Psychic Paranoia

The CIA used to have a program with "psychics" attempting to remotely view various targets. They cancelled it some time ago, because the program was crap and it was run by nutjobs (no surprise there). However, I believe it was still running as of a few years ago, and I seriously wonder whether maybe these were the guys who claimed they had smoking gun proof of Iraqi WMD's. Bush definitely wouldn't want to tell the world "uh, we know Iraq has WMD's because a psychic told us so."
There are few on this site who would use it for bad means only, but speaking all sophisticated like, the term psychic is in fact used in this sense. But my point: is it really meant to be used for the bad? My opinion is that the reverse of your story could occur: An elledged unbeliever of psychic phenomenon is intoxicated by other peoples natural vibes and what occures is eventually the person becomes so intoxicated that he pukes and gets a feeling of uneasyness. Uneasyness caused by improper invasion of personal rights.

Of course, what then goes on to happen is that the person starts to question what is occuring and it becomes natural for him or her to try and control it. Eventually you're going to be reading backwards and forwards at the same time trying to puzzle together what it is that keeps the universe running.
You should check out James Randi's site, this kind of quackery is rampant around the world. Check out the whole spiel with Sylvia Browne, a very popular American TV "psychic". She's made all kinds of ridiculous screwups in the past, including falsely informing a family that their missing son was dead (he was found several months later, in a completely different location from where Browne had told the cops to search). CNN ran an expose on her, in which all her claimed past successes that she had cited to back her credibility were shown to be essentially invented or misreported. She's messed up basic historical facts in order to try and weave convincing bullsh*t tales for the public, and even her ex-husband has ratted her out. Yet the American public continues to obediently lap up this nasty old lady's drool as if she were a prophet sent from heaven.

Come on people, we're not a bunch of 10 years olds!!! We don't believe in Santa Claus anymore, and when frauds are clearly exposed for what they are to anyone who even bothers to peek at the evidence, we don't believe in them either. And anyone coming along thereafter with similar stories, we should be skeptical and on guard. It's like buying a used car- you want to test and investigate the claims, not get suckered into swallowing a pile of dog crap.

Of course, psychic claimants and frauds are only one example of the nonsense people are willing to buy into. I'll bet you that belief in various kinds of spiritual healers will drop down to near zero when science eventually finds cheap and effective ways to cure the ailments these healers pretend to. It's all about desperation and needing to believe in something better than what's currently available.
good point.
But it is also worth considering the skepticism as important in a skeptical sense only. Claims of psychic and the self determination of individuals and things are important to consider durring this skeptical POV you speak of. Especially considering science doesn't talk about self determination and things of this nature; posession, etc; it is all about what the individual is capable of, durring their worst of times, durring those who suffer the most from some of these claims.

So there are some valid expressions of telepathy as far as goes backing some of the claims up with a reason. A good reason I mean of course.

Without such things as telepathy being considered we wouldn't have members like Quantum Quack pretending to express things of the time continuium being under his control. Full beliefe in such things and an undertaking of them willingly is insane. Fully. And I am all for all the skepticism because I wish to see what is true and what is false; as I have had far too similar experiences myselrf.
Psychic ability exists. It's just a matter of getting the material experimentation to work in correlation with the experience itself, and that seems to be quite difficult indeed.
hah. I know "psychic" 'ability' exists Reiku. It isn't a matter of proving what is already true. The skepticism will always be required for me at least however.
Why should you be skeptical friend? Trust what you know, and sense. If you cannot, then you will never be 100%, and quite possibly, never actually come to know the true definition of the power itself.
Why should you be skeptical friend? Trust what you know, and sense. If you cannot, then you will never be 100%, and quite possibly, never actually come to know the true definition of the power itself.


Let me word this out for you.

It is important to be skeptical. What I know and sense, I already know what it is that I am sensing. However, I cannot simiply say what I am experiencing, as to do so, would make one disbelieve. There is no such thing as proving something to someone who will deny it. I do not want to know 100% that psychic ability exists. There is no psychic ability that exists that someone unless they are considered as a "true" psychic, has, that exercises it. More than likly they are a fake. I am considered to be the arguer of psychic ability on this site along with ozzie and also the member Quantum Quack who hasn't exactly argued in favor to such an extent as I have. I have had psychic experiences, but they are also more centered around delusion and things so that they are to question. So I don't really talk about them. Hearts beating in line with other peoples hearts, trying to kill someone due to power issues and such; do not deserve such humiliation as to be expressed as psychic. Nor the reading of other minds or thought broadcasting. Thought broadcasting is schizophrenic, even if the delusioins incorperatie themselves into s omeones behaviors!

Comming to terms withi psychic power is sounding in your post like you are entirely unknowing of psychi ability.
I'm not sure which is less credible, a psychic who does cold reading or the person who falls for it.
It is a power is it not, one that certain individuals do not seem to have? Just like one can be said to have the power of thought... so let's reflect on this.

If i did not trust the power of thought, i would find myself lost all the time. Granted, i can be unsure sometimes about a thought, which would make some experiences unsure as well, but to hold onto each thought as something uncertain, then i would be uncertain of my mentality all of the time...
It is a power is it not, one that certain individuals do not seem to have? Just like one can be said to have the power of thought... so let's reflect on this.

If i did not trust the power of thought, i would find myself lost all the time. Granted, i can be unsure sometimes about a thought, which would make some experiences unsure as well, but to hold onto each thought as something uncertain, then i would be uncertain of my mentality all of the time...
It is a power is it not, one that certain individuals do not seem to have?

Interestint question. Unfortunately, there are no proven psychics. It depends upon your perspective is my main point in this post.

Certain individuals do not have psychic powers. There is no such things as "psychic powers" that a "person has". All they have is vibes. We are talking at a higher level than this. Most of the psychic threads on this site are irreleavant and useless. This one could actually lead somewhere, however.........

Why do they only have just vibes? That is all that a psychic does, is picks up on the natural abilities. There is IMO no paranomal lifting or bending of spoons as QQ would have it.

You won't be unsure of your mentality if your mentality was delusional or that you thought that it was real. Psychic ability is for buffons.
Despite how important the issue is.
If what we call pyschic ability as vibes, then we must find it very difficult to tune into the correct vibes.

For me, i have found, by trusting vibes, have led to paranormal experiences.
If what we call pyschic ability as vibes, then we must find it very difficult to tune into the correct vibes.

For me, i have found, by trusting vibes, have led to paranormal experiences.

Yes. That is precisely the position of psychic buffons as I have presented above. Perhaps if you believe you have had some "psychic experiences" then you should first state what they are, as more than likly, they will be entirely dismissed.

Well, it could be argued they are beyond explanation, and therefore, can never be proven universally. It may remain a phenom that resides simply and secretely to one observer alone, or shared by more at any one time.
Well, it could be argued they are beyond explanation, and therefore, can never be proven universally. It may remain a phenom that resides simply and secretely to one observer alone, or shared by more at any one time.

Any psychic phenomonon can be proven to exist or not exist. This is Randi's claim, and it is a very strong position to hold. This is why your whole explaination falls to bits. If you have a psychic experience, what is it?
Everybody is a psychic at one time or another. People who are capable of discerning that which is most likely to happen are psychic. Psychic in this sense is not a gift, nor is it spiritual or supernatural. It is merely understanding history, the law of averages and human behavior. That and more contribute to what has the most likelihood of happening.

Because you are dealing with odds, a psychic is never 100%.We only remember correct predictions. A professional psychic will make sure of that.