Psychic dog experiment...puzzling results

Alan A Keeling

Registered Member
I have a dog called Dylan. He is absolutely normal. In 2005 I took part (with about 6 other people) in a carefully controlled university experiment to determine whether the dog could sense my return to collect him from an unfamiliar, isolated room. I repeated this a number of times and on several occasions I tried to 'actively transfer' my thoughts to the dog, that I was about to pick him up.

A couple of months later I got a phone call from my colleague who had designed and set up the trial, saying, 'would you be prepared to appear in a BBC documentary'. Why? I asked. He replied that the experiments with my dog showed he was significantly able to sense when I was going to collect him (P< 0.01), but only on the occasions when I had attempted thought transfer. I should add that no other dog/owner experiments gave any statistically significant results.

What does this mean? How would you interpret all this? The experiment was perfectly valid and well randomised with no prior knowledge on my part or the project leader.

Am I psychic? Is the dog psychic? Or is this one of those occasions where statistics simply lie?

Did you agree to appear in the documentary? What's it called and when was/will it be shown? Which department of which university conducted the research? Are there any articles online summarising it?
The documentary was indeed made in 2005 by the BBC for one of their 'Inside Out' programmes. This was all done before the University 'authorities' realised it. I have reason to believe that the results were suppressed to avoid embarrassment, and they haven't yet been published. Original press releases have been deleted from internet sites.

It was all a very strange experience.
And you say which blushing dept. of which university was involved? Did your dog show any psychic tendencies before or after the study? And what do you make of it all?
Whilst looking for info on this, I came across this:

Dogged mourner tracks down master

A dedicated dog has completed a four-mile pilgrimage to find the grave of his master.

Spot, a border collie, escaped from his new owners' home - appropriately named Dunroamin' - in Macclesfield, Cheshire, to embark on his quest.

The grieving animal dodged traffic as he crossed busy main roads on his trek to find the grave of farmer Denis Goodier, 73.

Echoing the classic tale of Greyfriars Bobby - the hound who doggedly refused to leave his master's tomb - Spot was eventually discovered lying on the grave in St James' Church, in the village of Sutton, near Macclesfield.

Mr Goodier's widow Margaret said Spot had never been to the grave as she had found the animal a new home immediately after her husband's death, which followed a long illness.
Most interesting. Explanation, anyone? The rational explanation, of course, is that this hound smelt the stench of its master's rapidly-decomposing corpse from four miles away, through six feet of earth and a coffin lid, yes?
Everyone knows that you snuck the dog in a cell phone and texted him when he was locked up and told him you were coming so he would react!
Alan most likely its a coincidence, however if such were true you would be telekenetic

Well, he certainly gives a moving account. I would personally be wary of making a judgement based on the behaviour of one dog. Also there is insufficient information to enable one to arrive at a firm cinclusion.

The story reminds me of a horse, clever Hans, which was claimed to be ableto count by its German owner. It could also do simple sums when asked by its owner but not anyone else. After lots of speculation and experiments, it was discovered that the horse was picking up subtle signals fron its owner.
I drove out of my driveway & noticed a dog walking along the sidewalk. As I continued to watch in my rear view mirror I thought to myself, 'I bet that Mutt is going to crap on my lawn". I don't know if I somehow telepathically communicated this to the dog but no sooner after I thought it then he did just that.

Psychic dog or one looking for a place to shit?
I drove out of my driveway & noticed a dog walking along the sidewalk. As I continued to watch in my rear view mirror I thought to myself, 'I bet that Mutt is going to crap on my lawn". I don't know if I somehow telepathically communicated this to the dog but no sooner after I thought it then he did just that.

Psychic dog or one looking for a place to shit?

obviously psychic! :p

Because live dogs are sold by Korean street vendors for food it would be pertinent for a dog to telepathically send a message that it tastes bad. Unfortunately this message has never gotten through to a hungry buyer.
I drove out of my driveway & noticed a dog walking along the sidewalk. As I continued to watch in my rear view mirror I thought to myself, 'I bet that Mutt is going to crap on my lawn". I don't know if I somehow telepathically communicated this to the dog but no sooner after I thought it then he did just that.

Psychic dog or one looking for a place to shit?

I bet you enjoyed picking it up, or is it still there. I need a psychic horse to shit on my roses. Any suggestions ?
When I first met my (now ex) wife, she was living about 7 or 8 kilometres away.
My dog had been to her place once ( asleep in my car).
When I came home one night and my dog wasn't around, I called the new woman to tell her and she told me he was sitting on her front lawn. ( six lane highway between the two locales also)
Strange, yes, true, yes, telekinetic, I'm not sure.

p.s this dog was extraordinary in many ways, lived a long and checkered life and even his exit was shrouded in a little mystery. He was old and arthritic and as winter approached again, he was feeling a lot of pain. I promised myself that at the first frost I would take him to the vet for euthenasia. He disappeared to die on the night of the first frost of the year.
I'm not joining the dots but the dots were there.