Psychic ability in the workplace

Looking past your nonsensical posts about generations and rubber stamps (what generation do you think I belong to, anyway?), I still don't see evidence, data, or the citations to the documentation that you stated exists.

Without providing these, it is very clear that you are either deluded or lying when it comes to your claim of being psychic.
I feel the topic changed from developing some skills within the workplace to the question as to the authenticity of "psychic ability". The point of the post was to develop a life skill in work place relations. Not having a psychic on hand at the workstation but for people to realize there are some resources they can use and call upon during moments of conflict within their environment. A psychic in my view is better termed as a life coach, one who can make us think about something we normally don't. It is not whether you believe in the psychic world it is more the belief of taking another thought process into consideration.

p.s. I wrote an article on the very subject at that might elaborate further on this thread.
If you want to develop a skill in the workplace, doesn't it help if the skill actually exists? Otherwise, you wasting your employer's time and money and reducing productivity.

A better life skill to teach in the workplace would be CPR.
It's ironic that what I see on the screen infront of me directly interferes with what is going on in my life.
I mean, if what skinwalker were saying were true that these skills don't exist- if that somehow were true....

I can't say it any other way and it should be believed on that alone.
Can you put skills into words? Can I type up a series of words that have you believing that I have some sort of semantical skill which you can't Deny?

Skinwalker you are denying that which I experience.
Skinwalker you are denying that which I suffer.
Skinwalker you are denying the fact that I have a skill that I need to get worked out so I can go into the workplace.

That is non-sence if you ask me, mr historian.
I deny a lot of the silliness that people think they experience. I'm a skeptic. But I don't deny that you might have an "experience" that you perceive. I just don't think its actually a psychic one.

There are many neurological conditions that anyone can experience for a variety of reasons that produce the perception or sensation of the fantastic. These perceptions and sensations are nearly always limited to the individual, however, and rarely shared by others around you. If that's the case, then what is occurring isn't necessarily "psychic" but neurological. And, if the latter, I mean that in no pejorative manner, I assure you.

I would like to point out 3 key things that EB stated:

Skinwalker you are denying that which I experience.
Skinwalker you are denying that which I suffer.
Skinwalker you are denying the fact that I have a skill that I need to get worked out so I can go into the workplace.

I have heard these very same objections from people with schizophrenia. Assuming this is the same case, Brent needs to ground his experiences in something... religion, paranormal, psychic, etc. because he wants to be 'functional'. Taking the position "Hey I realize my experience is internally generated", while true, might not be a position that can support him being functional so grounding in an alternative to truth is a superior option if it gains him functionality.

Try an understand it from his perspective (again assuming that I am not completely off in my observation), when he sees an emotional reaction in someone or has his own emotional reaction, he not only gets the normal mirror neuron effect that 'normal' people do, he also gets some resulting audio (possibly more) hallucination which strengthens the emotional message. If he sees a sad look on someones face he might literally hear "I feel sad". If he is driving and someone honks at him he might feel like the other person wants revenge and all of a sudden he might literally hear "you fucker!"... which might actually correspond what the person honking might be feeling.
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geezus crunchy cat, you're like an attacka.

i know what i go through very well and know that a psychic realm exists.
i won't elaborate further , though. don't feel like it. think you all is dumbies.
i have heard it all before blah blah
i know it all blah blah
if it were real i would know blah blah

you must know all there is to know then

yeah and you think "we" have not heard all that before LMAO
revil in your self appointed authority as it gives you all the medals you crave soo dearly.
Which brings us back to my counter assertion that you are either lying or deluded. I see no other probable outcome.

But, add to the hallmark of woo-woo's and pseudoscience nutters: the liberal use of color in forums.
geezus crunchy cat, you're like an attacka.

i know what i go through very well and know that a psychic realm exists.
i won't elaborate further , though. don't feel like it. think you all is dumbies.

I'm not trying to attack you Brent. I am trying to show Skin that your value system might be a necessary step to fully function in society given your 'experiences'.
i have heard it all before blah blah
i know it all blah blah
if it were real i would know blah blah

you must know all there is to know then

yeah and you think "we" have not heard all that before LMAO
revil in your self appointed authority as it gives you all the medals you crave soo dearly.

Good lord, what are you blabbering about?
Would you classify yourself as having some artistic capabilities either in music, literature or other expressive arts?

I question this as you come across as the type of guy that would fit into an artisan environment and probably why your looking more towards 'Expressionism' than 'Parapsychology'.
Thank you Stryder, finally someone who will over look all the attacking i have to back off of.

And that blathering ....
is bullshit.
Just as crunchy cat came off with.

ANd crunchy cat....
You are wrong in your perception of me. Infact, your perception is totally wrong about me. You are missing many many details, unfortunately.
ANd crunchy cat....
You are wrong in your perception of me. Infact, your perception is totally wrong about me. You are missing many many details, unfortunately.

Well I certainly never asserted I was correct. It seems like you have an opportunity to fill in those missing details.
As you can see I have a post rating of about seven. I joined this group thinking that there would be quite some good topical discussion. What I have seen has been nothing short of ego's being bandered around. The response of "psychic ability is it real" is to me quite unrealistic. The thread of the post has not asked for every preacher on this group to come along and force their opinions of disbelief. That being the case go and answer a post that you believe in and let us morons go about our lives in peace. To put my last piece here I would suggest that SkinWalker starts to learn to keep his opinions to himself and get off that little soap box he is on. Egos don't work with me so to the group goodbye, delete bookmark ---going going gone.
As you can see I have a post rating of about seven. I joined this group thinking that there would be quite some good topical discussion. What I have seen has been nothing short of ego's being bandered around. The response of "psychic ability is it real" is to me quite unrealistic. The thread of the post has not asked for every preacher on this group to come along and force their opinions of disbelief. That being the case go and answer a post that you believe in and let us morons go about our lives in peace. To put my last piece here I would suggest that SkinWalker starts to learn to keep his opinions to himself and get off that little soap box he is on. Egos don't work with me so to the group goodbye, delete bookmark ---going going gone.

the reason why this para and psudo boards have fallen into this state is because of lack of moderation.
the rampent abuse and spamming by haters is unchallenged by the administration, thus
the majority of the actual REAL intellectuals have long since left this site
it is now almost exclusively the play ground of the dysfunctional teen rebel and the delusional single minded middle aged mid life crissis male.

Rampent ego dysfunction screams from most of them.
As you note, which quite clearly defines the extreem lack of intellectual ability and easily formulate the future value of the site.
a mild passing interest like watching a teenage soap opera of spoilt little children.
Hey, you're the one making wild claims of magical abilities like you're one of the X-Men or something.

This is the pseudoscience section of a science board, friend. It's here that we discuss the impact of pseudoscience on science and education in modern society. It isn't an open invitation for nutters to come and toss about their wild claims and get pats on the back.
I deny a lot of the silliness that people think they experience. I'm a skeptic. But I don't deny that you might have an "experience" that you perceive. I just don't think its actually a psychic one.

There are many neurological conditions that anyone can experience for a variety of reasons that produce the perception or sensation of the fantastic. These perceptions and sensations are nearly always limited to the individual, however, and rarely shared by others around you. If that's the case, then what is occurring isn't necessarily "psychic" but neurological. And, if the latter, I mean that in no pejorative manner, I assure you.

You now presented a theory about the causes of his experiences. It is untested. There is no onus on you to go out and test your theory or really guess at this stage. On the other hand, that's all it is. A guess based on your intuition. now that you have said that, why not drop it. I don't think you have anything more to add.