Psychic dog experiment...puzzling results

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Aye.

Canine explorers: what the fuck's going on there then, eh!
no I just misspelled it

Hmm. Most paranormal investigation seems to look at telekinesis, which I understand to be movement of objects by thought alone, and guessing hidden images.

The scenario I describe would seem to be some kind of telepathy, not telekinesis. In the experiments I described, I deliberately focussed my thoughts towards the dog and in the English language.

Incidently, the dog was located around 500 meters away from me at the time of the experiment.
Incidently, the dog was located around 500 meters away from me at the time of the experiment.

But could he have seen you or was downwind from you? Dogs have very keen eyesight as well as smell, perhaps one of those two things could have influenced the dog. A better test would be to just stand at the front of the building where the dog can neither see or smell you and see if it comes and unlocks the door or opens the door for you.;)
But could he have seen you or was downwind from you? Dogs have very keen eyesight as well as smell, perhaps one of those two things could have influenced the dog. A better test would be to just stand at the front of the building where the dog can neither see or smell you and see if it comes and unlocks the door or opens the door for you.;)

As both of us were in closed rooms, and all the odours in the area would have been completely masked by the odour of poultry and pig muck, I doubt if the dog could have a cat in hell's chance of smelling me,
As both of us were in closed rooms, and all the odours in the area would have been completely masked by the odour of poultry and pig muck, I doubt if the dog could have a cat in hell's chance of smelling me,

Not so, dogs live in a world of smell; just look at the amount of time they spend sniffing. How about dogs trained to smell all sorts of stuff inside suitcases at airports and dogs that can unswervingly follow a scent for miles, ignoring all other scents in the process.
Yep, dogs' sense of smell is unbefuckinglievable.

Dogs do have extraordinary senses in many areas, I don't know if this extends to telekinesis but it sure seems that way with some of their abilities.
Their homing sense and mental image mapping system is just fucking freaky.
Just to put some things straight. The dog always showed a statistically signifcant response, corresponding to my attempted thought transfer at a distance of 500 m. No sniffer dog can detect drugs at 500 m as far as I'm aware, so I'd be very surprised if this could account for the consistently observed results.
Psychic dogs are 10 a penny.
As for cats, more are psychic than not.

I once knew a man with a psychic dong.
He could tell if a woman would go to bed with him
by the metaphysical reverberations of his member.
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