Psychic Paranoia

Any psychic phenomonon can be proven to exist or not exist. This is Randi's claim, and it is a very strong position to hold. This is why your whole explaination falls to bits. If you have a psychic experience, what is it?

Quite a few things actually, and i am being 100% honest.

1) Two ghosts,
2) I have had Lucid Dreaming plenty of times, which is considered at best a phenom of science
3) I have had quite a few dreams that have come true as well... totally bizarre situations that wouldn't normally occur.

This for me is proof that some mystical force surrounds our psyche, and that sometimes we can tap into this realm.
But to say you can prove these things, seems beyond our technology, and even perhaps human conceptual understanding of exactly what constitutes a psychic phenom.