:

It'd fix social security with its funds, that's for sure.
Innocent or not, no one should enjoy seeing a man die, it's a murderers motive and you can't know or judge if he actually did it or not. (excluding Saddams case...)

And after all, he is a human that have wandered this earth like you have, seen the world like you have etc., we should feel sad that this man destroyed himself so utterly!
The show helps show the public that we all take law seriously.

Yes, when you commit a crime in america you better make sure you do it in the District of Columbia. (Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin).

Still it's better then ending up in a organ shopping basket in China I gues.
Now that's a relevant quistion if you were dying because of organ failure and had tons of money, would you go to China to buy yourself to buy yourself a nice death convict with nice healthy organs aftherall worms are sutch a waist?
Surely, they die when they are being cut open, don't they?

I mean, I hardly imagine that after being shot and immediatly cut into, that they are going to survive more than a few seconds.

But yes, China does have a policy of executing for rather low-level crimes. But hey, if it works for them, it works for them.
I mean, I hardly imagine that after being shot and immediatly cut into, that they are going to survive more than a few seconds.

I don't think anybody cares enough to find this out.

The point is that you proberly would enjoy a public execution a lot more if the criminal for example grinded your daughter then for example if the criminal was raped and therefore had to be stoned to death
doesn't it?
i feel every sophomore in high school should be required to watch 2 electric chair executions.
i've seen video of one and it was GHASTLY to say the least.